Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: IDE Quick Start Tutorial

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Updated: October 2014

Using Hyperlinks

Hyperlink navigation lets you jump from the invocation of a class, method, variable, or constant to its declaration, and from its declaration to its definition. Hyperlinks also let you jump from a method that is overridden to the method that overrides it, and the reverse.

  1. In the file of the Quote_1 project, mouse over line 37 while pressing Ctrl. The ComputeSupportMetric function is highlighted and an annotation displays information about the function.

    image:Editor window with annotation for function
  2. Click the hyperlink and the editor jumps to the definition of the function.

    image:Editor window
  3. Mouse over the definition while pressing Ctrl, and click the hyperlink. The editor jumps to the declaration of the function in the cpu.h header file.

  4. Click the left arrow in the editor tool bar and the editor jumps back to the definition in

  5. Hover the mouse cursor over the green circle image:green circle icon in the left margin and see the annotation that indicates that this method overrides another method.

    image:Editor window with override annotation
  6. Click the green circle to go to the overridden method and the editor jumps to the module.h header file, which shows a gray circle in the margin to indicate the method is overridden.

  7. Click the gray circle and the editor displays a list of methods that override this method.

    image:Editor window with methods list
  8. Click the Cpu::ComputerSupportMetric item and the editor jumps back to the declaration of the method in the cpu.h header file.