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Oracle Solaris 11.1 Information Library (Français) Updated: 2014-02-28

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Notes de version Oracle Solaris 11.1   Les notes de version d'Oracle Solaris 11.1 décrivent les problèmes importants d'installation, de mise à jour et d'exécution que vous devez prendre en considération avant l'installation ou l'exécution du système d'exploitation (SE) Oracle Solaris 11.1Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 Release Notes (English)   The Oracle Solaris 11.1 Release Notes describes the important installation issues, update issues, and runtime issues that you might need to consider before installing or running the Oracle Solaris 11.1 operating system (OS).Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 – Nouveautes  Ce document met en évidence les nombreuses modifications survenues depuis l'introduction d'Oracle Solaris 11 11/11.
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What's New in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Identifies important changes in this release.
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Liste des retraits de fonctionnalités Oracle Solaris 11.1  Cette section répertorie les fonctionnalités qui sont susceptibles d'être supprimées dans les prochaines versions d'Oracle Solaris.
Oracle Solaris 11.1 End-of-Feature (EOF) List (English)  Links to a page that identifies features that are being removed in this release.
Transition d’Oracle Solaris 10 vers Oracle Solaris 11  Ce manuel s'adresse aux personnes chargées de l'administration d'un ou de plusieurs systèmes exécutant le système d'exploitation (SE) Oracle Solaris. Il couvre plusieurs sujets relatifs à la transition de la version Oracle Solaris 10 vers la version Oracle Solaris 11.Download PDF
Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  This book is for anyone who is responsible for administering one or more systems that run the Oracle Solaris operating system (OS). This document covers multiple topics for transitioning from Oracle Solaris 10 to an Oracle Solaris 11 release .Download PDF

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Guide de démarrage rapide pour l'installation d'Oracle Solaris 11.1  Propose des liens rapides vers les options d'installation et des informations complémentaires à l'attention des utilisateurs existants.Download PDF
Quick Start Guide to Installing Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Flow-chart style quick guide to performing Oracle Solaris installation.Download PDF
Installation des systèmes Oracle Solaris 11.1  Ce guide fournit des instructions pour l'installation du système d'exploitation Oracle Solaris 11.1. Ce guide décrit la procédure d'installation à partir d'un média live, l'utilisation du programme d'installation en mode texte et comment effectuer les installations client sur le réseau.Download PDF
Installing Oracle Solaris 11.1 Systems (English)  This guide provides instructions for installing the Oracle Solaris 11.1 operating system. This guide describes how to install from live media, how to use the text installer, and how to perform client installations over the network.Download PDF
Mise à niveau vers Oracle Solaris 11.1  Indique comment mettre à niveau un système vers Oracle Solaris 11.1Download PDF
Upgrading to Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes how to upgrade a system to Oracle Solaris 11.1Download PDF
Initialisation et arrêt des systèmes Oracle Solaris 11.1  Décrit les tâches d'initialisation et d'arrêt d'un système Oracle Solaris. Inclut les questions relatives à l'initialisation qui s'appliquent aux plates-formes SPARC et x86.Download PDF
Booting and Shutting Down Oracle Solaris 11.1 Systems (English)  Describes tasks for booting and shutting down an Oracle Solaris system. Includes booting topics that apply to SPARC and x86 platforms.Download PDF
Ajout et mise à jour de packages logiciels Oracle Solaris 11.1  Ce document décrit la fonctionnalité Oracle Solaris Image Packaging System (IPS). L'outil IPS vous permet d'installer, mettre à niveau et gérer des packages de logiciels pour le système d'exploitation Oracle Solaris. IPS vous permet également de créer vos propres packages de logiciels, de créer et de gérer des référentiels de packages et de mettre en miroir des référentiels de packages existants.Download PDF
Adding and Updating Oracle Solaris 11.1 Software Packages (English)  This document describes the Oracle Solaris Image Packaging System (IPS) feature. IPS tools enable you to install, upgrade, and remove software packages for the Oracle Solaris operating system. IPS also enables you to create your own software packages, create and manage package repositories, and mirror existing package repositories.Download PDF
Création et administration d'environnements d'initialisation Oracle Solaris 11.1  Le guide Création et administration d'environnements d'initialisation Oracle Solaris 11.1 fournit des instructions relatives à la création et à l'administration de plusieurs environnements d'initialisation sur un système Oracle Solaris à l'aide de l'utilitaire beadm1M.Download PDF
Creating and Administering Oracle Solaris 11.1 Boot Environments (English)  Creating and Administering Oracle Solaris 11.1 Boot Environments provides instructions about using the beadm1M utility to create and administer multiple boot environments on your Oracle Solaris system.Download PDF
Création d'une image d'installation personnalisée d'Oracle Solaris 11.1  Ce guide fournit des instructions pour créer des images d'installation Oracle Solaris personnalisées avec le constructeur de distribution.Download PDF
Creating a Custom Oracle Solaris 11.1 Installation Image (English)  This guide provides instructions for using the distribution constructor tool to build custom Oracle Solaris installation images.Download PDF
Copie et création de référentiels de packages Oracle Solaris 11.1  Ce document décrit la copie, la mise à jour, la mise à disposition et la maintenance d'un référentiel de packages logiciels Oracle Solaris Image Packaging System (IPS).Download PDF
Copying and Creating Oracle Solaris 11.1 Package Repositories (English)  This document describes how to copy, update, make accessible, and maintain an Oracle Solaris Image Packaging System (IPS) software package repository.Download PDF
Transition de JumpStart d'Oracle Solaris 10 au programme d'installation automatisée d'Oracle Solaris 11  Ce manuel contient des informations pour vous aider à effectuer la migration de Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart vers le programme d'installation automatisée (AI) Oracle Solaris 11, deux fonctions d'installation automatisée d'Oracle Solaris. Download PDF
Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11 Automated Installer (English)  This book provides information to help you migrate from Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11 Automated Installer (AI), both of which are automated installation features of Oracle Solaris.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 Package List (English)  Lists and briefly describes packages that are installed by default by the different Oracle Solaris 11.1 installers.Download PDF
Using Image Packaging System (IPS) to Install and Update Software in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Links to animation that describes how to use IPS.

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Introduction à la mise en réseau Oracle Solaris 11  Ce manuel présente les concepts de mise en réseau implémentés dans Oracle Solaris 11. Il décrit la configuration de mise en réseau gérée par profil, où les modalités de configuration du réseau dépendent du type de profil activé sur le système. Il décrit également la pile réseau telle qu'elle est implémentée dans Oracle Solaris 11, où les couches matérielle et réseau sont séparées. Par conséquent, les nouvelles fonctionnalités, comme l'utilisation de noms personnalisés pour les liaisons de données et les interfaces IP prises en charge et la configuration des propriétés de liaison et d'interface, sont exécutées uniformément à l'aide des outils d'administration.Download PDF
Introduction to Oracle Solaris 11 Networking (English)  This book introduces networking concepts as implemented in Oracle Solaris 11. It describes profile-managed networking configuration, where the manner of network configuration depends on the type of profile that is activated on the system. The book also describes the network stack as it is implemented in Oracle Solaris 11, where the hardware and network layers are decoupled. Consequently, new features, such as use of customized names for datalinks and IP interfaces are supported, and configuration of link and interface properties are performed uniformly by using new administrative tools.Download PDF
Connexion de systèmes à l'aide d'une configuration réseau fixe dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Ce manuel décrit les tâches de configuration réseau réalisées à l'aide du profil DefaultFixed généré par le système. A l'aide de ce profil, vous pouvez définir des adresses IP statiques pour les systèmes. Configurez manuellement les systèmes avec les commandes dladm et ipadm.Download PDF
Connecting Systems Using Fixed Network Configuration in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  This book describes network configuration using the system-generated DefaultFixed profile. By using this profile, you configure the systems with static IP addresses. You manually configure the systems with the dladm and ipadm commands.Download PDF
Connexion de systèmes à l’aide d'une configuration réseau réactive dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Ce manuel décrit la configuration réseau à l'aide de profils réactifs. Dans une configuration réseau réactive, le système s'adapte automatiquement à la configuration du réseau sans nécessiter de reconfiguration manuelle. Vous pouvez configurer et gérer les profils à l'aide des commandes netcfg et netadm.Download PDF
Connecting Systems Using Reactive Network Configuration in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  This book describes network configuration by using reactive profiles. In a reactive network configuration, the system adjusts to the network setup automatically without requiring manual reconfiguration. You can configure and manage profiles by using the netcfg and netadm commands.Download PDF
Configuration et administration de réseaux Oracle Solaris 11.1  Ce manuel est destiné aux personnes chargées d'administrer des systèmes en réseau exécutant Oracle Solaris. Ce manuel part du principe que les configurations de base permettant de connecter les systèmes au réseau ont déjà été effectuées. Les procédures abordent la configuration des systèmes exécutant des fonctions spécifiques au sein de votre réseau, tels que les routeurs, les serveurs de configuration réseau, les tunnels, etc.Download PDF
Configuring and Administering Oracle Solaris 11.1 Networks (English)  This book is for anyone responsible for administering networked systems that run the Oracle Solaris. The book assumes that basic configurations have already been completed that connect the systems to the network. The procedures cover configuration of systems that perform specific functions within your network, such as routers, network configuration servers, tunnels, and so on.Download PDF
Sécurisation du réseau dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Explique comment sécuriser la couche liaison et la couche IP sur un réseau Oracle Solaris.Download PDF
Securing the Network in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Explains how to secure the link layer and IP layer on an Oracle Solaris network.Download PDF
Utilisation de DHCP dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  explique comment gérer le service DHCP pour configurer automatiquement le réseau pour un hôte lors de son démarrage.Download PDF
Working with DHCP in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes how to administer the DHCP service to automatically configure the network for a host while it boots.Download PDF
Utilisation de réseaux virtuels dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Ce manuel explique comment configurer les cartes d'interface réseau virtuelle pour créer les réseaux virtuels sur un seul système. Elle présente également des moyens de gérer l'utilisation des ressources réseau par différents processus pour une plus grande efficacité.Download PDF
Using Virtual Networks in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  This book explains how to configure virtual NICs to create virtual networks on a single system. It also discusses ways to manage the use of network resources by different processes for greater efficiency.Download PDF
Gestion des performances du réseau Oracle Solaris 11.1  Ce manuel explique comment procéder à la configuration avancée des liaisons de données et des interfaces IP en vue d'améliorer les performances du réseau, notamment en regroupant des liaisons, en utilisant des groupes de multipathing sur réseau IP, en mettant en oeuvre l'équilibrage de la charge intégré et en suivant d'autres méthodes.Download PDF
Managing Oracle Solaris 11.1 Network Performance (English)  This book explains how to further configure datalinks and IP interfaces to improve network performance, such as combining links into aggregations, using IP multipathing groups, using integrated load balancing, and other methods.Download PDF

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Gestion des comptes et environnements utilisateur dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Décrit la gestion des comptes et des environnements utilisateur.Download PDF
Managing User Accounts and User Environments in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes managing user accounts and user environments.Download PDF
Gestion des services et des pannes dans Oracle Solaris 11.1   explique comment gérer les services SMF et de la gestion des erreurs. Download PDF
Managing Services and Faults in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes how to manage SMF and fault management services.Download PDF
Gestion des informations système, des processus et des performances dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Décrit des tâches permettant de gérer les informations système et les processus, ainsi que de surveiller les performances.Download PDF
Managing System Information, Processes, and Performance in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes tasks for managing system information, processes, and monitoring performance.Download PDF
Configuration et gestion de l'impression dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Tâches de configuration et de gestion de l'impression.Download PDF
Configuring and Managing Printing in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes tasks for configuring and managing printing.Download PDF
Dépannage de problèmes courants dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Décrit le dépannage de problèmes sur les plates-formes SPARC et x86.Download PDF
Troubleshooting Typical Issues in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes troubleshooting issues on both SPARC and x86 platforms.Download PDF
Guide des environnements linguistiques internationaux pour Oracle Solaris 11.1  Ce manuel décrit les fonctionnalités relatives à l'internationalisation dans l'environnement d'exploitation Oracle Solaris 11.1. Ce manuel contient des informations importantes sur l'utilisation du logiciel Oracle Solaris 11.1 pour concevoir des produits logiciels prenant en charge diverses conventions linguistiques et culturelles. Il contient également des directives destinées aux développeurs sur l'utilisation d'Oracle Solaris 11 pour écrire des applications pour les marchés internationaux.L'euro est introduit, ainsi que des concepts tels que l'indépendance de jeux de codes (CSI), la prise en charge des claviers et les procédures de localisation du produit Solaris multilingue. D'autres rubriques abordent la prise en charge de l'impression pour les langues européennes et asiatiques, ainsi que les fonctionnalités de prise en charge locale de l'Unicode.
International Language Environments Guide for Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  This book describes internationalization features in the Oracle Solaris 11.1 operating environment. The book contains important information on how to use Oracle Solaris 11.1 software to build software products that support various languages and cultural conventions. This book also contains guidelines for developers on how to use Oracle Solaris 11 software to write applications for international markets.The Euro is introduced, along with such concepts as Codeset Independence (CSI, keyboard support, and how to localize the multilingual Solaris product. Other topics include printing support for European and Asian printing, and Unicode local support features.

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Introduction aux services réseau d'Oracle Solaris 11  Propose une vue d'ensemble des services réseau pris en charge par le système d'exploitation Oracle Solaris.Download PDF
Introduction to Oracle Solaris 11 Network Services (English)  Provides a overview of the network services supported by the Oracle Solaris operating system.Download PDF
Gestion des systèmes de fichiers NFS dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Décrit l'utilisation du service NFS pour permettre l'accès aux systèmes de fichiers sur le réseau. Download PDF
Managing Network File Systems in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes how to use the NFS service to provide access to file systems over the network.Download PDF
Gestion d'IPQoS (IP Quality of Service) dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Décrit l'utilisation du service IPQOS pour prendre en charge des services différenciés.Download PDF
Managing IP Quality of Service in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes how to use the IPQOS service to support differentiated services.Download PDF
Gestion des services Service Location Protocol dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Décrit l'utilisation du service SLP pour permettre la découverte de services dynamique.Download PDF
Managing Services Location Protocol Services in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes how to use the SLP service to enable dynamic service discovery.Download PDF
Gestion des services sendmail dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Décrit la procédure de configuration du service sendmail pour gérer la messagerie.Download PDF
Managing sendmail Services in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes how to configure the sendmail service to manage email.Download PDF
Gestion de réseaux série à l'aide d'UUCP et de PPP dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Décrit la procédure à effectuer pour activer les services PPP et UUCP pour assurer la mise en réseau série.Download PDF
Managing Serial Networks Using UUCP and PPP in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes how to enable the PPP and UUCP services to provide serial networking.Download PDF
Gestion des systèmes distants dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Décrit l'administration et l'utilisation du service FTP pour le transfert de fichiers. Download PDF
Managing Remote Systems in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes how to administer and use the FTP service to transfer files.Download PDF
Utilisation des services de noms et d'annuaire dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  décrit les tâches de configuration et d'administration des services de noms DNS, NIS et LDAP.Download PDF
Working With Naming and Directory Services in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes the setup and administration of the DNS, NIS, and LDAP naming services.Download PDF
Managing SMB and Windows Interoperability in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Describes how to integrate an Oracle Solaris Server Message Block (SMB) server and SMB clients into a Windows environment. The SMB server can be used to serve SMB shares to any SMB client and the SMB client on the Oracle Solaris system can access shares from any SMB server.Download PDF

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Administration d'Oracle Solaris 11.1 : Périphériques et systèmes de fichiers  Ce manuel s'adresse à tout utilisateur chargé de gérer un ou plusieurs systèmes exécutant Oracle Solaris. Le manuel aborde des sujets relatifs à l'administration système d'Oracle Solaris : la gestion des médias amovibles, des disques et périphériques ainsi que des systèmes de fichiers.Les sections abordent les systèmes SPARC et x86, le cas échéant.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 Administration: Devices and File Systems (English)  This book is for anyone responsible for administering one or more systems that run the Oracle Solaris release. The book covers a range of Oracle Solaris system administration topics related to managing removable media, disks and devices and file systems.Topics are described for both SPARC and x86 based systems, where appropriate.Download PDF
Administration d'Oracle Solaris 11.1 : Systèmes de fichiers ZFS  Ce document est destiné aux personnes chargées de l'installation et de l'administration de systèmes de fichiers ZFS Oracle. Les sections abordent les systèmes SPARC et x86, le cas échéant.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 Administration: ZFS File Systems (English)  This book is intended for anyone responsible for setting up and administering Oracle ZFS file systems. Topics are described for both SPARC and x86 based systems, where appropriate.Download PDF
Administration d'Oracle Solaris 11.1 : Configuration d'un réseau de stockage et de la fonctionnalité multipathing  Ce guide présente les fonctionnalités de chemins d'accès multiples (fonctionnalités multipathing) d'E/S de Solaris pour le système d'exploitation Oracle Solaris. Il inclut les instructions à suivre pour installer et configurer le matériel et les logiciels nécessaires.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 Administration: SAN Configuration and Multipathing (English)  This guide provides an overview of Solaris I/O multipathing features for the Oracle Solaris OS. It includes instructions on how to install and configure software and hardware devices.Download PDF
ZFS Storage 7x20 Storage Appliance Information Library (English)  Links to information library for ZFS Storage Appliance.
SAM-QFS Information Library (English)  Links to information library for the Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager product.

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Directives de sécurité d'Oracle Solaris 11  Offre une vue d'ensemble des fonctions de sécurité d'Oracle Solaris et fournit des instructions pour leur utilisation en vue de sécuriser un système installé et ses applications.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11 Security Guidelines (English)  Provides an overview of Oracle Solaris security features and the guidelines for using those features to harden and protect an installed system and its applications.Download PDF
Sécurisation du réseau dans Oracle Solaris 11.1  Explique comment sécuriser la couche liaison et la couche IP sur un réseau Oracle Solaris.Download PDF
Securing the Network in Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Explains how to secure the link layer and IP layer on an Oracle Solaris network.Download PDF
Administration d'Oracle Solaris 11.1 : Services de sécurité  Explique comment administrer les fonctions de sécurité sur un ou plusieurs systèmes Oracle Solaris.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 Administration: Security Services (English)  Explains how to administer security features on one or more Oracle Solaris systems.Download PDF
Developer's Guide to Oracle Solaris 11 Security (English)  This book is for developers of applications that consume security services as well as developers of applications that provide security services for the Oracle Solaris operating system. Programming interfaces are documented for the following services: PAM, SASL, GSS-API, the Oracle Solaris cryptographic framework, the Oracle Solaris Key Management Framework, and process privileges.Download PDF
Configuration et administration de Trusted Extensions  Explains how to enable, configure, and maintain the Trusted Extensions feature of Oracle Solaris on one or more systems.Download PDF
Trusted Extensions Configuration and Administration (English)  Explains how to enable, configure, and maintain the Trusted Extensions feature of Oracle Solaris on one or more systems.Download PDF
Guide de l'utilisateur Trusted Extensions  Explique l'utilisation de la fonction Trusted Extensions d'Oracle Solaris sur un ordinateur de bureau.Download PDF
Trusted Extensions User's Guide (English)  Explains how to use the Trusted Extensions feature of Oracle Solaris on a desktop system.Download PDF
Trusted Extensions Label Administration (English)  Explains how labels are used and are displayed in the Trusted Extensions feature of Oracle Solaris and how to plan labels in your organization. Also describes which parts of the Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling: Encodings Format guide do not apply to the Trusted Extensions implementation.Download PDF
Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide (English)  Explains how to use the programming interfaces to write new trusted applications for systems that run the Trusted Extensions feature of the Oracle Solaris OS.Download PDF
Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling: Encodings Format (English)  Describes label features that are outside the scope of Trusted Extensions Label Administration.Download PDF

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Manuel de référence des paramètres réglables Oracle Solaris 11.1  Ce manuel fournit des informations de référence sur les paramètres réglables d'Oracle Solaris. Ce manuel est destiné aux administrateurs système Oracle Solaris expérimentés, qui pourraient avoir besoin de modifier les paramètres réglables d'Oracle Solaris dans certaines situations. Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 Tunable Parameters Reference Manual (English)  This book provides reference information on Oracle Solaris tunable parameters. The book is intended for experienced Oracle Solaris system administrators who might need to change Oracle Solaris tunable parameters in certain situations.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 Dynamic Tracing Guide (English)  The Oracle Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide describes how to use DTrace. It also describes the DTrace providers in detail. Most of the information present in this document is generic to all releases of the Oracle Solaris operating system.Download PDF
How to Perform System Archival and Recovery Procedures With Oracle Solaris 11 (English)  Links to article that explains how to perform detailed system archive and recovery.
Oracle VTS (Validation Test Suite) Information Library (English)  Links to information about Oracle Validation Test Suite, diagnostic software for SPARC and x86 systems.

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Introduction aux environnements de virtualisation d'Oracle Solaris 11.1  Contient des informations sur les technologies de virtualisation logicielle disponibles avec le système d'exploitation Oracle Solaris 11.1.Download PDF
Introduction to Oracle Solaris 11 Virtual Environments (English)  Includes information about the software virtualization technologies that are available with the Oracle Solaris 11.1 OS.Download PDF
Administration d'Oracle Solaris 11.1 : Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle Solaris 10 Zones et gestion des ressources  Le Guide d'administration système : Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle Solaris 10 Zones et gestion des ressources est destiné aux personnes chargées de l'administration d'un ou de plusieurs systèmes exécutant une version Oracle Solaris. Il traite les thèmes suivants : la gestion des ressources, Oracle Solaris Zones et Oracle Solaris 10 Zones (zones marquées solaris10).Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 Administration: Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle Solaris 10 Zones, and Resource Management (English)  System Administration Guide: Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle Solaris 10 Zones, and Resource Management is for anyone responsible for administering one or more systems that run an Oracle Solaris release. The book covers the topics resource management, Oracle Solaris Zones, and Oracle Solaris 10 Zones (solaris10 branded zones).Download PDF
Using Oracle Solaris Zones to Develop and Deploy Applications (English)  Links to animation that describes how to use Oracle Solaris Zones.
Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle Solaris 10 Zones, and Resource Management Developer's Guide (English)  Resource Management, Oracle Solaris Zones, and Oracle Solaris 10 Zones Developer's Guide describes how to write applications that partition and manage system resources such as processor sets and scheduling class. This book references the programming APIs provided to partition, schedule, and set bounds on the consumption of system resources and to make the configuration of resources persistent. This book provides programming examples and a discussion of programming issues to consider when writing an application.Download PDF
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Information Library (English)  Links to Oracle VM for SPARC 2.2 library.

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Guide d'accessibilité du bureau Oracle Solaris 11  Le guide d'accessibilité pour le bureau GNOME d'Oracle Solaris 11 décrit les fonctions d'accessibilité du système d'exploitation Oracle Solaris 11.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11 Desktop Accessibility Guide (English)  The Oracle Solaris 11 Accessibility Guide for the GNOME Desktop describes the accessibility features available in the Oracle Solaris 11 operating system.Download PDF
Guide de l'utilisateur du bureau Oracle Solaris 11.1  Ce guide explique l'utilisation du bureau Oracle Solaris et de ses composants.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 Desktop User's Guide (English)  This guide explains how to use the Oracle Solaris Desktop and its components.Download PDF
Guide de l'administrateur du bureau Oracle Solaris 11.1  Décrit comment administrer le bureau Oracle Solaris et ses composants.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 Desktop Administrator's Guide (English)  Describes how to administer the Oracle Solaris Desktop and its components.Download PDF
Optimisation du bureau Oracle Solaris pour un environnement multiutilisateur   Download PDF
Optimizing the Oracle Solaris 11 Desktop for a Multi-User Environment (English)  Explains how to best enable the desktop for multi-user environments.Download PDF

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Introduction to the Oracle Solaris 11 Developer Environment (English)  The Oracle Solaris 11 Operating System provides developers with numerous interfaces, frameworks, and tools to take advantage of the technologies in the operating system. This book provides an introduction to setting up an Oracle Solaris 11 development environment and also provides links to sources of detailed information that would be useful to developers.Download PDF
Developer's Guide to Oracle Solaris 11 Security (English)  This book is for developers of applications that consume security services as well as developers of applications that provide security services for the Oracle Solaris operating system. Programming interfaces are documented for the following services: PAM, SASL, GSS-API, the Oracle Solaris cryptographic framework, the Oracle Solaris Key Management Framework, and process privileges.Download PDF
Packaging and Delivering Software With the Oracle Solaris 11.1 Image Packaging System (English)  This document describes how to use the Oracle Solaris Image Packaging System (IPS) feature to package software to be installed and updated on Oracle Solaris 11 systems.Download PDF
Copie et création de référentiels de packages Oracle Solaris 11.1  Ce document décrit la copie, la mise à jour, la mise à disposition et la maintenance d'un référentiel de packages logiciels Oracle Solaris Image Packaging System (IPS).Download PDF
Copying and Creating Oracle Solaris 11 Package Repositories (English)  This document describes how to copy, update, make accessible, and maintain an Oracle Solaris Image Packaging System (IPS) software package repository.Download PDF
Developing Applications for Solaris 11.1 in C, C++, and Fortran Using Oracle Solaris Studio (English)  Links to an introduction to the Oracle Solaris Studio product and explains how to use it in the Oracle Solaris environment. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 library.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 Dynamic Tracing Guide (English)  The Oracle Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide describes how to use DTrace. It also describes the DTrace providers in detail. Most of the information present in this document is generic to all releases of the Oracle Solaris operating system.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.1 Linker and Libraries Guide (English)  This book describes the operations of the Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS) link-editor and runtime linker, and the objects on which these link-editors operate. The book covers the Link-Editor: ld(1), the Runtime Linker:, Shared Objects (sometimes referred to as Shared Libraries), and the ELF object file format.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle Solaris 10 Zones, and Resource Management Developer's Guide (English)  Resource Management, Oracle Solaris Zones, and Oracle Solaris 10 Zones Developer's Guide describes how to write applications that partition and manage system resources such as processor sets and scheduling class. This book references the programming APIs provided to partition, schedule, and set bounds on the consumption of system resources and to make the configuration of resources persistent. This book provides programming examples and a discussion of programming issues to consider when writing an application.Download PDF
Using Oracle Solaris Zones to Develop and Deploy Applications (English)  Links to animation that describes how to use Oracle Solaris Zones.
Remote Administration Daemon Developer Guide (English)  This book provides information about the remote administration daemon for Oracle Solaris. This book is intended for developers who want to use rad to create administrative interfaces and for developers looking to consume interfaces published using rad by others.Download PDF
Memory and Thread Placement Optimization Developer's Guide (English)  This book has information on memory thread placement and optimization techniques for developers. Topics covered include the locality groups API and associated command-line tools.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Modular Debugger Guide (English)  This book describes the Oracle Solaris Modular Debugger (MDB), which is a general purpose debugging tool for the Oracle Solaris operating system. The primary feature of MDB is its extensibility. This book describes how to use MDB to debug complex software systems, with a particular emphasis on the facilities available for debugging the Oracle Solaris kernel and associated device drivers and modules. The book also includes a complete reference for and discussion of the MDB language syntax, debugger features, and MDB module programming API.Download PDF
Multithreaded Programming Guide (English)  This book covers the POSIX and Oracle Solaris threads APIs, programming with synchronization objects, and compiling multithreaded programs.This guide is for developers who want to use multithreading to separate a process into independent execution threads, improving application performance and structure.Download PDF
ONC+ Developer's Guide (English)  This book describes the ONC+ distributed services that were developed at Oracle Corporation. ONC+ technologies consist of a family of technologies, services, and tools. The technologies include Transport-independent remote procedure call (TI-RPC) was developed to make RPC applications transport independent. External data representation (XDR.) is an architecture-independent specification for representing data.Download PDF
Programming Interfaces Guide (English)  Programming Interfaces Guide describes network and system interfaces used by application developers. This book describes interfaces in areas such as shared memory, transport selection, and real-time administration. This book also describes applications that relate to API/ABI compliance, such as appcert. The ONC+ Developer's Guide describes higher-level networking interfaces.Download PDF
SIP API Developer's Guide (English)  This book is a reference to the interfaces of the Session Initiation Protocols (SIP) in the Oracle Solaris 11 operating system.Download PDF
STREAMS Programming Guide (English)  This book describes the STREAMS facilities for UNIX system communications services in the Oracle Solaris environment. For application developers, this book includes information about constructing, using, and dismantling a stream, messaging, administration, and using STREAMS-based pipes and named pipes. For module and driver developers, this book describes the STREAMS framework, messaging, driver design, module design, configuration, multithreading, and multiplexing.Download PDF
Writing Device Drivers (English)  Writing Device Drivers provides information on developing drivers for character-oriented devices, block-oriented devices, network devices, SCSI target and HBA devices, USB devices, and SR-IOV devices for the Oracle Solaris operating system. This book discusses how to develop multithreaded reentrant device drivers for all architectures that conform to the Oracle Solaris OS DDI/DKI (Device Driver Interface, Driver-Kernel Interface). A common driver programming approach is described that enables drivers to be written without concern for platform-specific issues such as endianness and data ordering.Additional topics include hardening Solaris drivers; power management; driver autoconfiguration; programmed I/O; Direct Memory Access (DMA); device context management; compilation, installation, and testing drivers; debugging drivers; and porting Solaris drivers to a 64-bit environment.Download PDF
Device Driver Tutorial (English)  This tutorial provides hands-on information about how to develop device drivers for the Oracle Solaris Operating System. This book includes step-by-step descriptions of writing, building, installing, loading, and testing real device drivers. These instructions help you understand how drivers control devices. This book also gives an overview of the driver development environment, tools available to you to develop drivers, and techniques for avoiding some driver development problems.Download PDF
SPARC Assembly Language Reference Manual (English)  This book describes the assembler that runs on the SPARC architecture and translates source files that are in assembly language format into object files in linking format. The text in this book is current to Solaris 7 software.Download PDF
x86 Assembly Language Reference Manual (English)  The x86 Assembly Language Reference Manual documents the Oracle Solaris x86 assembler, as(1). This manual is provided to help experienced assembly language programmers understand disassembled output of Solaris compilers. This manual is neither an introductory book about assembly language programming nor a reference manual for the x86 architecture.Download PDF

Collapse details buttonOracle Solaris 11.1 Reference Manuals

man pages section 1: User Commands (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris user commands.Download PDF
man pages section 1M: System Administration Commands (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris administration commands.Download PDF
man pages section 2: System Calls (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris system calls.Download PDF
man pages section 3: Library Interfaces and Headers (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris library interfaces and headers.Download PDF
man pages section 3: Basic Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris basic library functions.Download PDF
man pages section 3: Networking Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris network-specific library functions.Download PDF
man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 1 (English)  Reference information (man pages) for asynchronous I/O (libaio), security and auditing (libbsm), configuration administration (libcgfadm), contract management (libcontract), CPU performance counters (libcpc), direct access transport (libdat), device ID (libdevid), device information (libdevinfo), executable and linking format (libelf), extended accounting file access (libexacct), and file system type identification (libfstyp).Download PDF
man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 2 (English)  Reference information (man pages) for string-pattern matching (libgen), common fibre channel HBA (libhbaapi), kernel statistics (libkstat), kernel VM (libkvm), layout services (liblayout), locality group (liblgrp), mathematical functions (libm), user mailbox (libmail), multiple precision (libmp), common mulitpath management (libmpapi), and vector math (libmvec).Download PDF
man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 3 (English)  Reference information (man pages) for name-value pair (libnvpair), pluggable authentication module (libpam), open printing API (libpapi), perl (libperl), PICL (libpicl), PICL plug-in (libpciltree), pool configuration manipuliation (libpool), process control (libproc), project database access (libproject), remove shared memory (libsrm), and realtime (librt).Download PDF
man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 4 (English)  Reference information (man pages) for service configuration facility (libscf), file access control (libsec), security attributes database (libsecdb), smartcard (libsmartcard), SNMP (libsnmp), system event (libsysevent), interactive comman-line input (libtecla), TNF probe control (libtnfctl), universally unique identifier (libuuid), volume management (libvolmgt), and product install registry (libswreg).Download PDF
man pages section 3: Curses Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for libraries that provide graphics and character screen updating capabilities.Download PDF
man pages section 3: Multimedia Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for the multimedia processing library (libmlib).Download PDF
man pages section 4: File Formats (English)  Reference information (man pages) for various file formats.Download PDF
man pages section 5: Standards, Environments, and Macros (English)  Reference information (man pages) for various miscellaneous subjects, including headers, environments, macro packages, character sets, and standards.Download PDF
man pages section 7: Device and Network Interfaces (English)  Reference information (man pages) for device and network interfaces.Download PDF
man pages section 9: DDI and DKI Driver Entry Points (English)  Reference information (man pages) for entry-point routines for calling and return syntax from the kernel to the device driver.Download PDF
man pages section 9: DDI and DKI Kernel Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for calling and return syntax from the a device driver to the kernel.Download PDF
man pages section 9: DDI and DKI Properties and Data Structures (English)  Reference information (man pages) for kernel properties used by device drivers and data structures used to share information between the kernel and device drivers.Download PDF

Collapse details buttonImportant Information From Previous Releases

Oracle Solaris WBEM Developer's Guide (English)  Oracle Solaris 11 Express WBEM developer information that applies unchanged for Oracle Solaris 11. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 11 Express library.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide (English)  Provides instructions on using Oracle Solaris Volume Manager to manage disk storage. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 10/12 library.Download PDF
Administration d’Oracle Solaris : Services IP  Provides information about TCP/IP network services. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 11 library.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: IP Services (English)  Provides information about TCP/IP network services. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 11 library.Download PDF

Collapse details buttonRelated Information

Oracle Solaris 11 Product Center (English)  Links to product technical marketing information for Oracle Solaris 11.
Oracle Solaris HCL and HCTS (English)  Links to the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) and Hardware Certification Test Suite (HCTS) pages for Oracle Solaris 10 and later releases.
Oracle Solaris 11 How-To Articles (English)  Links to product technical marketing articles and white papers for Oracle Solaris 11.
Oracle Solaris 11 Technologies (English)  Links to product technology spotlights for Oracle Solaris 11.
Oracle Solaris 11 Animations and Videos (English)  Links to animations and videos that illustrate features of Oracle Solaris 11.1 software.
Oracle Solaris 11 Training (English)  Links to Oracle University training for Oracle Solaris 11.

Collapse details buttonLegal Information for this Release

Accessing Third-Party Notice and License Information for Oracle Solaris 11.1 (English)  Provides important legal information and access to right-to-use statements. Download PDF
Accessing Open Source Code (English)  Links to information about open source code.

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