5.3 Installing ASR Manager

The necessary packages for ASR Manager must first be downloaded and stored in an installation directory that is accessible from both management nodes. For ASR Manager to work on Oracle PCA, it must be installed on both management nodes, and failover must be configured so that the ASR Manager role is always fulfilled by the management node that also has the master role.

Downloading the Current ASR Packages

  1. Verify whether ASR Manager is already installed. If any version older than 5.0 is installed, uninstall it first.

    For detailed information, refer to the document ASR Manager 5.x Installation, Backup and Upgrade (Doc ID 1392042.1).

  2. Download ASR Manager Release 5.0 or newer from the ASR download page.

    Select the download for the Linux x86-64 platform.


    The version tested at the time of writing is 5.2.1. The latest version is 5.3.

  3. Unpack the *.zip file in a directory available to both management nodes. For example: /nfs/shared_storage/ASRM/pkg.

    [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# cd /nfs/shared_storage/ASRM/pkg
    [root@ovcamn05r1 pkg]# unzip p21056276_521_Linux-x86-64.zip
    Archive:  p21056276_521_Linux-x86-64.zip
      inflating: asrmanager-5.0.2-20141215170108.rpm
      inflating: readme.html
      inflating: license_agreement.html

Installing ASR Components on the Management Nodes

  1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the master management node.


    The data center IP address used in this procedure is an example.

    # ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# pca-check-master
    NODE:  MASTER: True
  2. Go to the shared directory where you stored the ASR package.

    # cd /nfs/shared_storage/ASRM/pkg
  3. Install the ASR Manager package.

    # rpm -i asrmanager-5.2.1-20150501144949.rpm
    Copyright [2008,2014], Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    License and Terms of Use for this software are described at https://support.oracle.com/
    (see Legal Notices and Terms of Use).
    ASR Manager (pid 345193) is RUNNING.
    Installing ASR Manager bundles...
    Successfully installed ASR Manager bundles.
    asrm: unrecognized service
    Successfully added ASR Manager (asrm) service.
    To allow a non-root user to manage ASR Manager service:
    Add the following line to /etc/sudoers file
    '<userName> ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/opt/asrmanager/bin/asr start,/opt/asrmanager/bin/asr stop,
    /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr status,/opt/asrmanager/bin/asr restart'
    The ASR Manager application is installed in '/opt/asrmanager'. Log files are located in '/var/opt/asrmanager'.
    ASR Administration command is now available at /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr.
    ASR Manager is stopped.
    ASR Manager (pid 347799) is RUNNING.
    Checking ASR Manager status ....Installation of asrmanager was successful.

    For Oracle PCA the auto-update feature of ASR must not be used.

    At the end of the installation, the ASR Manager service (asrm) is started automatically.

  4. Disable auto-update.

    # /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr disable_autoupdate
  5. Stop the ASR Manager service and prevent it from starting automatically.

    # service asrm status
    ASR Manager (pid 357177) is RUNNING.
    # service asrm stop
    ASR Manager is stopped.
    # chkconfig asrm off
  6. Configure the init service to log when the ASR Manager service starts and stops.

    1. Open the file /etc/init.d/asrm for editing.

    2. In the start and stop sections, add the echo commands as shown.

        /opt/asrmanager/bin/asrm start
        echo "START: `hostname`  `date "+%D %T"`" >> /nfs/shared_storage/ASRM/ASRHA.log
        /opt/asrmanager/bin/asrm stop
        echo "STOP:  `hostname`  `date "+%D %T"`" >> /nfs/shared_storage/ASRM/ASRHA.log

    3. Save and close the file /etc/init.d/asrm.

  7. Preserve the data in the original ASR directories.

    # mv /var/opt/asrmanager /var/opt/orig_asrmanager
  8. Repeat this procedure on the other management node.

    # ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    [root@ovcamn06r1 ~]# pca-check-master
    NODE:  MASTER: False

    The secondary management node does not need to take over the master role during the ASR installation.

    The ASR Manager service must remain stopped on both management nodes.

Configuring ASR Manager Failover

  1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the master management node.


    The data center IP address used in this procedure is an example.

    # ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
  2. Create the following directories and log file on the shared storage:

    # mkdir /nfs/shared_storage/ASRM
    # mkdir /nfs/shared_storage/ASRM/VarOptAsrmanager
    # touch /nfs/shared_storage/ASRM/ASRHA.log
  3. Copy the original ASR data from the master management node local file system to the shared storage.

    # cp -r /var/opt/orig_asrmanager/* /nfs/shared_storage/ASRM/VarOptAsrmanager
  4. Create a symlink to the directory on the shared storage.

    # ln -s /nfs/shared_storage/ASRM/VarOptAsrmanager /var/opt/asrmanager
  5. Add the asrm service to the Oracle PCA system configuration.

    1. Open the file /var/lib/ovca/ovca-system.conf for editing.

    2. Insert a new line to add asrm to the foundational services.

      foundational_services: ovmm_mysql

    3. Save and close the file /var/lib/ovca/ovca-system.conf.

  6. Log into the other management node and execute steps 4 and 5.

    1. Create a symlink to the directory on the shared storage.

    2. Add the asrm service to the Oracle PCA system configuration.

Starting ASR Manager

  1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the master management node.


    The data center IP address used in this procedure is an example.

    # ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
  2. Start the ASR Manager service.


    You can monitor the process by tailing the log file /nfs/shared_storage/ASRM/ASRHA.log.

    # service asrm start
  3. Register the ASR Manager.

    ASR Manager (ASRM) can be registered as a stand-alone ASRM, pointing directly to My Oracle Support, or as a relay to another ASRM in your network. Even if other systems at your site already use an ASRM, you can choose to register the Oracle PCA ASRM as stand-alone. This means it communicates directly with the Oracle backend systems, which is the standard registration method.

    For details and instructions, refer to the section entitled Register the ASR Manager in the Oracle Auto Service Request ASR Manager User's Guide.

    The basic registration command is: /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr register.

    A relay ASRM could be used if an established ASRM is already in use by other systems in their facility. Since the other systems cannot be routed through the Oracle PCA ASR Manager, you must route the Oracle PCA ASR Manager through the existing one.

    The instructions for setting up the ASR Manager in relay mode are in the ASR documentation. In short you must register the Oracle PCA ASR Manager to the web address generated by the relay ASR Manager, which must already be configured for relaying the data. (Follow the instructions in the documentation for your particular ASR version, as it may be different with each version of ASR.) To get the destination address, enter the following command at the ASR prompt on the destination ASR Manager:

    # /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr show_http_receiver
            HTTP Receiver configuration:
            HTTP Receiver Status: Enabled
            Host Name: Relay_Node.Company.com
            HTTP Port: 7777
            HTTPS/SSL configuration is not enabled.

    The basic ASR Manager relay command is: /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr register -e http://Relay_Node.Company.com:7777/asr.

  4. Test ASR Manager failover by rebooting the current master management node.


    You can monitor the process by tailing the log file /nfs/shared_storage/ASRM/ASRHA.log.

    [root@ovcamn05r1 ]# reboot
    [root@ovcamn06r1 ]# tail -f /nfs/shared_storage/ASRM/ASRHA.log
    STOP:  ovcamn05r1  07/20/15 14:35:20
    START: ovcamn05r1  07/20/15 14:35:20
    STOP:  ovcamn05r1  07/20/15 14:37:37
    START: ovcamn06r1  07/20/15 14:39:15