You can export catalogs so you can work with them outside of Oracle Commerce Cloud Service and easily import changes back into your environment. For example, you can use the import feature to create new account-specific catalogs or to change the collections assigned to your catalogs. See Import and Export Catalog Items and Inventory for details about how to import and export data in Oracle Commerce Cloud.

The easiest way to format a file for importing catalogs is to start by exporting a file that you can use as a template for items you want to add or modify. See Export catalog items for more information about how to export.

When you look at the exported spreadsheet, you can see that the first row is reserved for the repository path and item type, any formatting options, and any warning or error messages.

  • The first column of row one (cell A1) contains the repository path and the item type separated by a colon. When you import the spreadsheet back into Oracle Commerce Cloud, it should be left exactly as it was in the exported file. For catalogs, the path is /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog:catalog.

  • Columns two through five (cells B1, C1, D1, and E1) may contain data formatting options. If your store supports more than one language, LOCALE appears in the fifth column (cell E1) and shows the ISO locale format for the language, for example, en_US.

The second row displays column headings that contain the property names of the exported properties. For catalogs, these properties are ID (the catalog ID), displayName (the catalog name that appears in the administration interface, for example, on the Catalog tab), and rootCategories (the collections assigned to the catalog).

Catalog data begins in the third row and continues for the remainder of the spreadsheet. If an item does not have a value for a property, the corresponding cell is blank. When you enter collections in the rootCategories column, you must enter the ID of the collection, not its name.

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