Uses of Class

Packages that use EpSystemException
com.elasticpath.domain.impl Tests for the default Elastic Path implementation of the Domain Model. 

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.cmweb

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.cmweb
 class EpCmWebException
          The generic exception class for the com.elasticpath.cmweb package.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.commons.exception

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
 class DuplicateKeyException
          The exception for an attribute key that already exists.
 class DuplicateNameException
          This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to insert an object when the given name already exists but must be unique.
 class EmailExistException
          The exception for email address already exists.
 class EmailNonExistException
          The exception for email address doesn't exist in the database.
 class EpBigDecimalBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a BigDecimal object.
 class EpBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding an invalid value to a normal field, an attribute or an association field.
 class EpBooleanBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a boolean value.
 class EpCurrencyBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding an invalid string value to a Currency instance.
 class EpDateBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a Date object.
 class EpIntBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a int value.
 class EpInvalidGuidBindException
          This exception will be thrown when an invalid guid is given.
 class EpInvalidValueBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case trying to set an invalid value to an entity or a value object.
 class EpLicensingCorruptedException
          This exception will be thrown if the product license is invalid.
 class EpLicensingExpiredException
          This exception will be thrown if the product license is invalid.
 class EpLicensingInvalidException
          This exception will be thrown if the product license is invalid.
 class EpLicensingMissingException
          This exception will be thrown if the product license is invalid.
 class EpLocaleBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding an invalid string value to a Locale instance.
 class EpLongBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a long value.
 class EpNonNullBindException
          This exception will be thrown when binding an null string value to a field not allowed to be null.
 class EpTooLongBindException
          This exception will be thrown when a given value is too long.
 class EpUnsupportedOperationException
          This exception will be thrown when unsupported operation is called.
 class UserIdExistException
          The exception for userId address already exists.
 class UserIdNonExistException
          The exception for user Id doesn't exist in the database.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.commons.util

Methods in com.elasticpath.commons.util that throw EpSystemException
 void Mailer.sendEmail()
          Send a text email.
 void Mailer.sendHtmlEmail()
          Send an html email.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.commons.util.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.commons.util.impl that throw EpSystemException
 void MailerImpl.sendEmail()
          Send a text email.
 void MailerImpl.sendHtmlEmail()
          Send an html email.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.domain

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.domain
 class EpDomainException
          The generic exception class for the com.elasticpath.domain package.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain that throw EpSystemException
 void ElasticPath.setDatabaseMetaData(java.sql.DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData)
          Called in EPContextListener to set the DatabaseMetaData at the start up time.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview
 class CatalogViewRequestUnmatchException
          This exception will be thrown when a new catalog view request is not compatible with the previous ones.
 class EpCatalogViewRequestBindException
          This exception will be thrown when binding an invalid parameter or attribute from a catalog view request.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.domain.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.impl that throw EpSystemException
 java.lang.String ElasticPathImpl.getDatabaseProductName()
          Get the databse product name.
 void ElasticPathImpl.setDatabaseMetaData(java.sql.DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData)
          Called in EPContextListener to set the DatabaseMetaData at the start up time.
 void ElasticPathImpl.setWebApplicationContext(org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext context)
          Set the web application context.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.domain.payment

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.domain.payment
 class AmountLimitExceededException
          Exception to throw if the amount specified exceeds allowable limit.
 class CardDeclinedException
          This exception is thrown when a credit card being processed has is declined, typically because the card credit limit has been reached.
 class CardErrorException
          This exception is thrown when a an unspecified error occurs while processing the given card information.
 class CardExpiredException
          This exception is thrown when a credit card being processed has expired.
 class InsufficientFundException
          Exception to throw if the credit card has insufficient fund to complete the order.
 class InvalidAddressException
          Exception to throw if the shipping/billing address is invalid.
 class PaymentGatewayException
          This exception is thrown when the payment processor fails to process a request.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.payment that throw EpSystemException
 java.lang.String PayPalExpressPaymentGateway.setExpressCheckout(ShoppingCart shoppingCart, java.lang.String returnUrl, java.lang.String cancelUrl)
          Start the ExpressCheckout.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.persistence

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.persistence
 class EpPersistenceException
          A general exception to wrap errors happen at persistence layer.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service
 class EpServiceException
          The generic exception class for the com.elasticpath.service package.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.auth

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.auth
 class IdentityServiceException
          This exception will be thrown if any errors occur in the IdentityService methods.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.catalog

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.catalog
 class SkuOptionKeyExistException
          The exception for a sku option key that already exists.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser
 class UserNameExistException
          The exception for the userName already exists.
 class UserRoleNameExistException
          The exception for userRole name already exists.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.customer

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.customer
 class GroupExistException
          The exception for group with a certain name already exists.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.dataimport

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.dataimport
 class AnotherImportJobRunningException
          The exception is thrown when an operator trying to run an import job, but another import job is running already.
 class ImportJobExistException
          The exception for an import job that already exists.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.index.impl

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.index.impl
 class EpEmptySearchCriteriaException
          This exception will be thrown in case an empty search criteria is given.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.misc

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.misc that throw EpSystemException
 void request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, java.lang.String fullFilePath)
          Read the input file content and output the stream to client (Browser).

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.misc.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.misc.impl that throw EpSystemException
 void request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, java.lang.String fullFilePath)
          Read the input file content and output the stream to client (Browser).

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.rules

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.rules
 class DuplicatePromoCodeException
          The exception for promo code already exists.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.shipping

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.service.shipping
 class ShippingRegionExistException
          The exception for shipping region with a certain name already exists.

Uses of EpSystemException in

Subclasses of EpSystemException in
 class TaxCodeExistException
          The exception for taxCode already exists.
 class TaxJurisdictionExistException
          The exception for taxJurisdiction already exists.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.sfweb

Subclasses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.sfweb
 class EpRequestParameterBindingException
          This exception gets thrown when binding errors of request parameter happens.
 class EpSearchKeyWordNotGivenException
          This exception gets thrown when the search keyword is not given.
 class EpSearchKeyWordTooLongException
          This exception gets thrown when the search keyword given is too long.
 class EpSfWebException
          The generic exception class for the com.elasticpath.sfweb package.
 class ProductUnavailableException
          Thrown when the user attempts to view a product that is not currently available.
 class SessionExpiredException
          Exception thrown when an action is taken by a customer who's session has expired.

Uses of EpSystemException in com.elasticpath.web.context.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.web.context.impl that throw EpSystemException
 void EpContextConfigListener.contextInitialized(javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent event)
          Complete the context initialization for ElasticPath.