Uses of Interface

Packages that use ValueObject
com.elasticpath.domain.impl Tests for the default Elastic Path implementation of the Domain Model. 

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.attribute

Subinterfaces of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.attribute
 interface AttributeGroup
          Represents a group of attribute.
 interface AttributeGroupAttribute
          Represents an association between an Attribute and an AttributeGroup.
 interface AttributeUsage
          Defines where the Attribute is used for.
 interface AttributeValue
          AttributeValue is a value object which contains an Attribute value of a domain model, such as Category or Product.
 interface AttributeValueGroup
          This interface represents a group of AttributeValue.
 interface AttributeValueWithType
          AttributeValueWithType is an association domain model which contains an Attribute with a value.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.attribute.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.attribute.impl that implement ValueObject
 class AttributeGroupAttributeImpl
          This is a default implementation of AttributeGroupAttribute.
 class AttributeGroupImpl
          Represents a default implementation of AttributeGroup.
 class AttributeUsageImpl
          A default implementation of a specification of AttributeUsage.
 class AttributeValueGroupImpl
          This is a default implementation of AttributeValueGroup.
 class AttributeValueImpl
          The default implementation of AttributeValue.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog

Subinterfaces of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog
 interface DigitalAsset
          Represents a digital asset.
 interface Inventory
          Represents inventory information about a ProductSku.
 interface InventoryAudit
          Represents logging information about changes to Inventory.
 interface LocaleDependantFields
          Represents a collection of locale dependant fields of a catalog object, like Product, or Category.
 interface Price
          Interface implemented by classes representing product or service prices.
 interface PriceTier
          PriceTier represents different price for different minimum quantity A Price should at least have a PriceTier When shopping a product, if quantity is provided, Price should get the nearest PriceTier with the minimum quantity equal or less than the given quantity.
 interface ProductAssociation
          Represents a link between two products for the purpose of displaying information about related products when viewing a particular product.
 interface ProductCategory
          ProductCategory represents an association between a Category and a Product.
 interface ProductPrice
          A product price.
 interface ProductSkuSpec
          Represens a specification of a ProductSku.
 interface SkuPrice
          A product sku price.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl that implement ValueObject
 class AbstractPriceImpl
          The abstact implementation of Price.
 class DigitalAssetImpl
          This is a default implementation of DigitalAsset.
 class InventoryAuditImpl
          Represents logging information about changes to Inventory.
 class InventoryImpl
          Represents inventory information about a ProductSku.
 class LocaleDependantFieldsImpl
          This is a default implementation of LocaleDependantFields.
 class PriceTierImpl
          PriceTier represents different price for different minimum quantity A Price should at least have a PriceTier When shopping a product, if quantity is provided, Price should get the nearest PriceTier with the minimum quantity equal or less than the given quantity.
 class ProductAssociationImpl
          Represents a link between two products for the purpose of displaying information about related products when viewing a particular product.
 class ProductCategoryImpl
          The default implementation of Product.
 class ProductPriceImpl
          A Product Price class.
 class ProductSkuSpecImpl
          A default implementation of a specification of ProductSku.
 class SkuPriceImpl
          A Sku Price class.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser

Subinterfaces of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser
 interface UserPermission
          UserPermission represents an granted authority for a certain operation.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser.impl that implement ValueObject
 class UserPermissionImpl
          The default implementation of UserPermission.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.customer

Subinterfaces of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.customer
 interface Address
          Address represents a North American address.
 interface CustomerAddress
          A customer's address.
 interface CustomerAuthentication
          Represents the customer Authentication.
 interface CustomerRole
          CustomerRole represents a customer's role.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.customer.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.customer.impl that implement ValueObject
 class AbstractAddressImpl
          Implementation of a street address.
 class CustomerAddressImpl
          A Customer's address.
 class CustomerAuthenticationImpl
          Represents inventory information about a ProductSku.
 class CustomerRoleImpl
          The default implementation of CustomerRole.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport

Subinterfaces of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport
 interface PriceTierAdaptor
          Represents an adaptor of a PriceTier for import.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport that return ValueObject
 ValueObject ImportDataType.createValueObject()
          Create and return a new value object.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport with parameters of type ValueObject
 void ImportDataType.saveOrUpdate(Entity entity, ValueObject object)
          Add or update the given value object to the given entity.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport.impl that implement ValueObject
 class PriceTierAdaptorImpl
          Represetns a default implementation of the PriceTierAdaptor.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport.impl that return ValueObject
 ValueObject ImportDataTypeCustomerAddressImpl.createValueObject()
          Create and return a new value object.
 ValueObject ImportDataTypeProductPriceImpl.createValueObject()
          Create and return a new value object.
 ValueObject ImportDataTypeProductSkuPriceImpl.createValueObject()
          Create and return a new value object.
 ValueObject ImportDataTypeProductImpl.createValueObject()
          Create and return a new value object.
 ValueObject ImportDataTypeProductCategoryAssociationImpl.createValueObject()
          Create and return a new value object.
 ValueObject ImportDataTypeCustomerImpl.createValueObject()
          Create and return a new value object.
 ValueObject ImportDataTypeCategoryImpl.createValueObject()
          Create and return a new value object.
 ValueObject ImportDataTypeProductSkuImpl.createValueObject()
          Create and return a new value object.
 ValueObject ImportDataTypeProductAssociationImpl.createValueObject()
          Create and return a new value object.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport.impl with parameters of type ValueObject
 void ImportDataTypeCustomerAddressImpl.saveOrUpdate(Entity entity, ValueObject object)
          Add or update this CustomerAddress in the Customer object.
 void ImportDataTypeProductPriceImpl.saveOrUpdate(Entity entity, ValueObject object)
          Add or update the given value object to the given entity.
 void ImportDataTypeProductSkuPriceImpl.saveOrUpdate(Entity entity, ValueObject object)
          Add or update the given value object to the given entity.
 void ImportDataTypeProductImpl.saveOrUpdate(Entity entity, ValueObject object)
          Add or update the given value object to the given entity.
 void ImportDataTypeProductCategoryAssociationImpl.saveOrUpdate(Entity entity, ValueObject object)
          Add or update the given value object to the given entity.
 void ImportDataTypeCustomerImpl.saveOrUpdate(Entity entity, ValueObject object)
          Add or update the given value object to the given entity.
 void ImportDataTypeCategoryImpl.saveOrUpdate(Entity entity, ValueObject object)
          Add or update the given value object to the given entity.
 void ImportDataTypeProductSkuImpl.saveOrUpdate(Entity entity, ValueObject object)
          Add or update the given value object to the given entity.
 void ImportDataTypeProductAssociationImpl.saveOrUpdate(Entity entity, ValueObject object)
          Add or update the given value object to the given entity.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.impl that implement ValueObject
 class AbstractValueObjectImpl
          Abstract implementation of a value domain object.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.misc

Subinterfaces of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.misc
 interface LocalizedProperties
          Represents a group of localized properties.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.misc.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.misc.impl that implement ValueObject
 class LocalizedPropertiesImpl
          Represents a default implementation of LocalizedProperties.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.order

Subinterfaces of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.order
 interface OrderAddress
          OrderAddress represents a North American address.
 interface OrderNote
          OrderNote represents a note made on an order by a CSR.
 interface OrderPayment
          Represents customer payment information.
 interface OrderReturn
          OrderReturn represents a customer's order return.
 interface OrderReturnSku
          Represents a sku included into the OrderSku.
 interface OrderShipment
          OrderShipment represents a customer's order shipment.
 interface OrderSku
          Represents an order for a quantity of SKUs.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl that implement ValueObject
 class OrderAddressImpl
          Address that is stored as part of a completed order.
 class OrderNoteImpl
          Represents order note added to an order.
 class OrderPaymentImpl
          Represents customer payment information.
 class OrderReturnImpl
          OrderReturn represents a customer's order return.
 class OrderReturnSkuImpl
          The default implementation of OrderReturnSku.
 class OrderShipmentImpl
          OrderShipment represents a customer's order shipment.
 class OrderSkuImpl
          Represents an order for a quantity of SKUs.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.rules

Subinterfaces of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.rules
 interface PromotionRuleDelegate
          This interface provides helper methods that can be invoked from Drools code to make queries on the system.
 interface PromotionRuleExceptions
          This class holds exceptions to a rule, i.e.
 interface RuleAction
          Represents an action that can be executed by a rule.
 interface RuleCondition
          Represents a condition that must be true for a rule to fire.
 interface RuleElement
          A rule element is a component of a rule such as a condition and an action.
 interface RuleEligibility
          Represents an eligibility condition that must be true for a rule to fire.
 interface RuleException
          Represents an exception that could be assoicate with a rule condition or rule action.
 interface RuleParameter
          Represents a parameter of a rule condition, such as the category that a product must belong to to qualify for a promotion.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl that implement ValueObject
 class AbstractRuleActionImpl
          Abstract base class for Rule Actions.
 class AbstractRuleElementImpl
          Abstract class with behaviour common to all rule elements.
 class AbstractRuleExceptionImpl
          Abstract class with behaviour common to all rule elements.
 class BrandConditionImpl
          Rule condition that checks the brand of a product.
 class CartCategoryAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts all products in a given category by a given amount.
 class CartCategoryPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts all products in a given category by a given percentage.
 class CartContainsItemsOfCategoryConditionImpl
          Rule condition that requires a N items of a given category to be in the cart.
 class CartCurrencyConditionImpl
          Rule condition that requires a the currency set in the customer's cart to be a particular value.
 class CartNFreeSkusActionImpl
          Rule action that gives N free skus of a given product SKU (Puts them in the cart with 0 price).
 class CartNthProductPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts the Nth product with a given UID by the given percentage.
 class CartProductAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts N products with a given UID by the given amount.
 class CartProductPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts N products with a given UID by the given percentage.
 class CartSkuAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts N products with a given UID by the given amount.
 class CartSkuPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts N products with a given UID by the given amount.
 class CartSubtotalAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a product by a given amount.
 class CartSubtotalConditionImpl
          Rule condition that requires the cart subtotal to be over a specified value.
 class CartSubtotalDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a product by a given amount.
 class CartSubtotalPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a product by a given percent.
 class CatalogSkuAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a sku by a given amount.
 class CatalogSkuPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a sku by a given amount.
 class CategoryExceptionImpl
          Rule exception that excludes a category to be qualified for a rule condition or a rule action.
 class CustomerGroupEligibilityImpl
          Rule eligibility that requires a customer to be in a certain customer group.
 class EveryoneEligibilityImpl
          Dummy rule eligibility that always evaluate to be true.
 class ExistingCustomerEligibilityImpl
          Rule eligibility that requires a customer already has an account in the system.
 class FirstTimeBuyerEligibilityImpl
          Rule eligibility that includes customers who are using an email address that has not been used before in an existing order.
 class ProductAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a product by a given amount.
 class ProductCategoryConditionImpl
          Rule condition that requires a product to be in a particular category.
 class ProductConditionImpl
          Rule condition that identifies a product in a catalog promotion rule.
 class ProductExceptionImpl
          Rule exception that excludes a product to be qualified for a rule condition or a rule action.
 class ProductInCartConditionImpl
          Rule condition that requires N items of a particular product to be in the shopping cart.
 class ProductPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a product by a given amount.
 class PromotionRuleDelegateImpl
          This interface provides helper methods that can be invoked from Drools code to make queries on the system.
 class PromotionRuleExceptionsImpl
          This class holds exceptions to a rule, i.e.
 class RuleParameterImpl
          Represents a parameter of a rule condition, such as the category that a product must belong to to qualify for a promotion.
 class ShippingAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts shipping cost by a given amount.
 class ShippingPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts shipping cost by a given percentage.
 class SkuExceptionImpl
          Rule exception that excludes a product sku to be qualified for a rule condition or a rule action.
 class SkuInCartConditionImpl
          Rule condition that requires a particular SKU to be in the shopping cart.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping

Subinterfaces of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping
 interface ShippingCostCalculationParameter
          Represents a parameter of a shipping cost calculation method, such as the dollar value of the fix base shipping cost.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping.impl that implement ValueObject
 class ShippingCostCalculationParameterImpl
          Represents a parameter of a shipping cost calculation method, such as the dollar value of the fix base shipping cost.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart

Subinterfaces of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart
 interface CartItem
          A CartItem represents a quantity of SKUs in a shopping cart, saved cart, wish list, etc.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart.impl that implement ValueObject
 class AbstractCartItemImpl
          A CartItem represents a quantity of SKUs in a shopping cart, saved cart, wish list, etc.
 class ShoppingCartItemImpl
          A ShoppingCartItem represents a quantity of SKUs in a shopping cart.
 class WishListItemImpl
          A WishListItem represents a quantity of SKUs in a shopping cart.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration

Subinterfaces of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration
 interface SkuOptionValue
          Represents an available option value for a SKU option.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration.impl that implement ValueObject
 class SkuOptionValueImpl
          Represents an available option value for a SKU option.

Uses of ValueObject in

Subinterfaces of ValueObject in
 interface TaxJurisdictionCategoryX
          TaxJurisdictionCategoryX represents the TaxJurisdiction and TaxCategory association, include the taxValues for each configured TaxCode.

Uses of ValueObject in

Classes in that implement ValueObject
 class TaxJurisdictionCategoryXImpl
          The default implementation of TaxJurisdictionCategoryXImpl.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.bean

Subinterfaces of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.bean
 interface CartItemBean
          This bean is used for wrapping the CartItem objects into localized versions for dwr.

Uses of ValueObject in com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.bean.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.sfweb.ajax.bean.impl that implement ValueObject
 class CartItemBeanImpl
          A wrapper class for cart items sent through dwr.