Client Application Developer's Guide

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Introducing Data Services Platform for Client Application Developers

Simplifying Application Data Programming

What is a Data Services Platform Client?

Data Your Way

The Role of WebLogic Server and WebLogic Workshop

What is a Data Service?

What is a Data Services Platform Client Application?

Security Considerations in Client Applications

Choosing a Data Services Programming Model

Introducing Service Data Objects (SDO)

Update Frameworks and the Data Service Mediator

Typical Client Application Development Process

Development Resources

Runtime Client JAR Files

DSP Mediator API Javadoc

Performance Considerations

Additional Technical and Product Information

DSP's Data Programming Model and Update Framework

Data Services Platform and Service Data Objects (SDOs)

Static and Dynamic Data APIs

Static Data API

XML Schema-to-Java Type Mapping Reference

Dynamic Data API

XPath Support in the Dynamic Data API

Obtaining Type Information about Data Objects

Role of the Mediator and SDOs

The Data Services Platform Update Framework

How It Works: The Decomposition Process

Physical Data Service Update Process

Logical Data Service Update Process

Primary-Foreign Key Relationships Mapped Using a KeyPair

Managing Key Dependencies

Foreign Keys

Transaction Management

Nested Transactions

Accessing Data Services from Java Clients

Overview of the Data Services Platform Mediator API

Setting the Classpath

Mediator API Summary and Reference

Generating a Static Mediator API JAR File

Building the Client JAR

Using the Data Service Mediator API

Obtaining a WebLogic JNDI Context for Data Services Platform

Invoking Functions and DSP Procedures

Static and Dynamic Mediator APIs

Using a Static Data Service Mediator API

Using a Dynamic Mediator API

Static and Dynamic SDO APIs

Using the Static SDO API

Using the Dynamic SDO API

How XML Schemas Are Made Available to Generic SDO Operations

Schema Type Caching

Bypassing the Data Cache When Using the Mediator API

Client Management of the Data Cache

Setting the GET_CURRENT_DATA Attribute


Step-by-Step: A Java Client Programming Example

Step 1. Instantiating and Populating Data Objects

Step 2: Accessing Data Object Properties

Quantifying Return Types

Step 3: Modifying, Adding, and Deleting Data Objects and Properties

Modifying Data Object Properties

Adding New Data Objects

Deleting Data Objects

Step 4: Submitting Changes to the Data Service

Examining a Java Client Application

Enabling DSP Applications for Web Service Clients

Overview of Web Services and DSP

Different Styles of Web Services Integration for DSP

Server-Side DSP-Enabled Web Service Development

Developing DSP-Enabled Read-Only Web Services

Adding a Data Service Control to a Web Service

Generating a Web Service from a Data Service Control

Developing DSP-Enabled Read-Write Web Services

Testing a Web Service in WebLogic Workshop

Client-Side DSP-Enabled Web Service Development

Static Web Service Clients

Dynamic Web Service Clients

Developing Static Web Service Clients

Generating the DSP Web Service Proxy

Generating SDO Classes Using Ant

Generating SDO Classes Using Java

How To Set Up a Web Service Client Environment for DSP

Steps Involved in Developing Your Web Service Client

Sample Java Static Web Service Client

Developing Dynamic Web Service Clients

Setting Up a Dynamic Web Service Environment

Developing the Dynamic Web Service Client

Initiating Dynamic Web Service Client Development

Steps Specific to DSP

Completing Dynamic Web Service Client Development

Sample Java Dynamic Web Service Client

Accessing Data Services from WebLogic Workshop Applications

WebLogic Workshop and Data Services Platform

Data Service Controls

Use With Page Flow, Web Services, Portals, Business Processes

Data Service Control (JCX) File

Design View

Source View

Using Data Service Controls for Ad Hoc Queries

Creating Data Service Controls

Step 1: Create a Project in an Application

Step 2: Start WebLogic Server, If Not Already Running

Step 3: Create a Folder in a Project

Step 4: Create the Data Service Control

Step 5: Enter Connection Information for WebLogic Server

Step 6: Select Data Service Functions to Add to Your Control

Modifying Existing Data Service Controls

Changing a Method Used by a Control

Adding a New Method to a Control

Updating an Existing Control When Schemas Change

Using Data Services Platform with NetUI

Generating a Page Flow From a Control

To Generate a Page Flow From a Data Service Control

Adding a Data Service Control to an Existing Page Flow

Adding Service Data Objects (SDO) Variables to the Page Flow

To Add a Variable to a Page Flow

To Initialize the Variable in the Page Flow

Working with Data Objects

Displaying Array Values in a Table or List

Adding a Repeater to a JSP File

Adding a Nested Level to an Existing Repeater

Adding Code to Handle Null Values

Caching Considerations When Using Data Service Controls

Bypassing the Cache When Using a Data Service Control

Cache Bypass Example When Using a Data Service Control

Security Considerations When Using Data Service Controls

Security Credentials Used to Create Data Service Controls

Testing Controls With the Run-As Property in the JWS File

Trusted Domains

Configuring Trusted Domains

Supporting ADO.NET Clients

Overview of ADO.NET Integration in Data Services Platform

Understanding ADO.NET

ADO.NET Client Application Development Tools

Understanding How DSP Supports ADO.NET Clients

Supporting Java Clients

Enabling DSP Support for ADO.NET Clients

Creating a New Web Service Project

Creating an ADO.NET-Enabled Data Service Control

Generating a Web Service for ADO.NET Clients

Generating an ADO.NET-Enabled WSDL

Adapting DSP XML Types (Schemas) for ADO.NET Clients

Approaches to Adapting XML Types for ADO.NET

XML Type Requirements for Working With ADO.NET DataSets

Requirements for Complex Types

Requirements for Recurring References

Requirements for Simple Types

Requirements for Target Namespace and Namespace Qualification


Generated Artifacts Reference

Technical specifications for these artifacts are included in this section.

XML Schema Definition for ADO.NET Typed DataSet

Web Services Description Language (WSDL) File for Microsoft ADO.NET Clients

Using Workflow with DSP-Enabled Applications

Brief Overview of WebLogic Integration JPDs

How SDO's Handling of XMLObjects Differs from JPD

Adding a Data Service Control to a Process

Creating a Data Service Control

Adding a Data Service Control to a JPD File

Setting Up the Data Service Control in the Business Process

Submitting Changes from a Business Process

Invoking JPDs from Data Services Platform

Invoking a JPD from an Update Override

Invoking a JPD by Using the JpdService API in an Update Override

Synchronous and Asynchronous Behavior

Error Handling

Using the Data Services Platform JDBC Driver

About the Data Services Platform JDBC Driver

Features of the Data Services Platform JDBC Driver

Data Services Platform and JDBC Driver Terminology

Installing the Data Services Platform JDBC Driver with JDK 1.4x

Using the JDBC Driver

Obtaining a Connection

Using the preparedStatement Interface

Getting Data Using JDBC

Connecting to the JDBC Driver from a Java Application

Connecting to Data Services Platform Client Applications Using the ODBC-JDBC Bridge from Non-Java Applications

Using the EasySoft ODBC-JDBC Bridge

Using OpenLink ODBC-JDBC Bridge

Using Reporting Tools with the Data Services Platform ODBC-JDBC Driver

Crystal Reports 10 - ODBC

Crystal Reports 10 - JDBC

Business Objects 6.1 - ODBC

Microsoft Access 2000 - ODBC

DSP and SQL Type Mappings

SQL-92 Support

Supported Features


Customizing Data Service Update Behavior

What is an Update Override?

An Update Override is a Java Class

How an Update Override Affects Update Processing

When Are Update Overrides Required?

When Are Update Overrides Required for Relational Data Sources?

Developing the UpdateOverride Class

Invoking Data Service Procedures from an UpdateOverride

Testing Submit Results

Update Override Context

Update Overrides and Physical Data Services

Update Override Programming Patterns

Overriding the Entire Decomposition and Update Process

Augmenting Data Object Content

Accessing the Data Service Mediator Context

Accessing the Decomposition Map

Customizing an Update Plan

Executing an Update Plan

Retrieving the Container of the Current Data Object

Invoking Other Data Service Functions and Procedures

Capturing Runtime Data about Overrides in the Server Log

Default Optimistic Locking Policy: What it Means, How to Change

Advanced Topics

Using Catalog Services to Obtain Data Services' Metadata

Installing Catalog Services

Creating a Query-by-Form (QBF) Application Using Catalog Services

Filtering, Sorting, and Fine-tuning Query Results

Using Filters

Specifying Filter Effects

Ordering and Truncating Data Service Results

Using Ad Hoc Queries to Fine-tune Results from the Client

Handling Large Result Sets with Streaming APIs

Using the Streaming Interface

Writing Data Service Function Results to a File

Providing Role-based Access to DSP Relational Sources

Setting Up Handlers for Web Services Accessed by DSP

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