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   Installing the BEA Tuxedo System

Upgrading an Existing BEA Tuxedo System for Windows NT

If you are upgrading from an existing BEA Tuxedo system, and are using the BEA Tuxedo IPC Helper Service, you must stop the service before performing the installation.

To stop the BEA Tuxedo IPC Helper Service:

  1. Disable the BEA Tuxedo IPC Helper Service by selecting Start-->Settings-->Control Panel-->Services.

  2. From the Services dialog box, select Tuxedo IPC Helper and then select Stop.

The IPC Helper Service is now stopped, and you are ready to start your upgrade. To upgrade your system, complete the procedure provided in Installing the BEA Tuxedo System on a Windows System. The procedure provided in that section is used for both first-time and upgrade installations of Release 7.1. When the BEA Tuxedo Software Installation script detects a previous version of the software, it prompts you to indicate whether or not you would like to delete it.

Note: To ensure proper operation, once the installation is complete, regenerate any applicable TUXCONFIG files.

See Also