Release Notes

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WebLogic SIP Server 2.2 Features and Changes

Welcome to BEA WebLogic SIP Server 2.2! WebLogic SIP Server™ integrates SIP Servlet technologies with J2EE 1.3 and other leading Internet standards to provide a reliable framework for developing highly available, scalable, and secure telecommunications applications. WebLogic SIP Server's seamless integration of disparate, heterogeneous platforms and applications enables your network to leverage existing software investments and share the enterprise-class services and data that are crucial to building next-generation telephony applications.

The following sections describe the new features and changes made in the WebLogic Server 2.2 general release and in intermediate releases:


What's New in WebLogic SIP Server 2.2?

This section describes new features and functionality introduced in WebLogic SIP Server 2.2.

New RFC Support

WebLogic SIP Server 2.2 now supports the following additional RFCs and specifications:

See Supported Specifications and RFCs for a full description of RFC compliance.

Changes for 3GPP Application Server Compliance

WebLogic SIP Server 2.2 introduces a variety of changes in order to comply better with the IMS Application Server specifications described in 3GPP 24.229 Rel 7.0.0:

Diameter Sh Interface, Relay Node Support, and Profile Service API

WebLogic SIP Server implements the Diameter Sh interface as a Web Application that you can deploy to the server. Sh interface functions are implemented as a provider that transparently generates and responds to the Diameter command codes defined in the Sh application specification. A higher-level profile service API enables SIP Servlets to manage user profile data as an XML document using XML Document Object Model (DOM). WebLogic SIP Server supports converged SIP and Diameter applications. See Using the Profile Service API (Diameter Sh Interface) in Developing Applications with WebLogic SIP Server.

WebLogic SIP Server also provides a Diameter relay node application, which you can configure for use when connecting to an HSS. An HSS simulator application is included for development or testing purposes. See Configuring Diameter Sh Client Nodes and Relay Agents in Configuring and Managing WebLogic SIP Server.

Support for SIP UPDATE Method (RFC3311)

As described in RFC 3311, the SIP UPDATE method enables a UAC to update the parameters of a session, such as the media streams or codecs used for communication. To fully support the behavior described in RFC 3311, WebLogic SIP Server now automatically generates a 500 response with a Retry-After header value if a deployed B2BUA receives an UPDATE request, relinquishes control (returns control from the service() method), and then subsequently receives another UPDATE. This change was made to comply with section 5.2 of RFC 3311, which requires a UAS to return a 500 response and Retry-After header if a second UPDATE is received before making a final response to a prior UPDATE.

Path Header Support (RFC3327)

RFC 3327 defines the extension header field, Path, which provides a mechanism for multiple SIP proxies to add themselves to a defined path between a UAC and registrar. The Path header functions similar to the SIP Record-Route header, but is defined outside of a Dialog.

WebLogic SIP Server provides API support to enable multiple proxy applications to add themselves to a Path header in a REGISTER request. A deployed registrar application could then manage and maintain the Path headers.

To provide this support, WebLogic SIP Server extends the javax.servlet.sip.Proxy interface with com.bea.wcp.sip.WlssProxy. The extended interface provides getter/setter methods for the AddToPath attribute, which determines whether proxyTo() operations automatically add a Path header to the proxied request. The interface also provides a method to retrieve the complete URI defined in the Path header for a request, so that the proxy can add arbitrary attributes to the header.

See the com.bea.wcp.sip.WlssProxy JavaDoc for more information.

Note that WebLogic SIP Server does not provide a method for a proxy application to push an arbitrary Path entry (as well as its own Path as supported in the extended API).

Support for SIP REFER Method (RFC3515)

WebLogic SIP Server supports the SIP refer-to header and REFER method for applications that implement services such as unattended or attended call transfer, and third-party call control.

A "REFER" request can come within an existing dialog, or out of dialog. If REFER arrives out of a dialog, it starts a new dialog. WebLogic SIP Server creates an implicit subscription after the 202 Accepted response is sent, and the dialog remains active until the subscription expires. The subscription and original dialog are maintained until a subsequent NOTIFY or method explicitly terminates the subscription. The subscription for REFER can also be terminated with a SUBSCRIBE request sent with expiration = 0.

If a NOTIFY request doesn't find a REFER subscription it is rejected with a 481 status response.:

Because of the implicit subscription described above, WebLogic SIP Server maintains a SIP dialog after the REFER method is used even if a subsequent BYE message is sent. This behavior ensures that call transfer applications can re-establish the original session (via an INVITE) if the call transfer fails. See Section 2.4 Transfer - Unattended in for more information.

WebLogic SIP Server extends the JSR 116 SipServlet class to provide a convenience method for handling SIP REFER requests. To provide a handler your own SIP Servlet, extend com.bea.wcp.sip.WlssSipServlet and implement the doRefer() method. For example:

package myapp;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import com.bea.wcp.sip.WlssSipServlet;
public class MyApp extends WlssSipServlet {
  protected void doRefer(SipServletRequest req)
throws ServletException, IOException {
  // Respond to REFER method...

Changes to SIP Request Authentication for 3GPP TS 24.229

The authentication process for SIP requests having the P-Asserted-Identity header was changed to conform to the behavior described in 3GPP TS 24.229: IP multimedia call control protocol based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Protocol (SDP). In version 2.2, if the SIP message contains a Privacy header with either an "id" or "user" value, the user is treated as being anonymous. Previously, only the "id" value was considered. See Configuring P-Asserted-Identity Assertion in Configuring Security for WebLogic SIP Server.

WebLogic SIP Server 2.2 authentication behavior meets the requirements of 3GPP TS 24.229 except as follows:

Support for X-3GPP-Asserted-Identity Header (3GPP TS 33.222)

WebLogic SIP Server now supports the X-3GPP-Asserted-Identity header for HTTP authentication as specified in 3GPP TS 33.222. Two new security providers, X3gppAssertedIdentityAsserter or X3gppAssertedIdentityStrictAsserter are available to enable and configure support. See Configuring 3GPP HTTP Authentication Providers in Configuring Security for WebLogic SIP Server.

Converged Application Support

WebLogic SIP Server now supports the development and deployment of converged applications that combine SIP protocol functionality with features from J2EE such as HTTP sessions, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs), and Java Message Service (JMS).

An extended API is provided to help you obtain SipApplicationSession objects and to create and associate HTTP sessions with SipApplicationSession objects.

An extended API is also provided to help non-SIP Servlets concurrently modify a SipApplicationSession object in a replicated environment. See Developing Converged Applications in Developing Applications with WebLogic SIP Server. See also the converged application example installed with WebLogic SIP Server (wlss_home/samples/server/examples/src/convergence/readme.html).

Production Application Upgrade

You can upgrade a deployed SIP application to a different version without losing calls that the application is current processing. WebLogic SIP Server supports application upgrades by allowing two different versions of the same application to be deployed simultaneously. The server itself automatically routes new calls to the latest-deployed application version, while directing messages for already-established calls to the older application version. After a period of time, the new application version processes all SIP messages, while the older version processes no messages and can be safely undeployed. See Upgrading Deployed SIP Applications in Configuring and Managing WebLogic SIP Server.

Improved Failover Detection

A new failover detection mechanism is provided to improve failover performance in the event that a data tier server process immediately fails, or the network connection between an engine and data tier server is physically compromised. See Improving Failover Performance for Physical Network Failures in Configuring and Managing WebLogic SIP Server.

Content Indirection

WebLogic SIP Server now supports SIP applications that indirectly specify the content of the SIP message body (for example, using an HTTP URL). Content indirection is generally used move large message bodies out of the SIP signalling network, or to allow bandwidth-constrained applications to determine whether or not they should download the additional content. Instead of providing the content directly in the message, the message body contains only a link to the specified content and metadata that specifies the size and type of information to be retrieved.

To support content indirection, WebLogic SIP Server provides an API to enable SIP Servlets to easily determine whether or not a message uses content indirection. For messages that include indirect content, the API provides for easy retrieval of the content metadata. See Using Content Indirection in SIP Servlets in Developing Applications with WebLogic SIP Server. See also the draft specification for content indirection at

Reliable Provisional Responses (RFC 3262)

WebLogic SIP Server supports reliable provisional responses (defined in For a particular dialog there may be multiple reliable provisional responses at a given time. For this reason, the existing SipSession.createRequest() method in the SIP Servlet API is not sufficient for handling PRACK. Also, the basic doAck() method cannot be used for generating PRACK from the reliable provisional responses themselves.

Because of these issues, WebLogic SIP Server provides two alternatives for creating PRACK from the reliable provisional responses themselves:

  1. WlssSipServletResponse.createPrack()—SIP Servlets can acknowledge a provisional response (and stop retransmissions of provisional responses) by creating a PRACK request using the com.bea.wcp.sip.WlssSipServletResponse.createPrack() method. This method returns a PRACK request having the RAck header sequence number of the response that is being acknowledged.
  2. SipServletResponse.doAck()—The implementation of the JSR116 SipServletResponse.createAck() method was modified to automatically return a PRACK request instead of an ACK request for provisional (non-2xx) responses. doAck() is allowed only for reliable provisional responses.

See the WebLogic SIP Server JavaDoc for com.bea.wcp.sip.WlssSipServletResponse.

Support for Modifying Contact Header Parameters

WebLogic SIP Server provides limited support for modifying Contact header parameters, which is required by the 3GPP IMS specification. In version 2.2, applications can use the following SipServletMessage method call to return a Contact address object whose parameters can be modified:


The object returned allows only limited modification of parameters in this release. Specifically, the object does not permit applications to add a URI user part to the Contact header, or to modify parameters that could influence the network interface that the SIP Container uses for transmitting messages.

In addition to the above change, the code was modified to allow a UAS to modify Contact header parameters for a 200 response to an OPTIONS request, as required in RFC 3261.

New Example Applications

WebLogic SIP Server 2.2 introduces a number of new and revised example applications. Source and build files for the new examples are installed at WLSS_HOME\samples\server\examples\src, where WLSS_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic SIP Server (for example, c:\bea\wlss220).

See the WLSS_HOME\samples\server\examples\src\index.html file for information about all examples installed with WebLogic SIP Server.

Support for Generating SNMP Traps from SIP Servlets

WebLogic SIP Server 2.2 introduces a new runtime MBean, SipServletSnmpTrapRuntimeMBean, that enables applications to easily generate SNMP traps. The WebLogic SIP Server MIB contains seven new OIDs that are reserved for traps generated by an application. See Generating SNMP Traps from Application Code in Developing Applications with WebLogic SIP Server.

Default SIP Servlet Configuration

A new configuration element in sipserver.xml, default-servlet-name, enables you to specify a default SIP Servlet that the container calls for incoming initial requests when no other Servlet can be matched via servlet-mapping definitions in sip.xml. See default-servlet-name in the Configuration Reference.

The default-servlet-name element cannot be modified using the Administration Console. You must modify this value directly in sipserver.xml using a text editor, and redeploy the sipserver/config Web Application to all engine tier servers, to use this feature. You can redeploy the config Web Application using either the Administration Console or the weblogic.Deployer utility. To redeploy from the Administration Console:

  1. For single-server domains, expand the Servers node and select the name of the WebLogic SIP Server instance. For multiple-server domains, expand the Clusters node and select the name of the engine tier cluster.
  2. Select the Deployments->Web Modules tab in the right pane.
  3. Select the config application from the table.
  4. Select the Deploy tab.
  5. Click Redeploy next to the single server instance, or the engine tier cluster on which the application is deployed.

To redeploy using the weblogic.Deployer utility, enter a command to:

java java weblogic.Deployer -username weblogic -password weblogic -verbose 
   -targets config@BEA_ENGINE_TIER_CLUST -name sipserver -adminurl
   t3://localhost:7001 -redeploy"


What's New in WebLogic SIP Server 2.1?

This section details features that were introduced between WebLogic SIP Server 2.1 and earlier versions. This section includes information about the following:

Architectural Changes

The architecture of WebLogic SIP Server 2.1 was dramatically improved to provide increased performance, higher availability, and flexibility in configuring available resources. The most visible change in architecture is in WebLogic SIP Server's use of two separate clusters, referred to as the engine tier and data tier, that can be sized independently of one another to increase the call throughput or availability of an installation. (Development installations and small production installations can also use a single server instance as needed.) See Overview of the WebLogic SIP Server Architecture for more information about these changes. See also Capacity Planning for WebLogic SIP Server Deployments for information about sizing each cluster to match the performance and reliability goals of your applications.

WARNING: When you configure a domain with multiple engine and data tier servers, you must accurately synchronize all server system clocks to a common time source (to within one or two milliseconds) in order for the SIP protocol stack to function properly. See Configuring NTP for Accurate SIP Timers for more information.

Application Porting Guidelines

SIP Servlets developed for previous versions of WebLogic SIP Server must observe new coding practices and requirements in order to operate in the version 2.1 distributed environment:

These and other porting requirements are described in Requirements and Best Practices for WebLogic SIP Server Applications in Developing Applications with WebLogic SIP Server.

New Security Features

WebLogic SIP Server now supports the P-Asserted-Identity SIP header as described in RFC3325. See Trusted Host Forwarding with P-Asserted-Identity in Configuring and Managing WebLogic SIP Server.

WebLogic SIP Server now supports Client-Cert authentication as well as BASIC and Digest authentication. See Configuring Client-Cert-Based Authentication for SIP Applications in Configuring and Managing WebLogic SIP Server. Client-Cert authentication is disabled by default; the switch to enable is defined in ClusterMBean and ServerMBean.

WebLogic SIP Server 2.1 now includes an RDBMS (JDBC) Digest Identity Assertion provider as well as the LDAP provider included in previous versions. In addition, both the RDBMS and LDAP providers support reverse-encrypted passwords as well as clear-text and hashed password values. See Configuring Digest Authentication for more information.

Configuration Changes

The following sections describe changes in the way you configure and manage WebLogic SIP Server 2.1.

datatier.xml Changes (Formerly statetier.xml)

The configuration file used to define partitions and replicas in the data tier is now named datatier.xml. In addition, the main XML element defined in the file has changed to data-tier (formerly state-tier). The location of the data tier configuration file has also changed; both datatier.xml and statetier.xml are located in the DOMAIN_DIR/sipserver/config subdirectory, where DOMAIN_DIR is the root directory of the WebLogic SIP Server domain.

Load Balancer Configuration Changes

Load balancer addresses are no longer defined in the sipserver.xml configuration file. Instead, the load balancer address and port number must be defined in the External Listen Address and External Listen Port fields of a SIP channel on each engine tier server. See Configuring Load Balancer Addresses in Configuring and Managing WebLogic SIP Server.

Changes in Queue Length-Based Overload Protection

When using queue- length-based overload protection controls, WebLogic SIP Server now monitors the sum of the lengths of the sip.transport.Default and sip.timer.Default execute queues, rather than only the length of sip.transport.Default. Also, the default overload configuration initiates overload protection when the combined queue size reaches 200 simultaneous requests, and releases overload control when the combined size falls to 150 simultaneous requests. See overload in Configuring and Managing WebLogic SIP Server.

sipserver.xml Changes

The schema for sipserver.xml has changed in WebLogic SIP Server. See the Engine Tier Configuration Reference (sipserver.xml) in Configuring and Managing WebLogic SIP Server. Notable changes include:

In addition to schema changes, the location of sipserver.xml has changed in this release. The sipserver.xml is included as part of the sipserver enterprise application that implements the SIP container features of WebLogic SIP Server. See Overview of WebLogic SIP Server Configuration and Management.

Network Configuration Using Channels

WebLogic SIP Server 2.1 no longer uses the (previously-deprecated) connector element in sipserver.xml for configuring network connections. Instead, all connections are defined using:

Multiple network channels can be defined to support multiple transport protocols or to configure multiple network interfaces on multi-homed server hardware. See the Managing WebLogic SIP Server Network Resources in Configuring and Managing WebLogic SIP Server.

Access Logging Configuration Changes

Access logging is no longer configured by defining a filter in the sipserver.xml configuration file. See Enabling Access Logging in Developing Applications with WebLogic SIP Server for information about the new XML configuration elements.

Container Changes for send() Calls

In previous WebLogic SIP Server releases, if an application called the send() method within a SIP request method such as doInvite(), doAck(), doNotify(), and so forth, the SIP Servlet container immediately transmitted the send() call to the network. In WebLogic SIP Server 2.1, send() calls are instead buffered in the order in which they are called, and transmitted in order only after the control has returned to the SIP Servlet container.

WARNING: Applications must not wait or sleep after a call to send(), because the request or response is not transmitted until control returns to the SIP Servlet container.


What's New in WebLogic SIP Server 2.0 SP2

WebLogic SIP Server 2.0.2 introduced the following features:


Deprecated Features in WebLogic SIP Server 2.0 SP1

WebLogic SIP Server 2.0.1 was a restricted release of a BEA product and was subject to change in future releases. The following features were specifically called out as having been deprecated in WebLogic SIP Server 2.0.1:

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