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A Sample Campaign


In previous sections of the tour, the focus was on the commerce features of the sample Web application. The descriptions were primarily intended as an overview for the Java developers or Commerce Business Engineers (CBEs) who will use the JSP templates and tags to build applications.

This final chapter of the tour switches the focus to the campaign features, especially from the perspective of the business analysts and marketing professionals who will use the graphical client tool called the BEA E-Business Control Center.

The following topics are discussed:


Introduction and Prerequisites

This tour takes you through a basic sample campaign, and shows you the simple JSP tags that have been inserted in the sample JSP templates. These JSP tags do things like provide placeholders on the Web pages for content that it either associated with a campaign, or operates independently of a campaign. The characteristics of that content is determined by the person who defines the campaigns in the E-Business Control Center, the profiles of people using the Web site, and the events that occur while people are using the Web site.

First, a few basic facts about the BEA E-Business Control Center and campaigns:


Step 1: Starting the E-Business Control Center

The E-Business Control Center is a client that connects locally or remotely to a server running Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server applications.

If the E-Business Control Center is not installed yet, you or your system administrator should see "Installing the E-Business Control Center" in the Installation Guide. After the installation, you or your system administrator must set up the product license. If that step has not happened yet, see "Post-Installation Considerations" in the Installation Guide.

Before you start the E-Business Control Center, the server must be running. The WLCS Web application does not have to be running, but for the purposes of this tour we suggest that you have it running too. For information about starting the server and opening the WLCS Web application, see Starting the Tour.

On a supported client Windows system, use the Start menu to start the E-Business Control Center. For example:

Start --> Programs -->BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform --> BEA E-Business Control Center --> E-Business Control Center

The E-Business Control Center client displays a splash screen with a number of Initializing.... messages, and then opens its screens on the desktop.


Step 2: Connecting from the Client Tool to a Running Server

Figure 7-1 shows the initial screens that are displayed when theE-Business Control Center client tool has started. In the Server Connection window, the E-Business Control Center prompts you for server connection information on the New Connection tab. For this example, enter:


Step 3: Examining Tour Campaign 1: Simple Banner Ad

Once the connection from the client tool to the server is established, we can start exploring some of the sample campaign data. The data comes pre-loaded in the application.

The E-Business Control Center displays an Explorer window, as shown in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2 Explorer Window


When you click Tour Campaign 1 once, the description explains that in the Web application, a banner ad will be displayed if a customer belonging to the "Affluent Mr/Ms Fix-It" or "Contractor" customer segments has logged in. We will try the login accounts on the sample JSP templates later. For now, though, let's look at the definitions related to Tour Campaign 1.

Double-click on "Tour Campaign 1." In a few seconds, an editor window is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-3.

Figure 7-3 Campaign Editor Window


On the right side of the window, click each of the small black triangles in the white circles to expand each category: General, Start/Stop, and Scenarios.

The General category contains the description of the campaign. The Start/Stop section shows the date range for the campaign, and specifies the ending criteria for the campaign on the running server. Notice how the ads that are part of this campaign will be displayed up to 25 times on the server before the campaign ends. For example, see Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4 Start/Stop Settings for Tour Campaign 1


Click in the row for the ending criteria, and then click the Edit button to get a closer look, as shown in Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5 End Criteria Detail Window


Notice how this particular campaign is specifying two banner ad graphics that will be displayed. On this screen, the business analyst or marketing professional can set the target number and characteristics for the campaign, the goal scope, and the goal type.

Click the OK or Cancel button on the End Criteria Detail window. Back on the Editor window for Tour Campaign 1, click the Start/Stop arrow again to minimize it. Then click the arrow for the Scenarios category to expand its display on the window. The Ad Scenario for Campaign is displayed.

On the Editor window for Tour Campaign 1, in the Scenarios category, click the small Details icon (on the right). Figure 7-6 shows the relevant portion of the display.

Figure 7-6 Details Display for Ad Scenario for Campaign


Again, a scenario is the primary building-block of campaigns. A scenario is composed of one or more scenario actions, all of which take place if their criteria are met: if a particular event occurs or if a customer is part of a specified customer segment As you can see, two actions are defined for this scenario. The scenario occurs if:

As you will recall from an earlier chapter in the tour, the newuser.jsp template includes a file. It contains form fields that allow the person registering with the Web site to characterize themselves in one of several categories. Figure 7-7 shows a portion of the Demographic Options on the newuser.jsp:

Figure 7-7 Demographic Options from newuser.jsp Template


For the sample campaigns, there are two registered customers you need to know about:

Notice how on the initial main.jsp template for the running WLCS Web application, before logging in as any user, the default banner graphics are:

Figure 7-8 shows the initial display for the sample Web application:

Figure 7-8 Initial Display for the WLCS Web Application


The tourBanner1.gif and tourSide01.gif images are default images. The placeholder JSP tag is simply:

<ph:placeholder name="<%= banner %>" />

To experience the first sample campaign and see what the Web visitor will see, let's access the WLCS Web application in a browser:

Click the Log In link in the horizontal navigation section of main.jsp.

When you arrive on the login.jsp template, log in as:

Username: suecarpenter
Password: password

If you entered Sue's username and password correctly, notice the changes when you arrive back on the main.jsp template. Figure 7-9 shows the sample display.

Figure 7-9 Main.jsp Display for Logged-in User Sue Carpenter


Sue is in the Contractor customer segment. Notice the targeted "Contractor's Journal" ad is now used in the banner. The image file name is tourBannerJournal.gif.

How was the association made between a customer in the Contractor customer segment and this ad? Let's go back to the E-Business Control Center. On the Editor window for Tour Campaign 1, in the Scenarios section, click in the second action that references the Contractor customer segment, as shown in Figure 7-10.

Figure 7-10 Action that References Contractor Customer Segment


With that action highlighted, click the Edit button. On the Ad Action window, click the "ad search" link shown in Figure 7-11.

Figure 7-11 Notice the "ad search" link on the Ad Action Window


Click the "ad search" link. Figure 7-12 shows the Ad Search window.

Figure 7-12 Ad Search Window


Of course, you can now see the tourBannerJournal.gif image that is associated with customers in the Contractor customer segment, as defined in the Tour Campaign 1. If you want, you can highlight the item in the Descriptors row to see how the Preview function works.

On the WLCS Web application, you can log out as Sue Carpenter and then log in as Bob Smith. (The username is bobsmith and the password is password.) Bob is in the "Affluent Mr/Ms Fixup" customer segment. Figure 7-13 shows the main.jsp display for the logged in Bob Smith.

Figure 7-13 Main.jsp Display for Logged In User Bob Smith


As you can see, the targeted banner ad for Bob Smith is using the tourBannerFixup.gif image. You can confirm this in the E-Business Control Center by following the scenario action that references the Affluent Mr/Ms Fixup customer segment.

After you create a new placeholder in the E-Business Control Center, a CBE must use a special tag (the <ph:placeholder> JSP tag) in the location that you want to display ads. For example, if you create a placeholder to display ads in the top banner, a CBE must add a <ph:placeholder> tag to the top banner.

When a customer accesses a page that contains a placeholder JSP tag, the tag starts the process of choosing a query, running the query, and then generating the HTML tags that the browser needs to display the ad.

Once a CBE uses this tag on a page on your web site, you use the E-Business Control Center to change the queries that the tag can run; you do not need a CBE to modify the tag.

Note: A documentation walk-through of Tour Campaign 2 (discounts for registered users) may be provided in an update to this document on the BEA E-Docs Web site. Please check


What's Next?

This concludes the JSP Commerce and Campaign tour. To learn more about the E-Business Control Center, see the online Help in the client tool. A copy of the online Help is also available in the document "Using the E-Business Control Center." This document is of interest to business analysts, marketing professionals, and developers. In the documentation, developers are referred to as Commerce Business Engineers (CBEs).

CBEs should also read the Guide to Developing Campaign Infrastructure and the Guide to Events and Behavior Tracking.

To learn more about the WebLogic Commerce Server JSP templates, Webflow, Pipeline, the product catalog, and the other concepts introduced in the tour, CBEs should see the following documents:


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