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Installing the E-Business Control Center


This chapter explains how to install the E-Business Control Center software on supported client systems. The client can be installed either standalone, or on the same system as the server software if the platform supports both.

Note: At this time, the E-Business Control Center is certified for use on Windows and Solaris clients. For details, see Supported Platforms and DDL Files.

This topic includes the following sections:

Note: There is a separate installation procedure for the BEA Campaign Manager for WebLogic 1.1, WebLogic Commerce Server 3.5, and WebLogic Personalization Server 3.5 server packages. For details, see Installing the Server on Windows Systems, or Installing the Server on UNIX Systems.


About the Variable Used in This Chapter

In this chapter, the variable BEA_HOME is used to represent a parent directory, into which BEA products and related software are installed in subdirectories. For example, the default BEA_HOME directory is:

c:\bea (Windows)

/bea (UNIX)


Before You Begin

Before you start the E-Business Control Center client installation procedure on supported Windows and Solaris 8 systems, read the product Release Notes and all of Preparing to Install. Also refer to the following checklist:


The Installation Procedure

This section steps you through the installation procedure for E-Business Control Center on supported Microsoft Windows and Solaris 8 client systems.

Check the Release Notes for information on service packs or patches for the E-Business Control Center.

Warning: If you are re-installing the E-Business Control Center software on the target system, make sure you first create backup copies of any files that you customized.

  1. Windows: Start the installation by running this file: BEA_EBCC_11.exe.

    Solaris 8

    1. Make sure you have installed WebLogic Commerce Server Service Pack 1. For more information, see the Release Notes.

    2. Download the EBCC_11_with_sp1.bin file from the WebLogic Commerce Server area of the BEA Download Center Web site.

    3. Run either of the following to begin the installation:

      $ sh EBCC_11_with_sp1.bin (for the graphical version), or

      $ sh EBCC_11_with_sp1.bin -i console (for the console version)

      Note: The console version of the Solaris 8 E-Business Control Center installer is almost identical to the console installer for the server. For more information, see Console Version of the Installer.

  2. The installation procedure displays an InstallAnywhere startup screen, and then displays the product splash screen.

  3. On the splash screen, select the language you want to use during the installation and click OK.

    Note: Currently, only English is supported in the console version of the installer.

  4. In the Introduction window, click Next.

  5. In the License Agreement window, please read the entire license agreement. If you agree, select Yes and click Next.

  6. In the Choose BEA Home Directory window, select the BEA Home directory that you want to use. If a BEA Home directory does not exist, the installation procedure can create one for you. By default, this location on Windows systems is c:\bea. On UNIX, the default location is /bea. After you select the BEA Home Directory, click Next.

  7. In the Choose Product Directory window, select the subdirectory name under BEA_HOME where you want to install the software files for the E-Business Control Center. By default, this location on Windows systems is c:\bea\E-BusinessControlCenter. On UNIX, the default location is /bea/E-BusinessControlCenter. After you select the target directory, click Install.

  8. The installation procedure transfers the product files to your system. During this step, it displays an informational billboard screen for the BEA Developer Center, an online, technical resource for developers at

  9. After the installation completes, InstallAnywhere displays the Install Complete window. Click Done to complete the software installation.


Updating the License File

The licensing step for the E-Business Control Center depends on whether you installed it standalone or on a machine that also includes the server software.

If you installed the E-Business Control Center on a supported machine that also has the server software, the E-Business Control Center will use the license file in BEA_HOME. This assumes that you followed the steps to use UpdateLicense.cmd/sh to apply the update license file (by default, license_wlcsps35.bea) to the license.bea file. For details, see the licensing sections in Installing the Server on Windows Systems, or in Installing the Server on UNIX Systems.

If you installed the E-Business Control Center client tool on a supported machine that does not also have the server software, copy the updated license file from your server system to the BEA_HOME directory on the client system. Before you save or copy the license file into BEA_HOME on the client, check that you are not overwriting an existing license.bea file.


Next Steps

After you complete the product's server installation and you update the license file:

If you need to uninstall the client software, see the next section.


Uninstalling the Client Software

To uninstall (remove) the E-Business Control Center software:

  1. Shut down the E-Business Control Center client, if it is running.

  2. Create a backup copy of any files you modified in the BEA_HOME\E-BusinessControlCenter\... directory structure. The InstallAnywhere Uninstaller program should leave those files on your system after the uninstall; thus, the backup copy is just in case any unexpected errors occur.

  3. Windows: Select the following option on the Start menu:

    Start —> Programs —>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform —> BEA E-Business Control Center —> Uninstall

    Or run the following program:


    Solaris 8: Run the following program:

    $ sh BEA_HOME/E-BusinessControlCenter/UninstallerData/
    (for the graphical version), or

    $ sh BEA_HOME/E-BusinessControlCenter/UninstallerData/
    Uninstall_EBCC_11_with_sp1_Load2.bin -i console
    (for the console version)

  4. Click Uninstall to start the removal of the E-Business Control Center files from your system. (InstallAnywhere usually has a delay enabling the display of its Uninstall button as it gathers information.)

    The InstallAnywhere Uninstaller displays a progress screen.

  5. When the uninstall operation completes, the InstallAnywhere Uninstaller program displays a screen that details which folders could not be removed. Not removing certain directories or files is intentional; InstallAnywhere will not remove any directories that contain files that you modified or added to the BEA_HOME\E-BusinessControlCenter\... directories.

  6. Click Exit.

After the uninstall, check any remaining files in the BEA_HOME\E-BusinessControlCenter\... directory structure and decide whether you need to set those files aside for subsequent use. If desired, remove the E-BusinessControlCenter folder from the directory structure.


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