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What Is the JSP Commerce and Campaign Tour?


BEA Campaign Manager for WebLogic and BEA WebLogic Commerce Server include a set of templates that you can use to set up your e-commerce Web site quickly. This tour leads you through many of the templates to demonstrate their scope and design. The tour makes use of sample data that simulates an e-commerce Web site. An easy way to get started is to follow along with this tour document, working through the suggested steps to get familiar with the templates.

The templates consist of JavaServer Pages (JSP) and image files. You can modify the template layout and the order in which the product presents pages without requiring Java programming skills. Other lower-level modifications, such as changing the default business logic, require Java programming skills.

If you are not familiar with JSP or the basic product concepts, we recommend that you read the remaining topics in this section:


About the Product Licenses and This Tour

Three types of product licenses are available that affect which features of the Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server software you can use:

During the product software installation, all components are installed. However, your license file is checked at run-time to determine which features you can use. This tour documentation shows a sample Web application that was executing while using the full Campaign Manager for WebLogic license.

Important: If you are licensed for WebLogic Commerce Server only, you will see almost all of the features shown in chapters 2 through 6 of this tour. The exception is that you will not see the campaign-related features, such as the "Experience a Campaign!" top ad banner and the "Register Now and save $10..." side banner. These ads are associated with sample campaigns. In chapters 2 through 6 of this document, the focus of the descriptions is on the commerce features. The campaign features, how they were defined in the E-Business Control Center client tool, and what was added in the JSP templates, are described in A Sample Campaign.

The sample Web application shown in this tour cannot be run if you have the WebLogic Personalization Server only license. There is a separate tour document for WebLogic Personalization Server users; see the "Personalization Server Tour."

For information about how the license file is configured on your system, see the "Post-Installation Considerations" chapter of the Installation Guide. For information about which product features are available with each type of product package license, see the Product Family Overview.


About JSP

JavaServer Pages (JSP) are text files that contain well-formed HTML and special tags (JSP tags) that, when served by a Java-enabled Web server, extend the capabilities of HTML. With Campaign Manager for WebLogic and WebLogic Commerce Server, you use JSP tags to provide dynamic content in specific areas of a Web page and to create an interface for exchanging data with your customers.

For a description of JSPs and the JSP tags that the product provides, refer to the following documents:

For more information about JSP, refer to and


About the Database Schemas

WebLogic Commerce Server includes schemas for both Cloudscape and Oracle databases. The schemas support all transactions that are available from the WebLogic Commerce Server JSP templates. For more information, refer to the following topics:

About the Sample Database

By default, WebLogic Commerce Server is configured to use the Cloudscape DBMS. When you install WebLogic Commerce Server, it creates and populates a sample Cloudscape database. The sample data simulates an e-commerce Web site that sells tools and miscellaneous hardware.

If you want to configure WebLogic Commerce Server to use an Oracle platform and create and populate a sample Oracle database, see the instructions in the Deployment Guide.



To calculate the amount of sales tax due, WebLogic Commerce Server integrates with the TAXWARE International, Inc. tax calculation service. The JSP templates tour includes a set of TAXWARE data files for demonstration purposes only.

If you want to use this service for your production Web site, you must set up your own account with TAXWARE. With the account you can download updated data files, which contain information about tax requirements for all tax jurisdictions in the United States and selected other countries. For more information, see "Taxation Services" in Guide to Managing Purchases and Processing Orders.


About CyberCash

To verify and post credit card transactions, WebLogic Commerce Server integrates with the CyberCash, Inc. payment service. If you want to use this service, you must set up an account with CyberCash.

By default, the integration with CyberCash is disabled. You can complete purchases with the integration disabled, but WebLogic Commerce Server does not send data to CyberCash.

For more information about the CyberCash integration, see "Payment Services" in Guide to Managing Purchases and Processing Orders.


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