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Setting Up Oracle for New Installations


To use an Oracle database with an installation of Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server, complete the following tasks:

Step 1: Create Tablespaces for Oracle

Step 2: Install the Oracle Client Software

Step 3: Create Oracle User Accounts

Step 4: Create the Schema for Oracle

Step 5: Rebuild Indexes

Step 6: Configure Properties Files and Environment Variables for Oracle

Step 7: Load Additional Sample Data


Step 1: Create Tablespaces for Oracle

To separate its data from the Oracle data dictionary and from data that other applications use, Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server uses the following tablespaces:

For optimal performance, we recommend that you reduce I/O contentions by placing each tablespace on its own physical disk drive.


Note: In this document, WL_COMMERCE_HOME refers to the directory into which you installed WebLogic Commerce Server and/or WebLogic Personalization Server.

  1. On the server that hosts the Oracle database, start SQL*Plus and log in as SYSTEM (or another user with create-tablespace privileges). You must complete this procedure on the local host; you cannot successfully create tablespaces from a remote session.

  2. Make a backup copy of WL_COMMERCE_HOME/db/oracle/8.1.6/admin/create_tablespaces.sql

  3. In a text editor, open create_tablespaces.sql and modify the pathnames for the DATA_PATHNAME and INDEX_PATHNAME variables to match your own directory path structures. For example, on a UNIX workstation two disks are mounted as /usr1 and /usr2 and the Oracle SID is PROD. We recommend the following pathnames:
    DEFINE DATA_PATHNAME=/usr1/oracle/oradata/PROD
    DEFINE INDEX_PATHNAME=/usr2/oracle/oradata/PROD

  4. In the SQL*Plus session you started in step 1, enter the following command:
    @ WL_COMMERCE_HOME/db/oracle/8.1.6/admin/create_tablespaces.sql


Creating the WLCS_EVENT_DATA tablespace is necessary only if you are using the Behavior Tracking feature.

  1. On the server that hosts the Oracle database, start SQL*Plus and log in as SYSTEM (or another user with create-tablespace privileges). You must complete this procedure on the local host; you cannot successfully create tablespaces from a remote session.

  2. Make a backup copy of WL_COMMERCE_HOME/db/oracle/8.1.6/event/create_event_tablespaces.sql

    In a text editor, open create_event_tablespaces.sql and modify the pathname for the EVT_DATA_PATHNAME variable to match your own directory path structure.

  3. In the SQL*Plus session you started in step 1, enter the following command:
    @ WL_COMMERCE_HOME/db/oracle/8.1.6/event/create_event_tablespaces.sql


Step 2: Install the Oracle Client Software

On the Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server host, use the Oracle installation program to install Oracle client software.

For information on the Oracle release that Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server supports for your platform type, refer to Supported Platforms in the Installation Guide.

During the installation process, use the Oracle Net8 Assistant application to set up a new TNS service. The Net8 Assistant prompts you for the name or IP address of the computer that hosts the Oracle server software, the port number Oracle is listening on (usually 1521), and the SID name for the database. Test the connection with the database username and password that your database administrator assigned to you.

If you are using the WebLogic jDriver to connect to the Oracle database, refer to "Installing and Using WebLogic jDriver for Oracle" on the WebLogic documentation site for information on setting up the appropriate jDriver.


Step 3: Create Oracle User Accounts

To simplify administration, we recommend that you create a user account exclusively for the Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server schema. The servers include a script that creates a user account named WEBLOGIC and specifies a default tablespace for the account. Although you can modify the script to change the account name, we recommend that you do not; several other scripts assume that the account is named WEBLOGIC. If you change the account name, you must review each script for the use of the WEBLOGIC account name and modify it.

To create a user account:

  1. From the host on which you installed the Oracle client software, start SQL*Plus and log in as SYSTEM (or any user with create-user privileges).

  2. Enter the following command:
    @ WL_COMMERCE_HOME/db/oracle/8.1.6/admin/create_users.sql


Step 4: Create the Schema for Oracle

Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server include a script, create_all.sql, that calls a series of other scripts to create the WebLogic Commerce Server and WebLogic Personalization Server schema and install sample data. You can modify the script to create the database without loading sample data.

This step includes the following tasks:

Note: If you use the Event and Behavior Tracking Service, you must use a separate set of scripts to create the Event and Behavior Tracking schema objects. For more information, refer to "Scripts" under "Persisting Behavior Tracking Data" in the Guide to Events and Behavior Tracking.

Prevent Sample Data from Loading (optional)

By default, create_all.sql calls other scripts to load sample catalog, customer, and user data. The sample Web applications use this data to demonstrate Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server features.

If you do not want to use this sample data, you can create the database without inserting sample data by modifying create_all.sql as described in this section.

To prevent sample data from loading, do the following:

Note: The sample Web applications do not function properly without this sample data. For example, the example portal Web application adds new users to the AcmeUsers group. If you do not load sample data, then the AcmeUsers group does not exist and the example portal fails to create new users. Do not follow this procedure if you are setting up an environment in which you want to run the sample Web applications.

  1. Create a backup copy of WL_COMMERCE_HOME/db/oracle/8.1.6/create_all.sql

  2. Open create_all.sql in a text editor.

  3. Deactivate the statements that insert sample data by adding remark comments (--) to the front of the line. Listing 1-1 shows the statements that insert sample data as deactivated and in bold font.

    Listing 1-1 Deactivated Insert Statements

    -- select '************** insert_wlps_sample_data.sql' from dual;
    -- @insert_wlps_sample_data.sql
    select '************** insert_wlcs.sql' from dual;
    -- select '************** insert_wlcs_sample_data.sql' from dual;
    -- @insert_wlcs_sample_data.sql
    -- select '************** insert_wlcs_sample_catalog.sql' from dual;
    -- @insert_wlcs_sample_catalog.sql
    -- select '************** insert_wlcs_sample_customer.sql' from dual;
    -- @insert_wlcs_sample_customer.sql

  4. Save your modifications to create_all.sql.

Run create_all.sql

To create the WebLogic Commerce Server and WebLogic Personalization Server schema, do the following:

  1. On the Oracle client host, log in to the WEBLOGIC user account by entering the following command from SQL*Plus:

  2. Enter the following command:
    @ WL_COMMERCE_HOME/db/oracle/8.1.6/create_all.sql

For a description of the tables, indexes, and constraints, see the following topics:


Step 5: Rebuild Indexes

The create_all.sql places the Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server index in the default tablespace (WLCS_DATA). To locate and rebuild the index; in the WLCS_INDEX tablespace, do the following:

  1. From the Oracle client host, log in to the WEBLOGIC user account by entering the following command from SQL*Plus:

  2. Enter the following command:
    @ WL_COMMERCE_HOME/db/oracle/8.1.6/admin/rebuild_indexes.sql


Step 6: Configure Properties Files and Environment Variables for Oracle

To configure properties files and environment variables for Oracle, complete the following tasks:

Set Up the JDBC Connection Pool

To set up the JDBC connection pool for Oracle, do the following:

  1. Start the WebLogic Administration Console for your domain. For more information, refer to Starting the Administration Console for the Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server Domain.

  2. In the left pane of the Administration Console, click Services —> JDBC —> Connection Pools —> commercePool. (See Figure 1-1.)

    The right pane of the Administration Console displays the commercePool properties.

    Figure 1-1 Click commercePool


  3. On the commercePool page, click the Configuration tab. Then click the General subtab.

  4. On the General subtab, in the URL box, enter the following path:

  5. In the Driver Classname box, enter the following driver name:

  6. In the Properties box, enter the following properties (See Figure 1-2.):

    where @ORACLE_USER@ is the name of the Oracle user account,
    @ORACLE_PASSWORD@ is the user account's password, and
    @ORACLE_NET_SERVICE_NAME@ is the name of the Oracle net service.

  7. On the General subtab, click Apply.

    Figure 1-2 General Pool Properties


  8. Click the Connections subtab.

  9. Enter values for the properties as follows:

  10. Click Apply.

  11. Click the Testing subtab and do the following:

  12. Click Apply.

    You must restart the server to deploy the modifications. However, we recommend that you complete the remaining procedures in this topic before you restart the server.

Edit the File

If you are using the RDBMS security realm, you must change the RDBMSRealm settings in the file to match the database type that stores the user information. If you are using LDAP or some other security realm, you can ignore these settings.

For information on the Oracle release that Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server supports for your platform type, refer to Supported Platforms in the Installation Guide.

For example, Listing 1-2 shows a file that specifies the WebLogic jDriver.

To change these settings, you must do all of the following:

  1. Remove the comment tags from the lines that specify the database type you are using.

  2. Change any placeholders in the lines. For example, you must change the string @ORACLE_SERVER@ to the name of the Oracle server that hosts the Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server database.

  3. Deactivate any other lines in this section by adding comment tags to the beginning of each line.

  4. Make sure that the value for commerce.usermgmt.RDBMSRealm.dbUrl matches the value for the commerce.jdbc.pool.url property (also located in, which is used to establish JDBC connection pools.

    Also verify that the connection pool properties in the WebLogic Server Administration Console specify the same database type as these settings for the RDBMS realm. For more information, refer to Set Up the JDBC Connection Pool.

    Listing 1-2 Settings for the RDBMS Realm

    # RDBMS Realm
    #------Oracle thin Driver---------#
    #------WebLogic jDriver for Oracle 8.1.5---------#

Update Environment Variables for the Server

To update environment variables, do the following:

  1. In a text editor, open %WL_COMMERCE_HOME%\bin\platform-type\set-environment.bat (Windows) or
    WL_COMMERCE_HOME/bin/platform-type/ (UNIX).

A subsequent section describes in detail each of the remaining steps.

  1. Set @ORACLE_HOME@.

  2. Specify the database.

  3. Set variables for Oracle drivers.


After opening set-environment, find the line WLCS_ORACLE_HOME=@ORACLE_HOME@ and substitute @ORACLE_HOME@ with the absolute pathnames of the directory in which you installed the Oracle client software.

For example, Listing 1-3 shows a Windows environment in which the Oracle client software is installed in D:\oracle.

Listing 1-3 Set @ORACLE_HOME@

SET WL_COMMERCE_HOME=D:\WebLogicCommerce3.5
SET JDK_HOME=D:\jdk1.3
REM -- Add WebLogic, CyberCash, and Taxware bin directories to the path --
SET PATH=%PATH%;%WEBLOGIC_HOME%\bin;%WL_COMMERCE_HOME%\eval\win32\CyberCash\bin;

The WLCS_ORACLE_HOME variable adds Oracle-client Java classes and libraries to the Java classpath and to the system path.

Specify the Database

Under the section titled
-------- Specify which database to use --------,
activate the line that sets the DATABASE variable to the database type that you are using and deactivate any other line. For example,
Listing 1-4 shows a Windows environment that uses the WebLogic jDriver.

Listing 1-4 Specify the Database

REM ----------- Specify which database to use -----------
REM ----------- CLOUDSCAPE classes -----------
SET DB_CLASSPATH=%WEBLOGIC_HOME%\eval\cloudscape\lib\cloudscape.jar;%WEBLOGIC_HOME%\eval\cloudscape\lib\tools.jar;%WEBLOGIC_HOME%\eval\cloudscape\lib\client.jar
GOTO continue

Set Variables for Oracle Drivers

In set-environment, under the :ORACLE_OCI_815 section, verify that the PATH variable correctly identifies the location of the WebLogic jDriver and Oracle client libraries.

The following example from a Windows installation adds the WebLogic jDriver and Oracle client libraries to the system path:

REM ----------- WLS ORACLE 815 classes -----------


Step 7: Load Additional Sample Data

You can load additional sample data that demonstrates ad placeholders and features that are available only with Campaign Manager for WebLogic. If you do not use Campaign Manager for WebLogic, you can prevent campaign-specific data from loading by modifying the loadSampleData script.

This section describes the following tasks:

Modifying loadSampleData

The loadSampleData script is located at the following pathname:

WL_COMMERCE_HOME\bin\platform-type\loadSampleData.bat (Windows)
WL_COMMERCE_HOME/bin/platform-type/ (UNIX)

Note: The remainder of this section uses Windows syntax and filenames.

It calls the following scripts to load data for features that are available in Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server:

It calls the following scripts to load data for features that are available only in Campaign Manager for WebLogic (if you do not use Campaign Manager for WebLogic, you can remove or deactivate the lines that call these scripts):

Running loadSampleData

To load additional sample data, do the following:

  1. From a DOS prompt on the Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server host, enter the following command:

  2. Open another command shell and enter the following command:

  3. Stop and restart Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server. For information on stopping the server, refer to Shutting Down the Server.


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