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Upgrade Guide

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Upgrading WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2

This section provides information on upgrading from WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2.


Topics Included in this Section

About Upgrading

Describes guidelines for upgrading from WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2.

What Is Upgraded by the Upgrade Utilities and Wizard

Describes the utilities that are upgraded using the Upgrade Wizard.

Features That Require Manual Upgrading

Describes the features that are not upgraded by the Upgrade Wizard.

Contivo Analyst Does Not Require Upgrade

Describes XSLT transformations and XQuery mapping functionality.

Installing the Upgrade Utilities and Wizard

Describes how to install the upgrade utilities and the Upgrade Wizard.

Upgrading to WebLogic Integration 8.1 Service Pack 2

Describes, in detail, the process of upgrading from WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2.


About Upgrading

The following list provides important guidelines for upgrading from WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 to WebLogic Integration 8.1:


What Is Upgraded by the Upgrade Utilities and Wizard

WebLogic Integration 8.1 includes several utilities and an Upgrade Wizard for helping you upgrade WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 applications. The following list briefly describes these utilities:


Features That Require Manual Upgrading

The following features are not upgraded by the Upgrade Wizard or other utilities and need to be manually upgraded:


Contivo Analyst Does Not Require Upgrade

WebLogic Integration 8.1 does not include Contivo Analyst. Instead BEA provides a more powerful XQuery mapping functionality as part of WebLogic Workshop. However, if you wish to continue using Contivo, WebLogic Integration 8.1 provides run-time support for XSLT transformations. Note that when upgrading using the Upgrade Wizard, existing XSLT transformation are not converted to the new functionality, but configured to run unchanged. You continue to maintain XSLT transformations using Contivo Analyst.

To learn more about the XQuery mapper functionality, see "Transforming Data Using XQuery" in the WebLogic Workshop Help at the following URL:


Installing the Upgrade Utilities and Wizard

This section describes how to install the Upgrade utilities and Upgrade Wizard. It contains information on the following topics:

Install the Upgrade Utilities and Wizard

Before upgrading, you must first install the Upgrade utilities and Upgrade Wizard. These utilities are in the Upgrade JAR, which is available on the BEA dev2dev Web site at the following URL:

After downloading the JAR file, install the utilities with the following steps:

  1. If WebLogic Workshop is running, close it.
  2. Unjar the upgrade.jar file to a temporary directory.
  3. In the temporary directory, open the workshop-lib directory, then copy the migration.jar file to the BEA_HOME/weblogic81/workshop/lib directory.
  4. In the preceding line, BEA_HOME represents the WebLogic Platform 8.1 home directory.

  5. From the temporary directory you created, copy the upgrade directory to the BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration directory.
  6. The upgrade utilities are installed in the upgrade directory

  7. Start WebLogic Workshop.
  8. The Upgrade Wizard and upgrade utilities are now available, as shown in Figure 5-1.

    Figure 5-1 Upgrade Wizard is Available

    Upgrade Wizard is Available


Edit aiExport21

If you plan to upgrade WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 Application Views, you need to edit the aiExport21.cmd file. Specifically, you need to set the correct path for calling the setEnv.cmd script in your WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 directory. After installing the Upgrade JAR, the aiExport21.cmd file is located in the following directory:


In the preceding line, BEA_HOME represents the WebLogic Platform 8.1 home directory.

For example to set the path for the default installation for WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2, you would set the path as follows:

call C:\bea\wlintegration2.1\setEnv.cmd

Contents of Upgrade JAR

The Upgrade JAR file contains the following directories and files:


Upgrading to WebLogic Integration 8.1 Service Pack 2

This section provides information about each of the steps listed in the Overview of Upgrade Process. Depending on your application, the steps you use may differ from this approach.

Overview of Upgrade Process

The following is a general upgrade strategy. Depending on your application, the steps you use may differ from this approach. Details of each step are described in the remainder of this document.

  1. In WebLogic Integration 8.1, create a Process Application for your upgrade. See Creating an Application For Upgrade.
  2. Re-deploy the business operations EJB. See Re-deploying Business Operations EJB.
  3. In WebLogic Integration Studio, generate and export a workflow package (.jar) file. The JAR will include workflow, XML (Extensible Markup Language), XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language), and MFL (Message Format Language) files. See Exporting Package File from WebLogic Integration BPM Studio.

Use steps 4 and 5 only if you are using B2B integration.

  1. In WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2, export B2B Trading Partner Management (TPM) configuration data using the B2B Console or Bulk Loader. You can export TPM configuration data from either a development environment and a running production system. See Exporting Trading Partner Management Configuration Data.
  2. Use the WebLogic Integration 8.1 TPM upgrade utility for upgrading TPM configuration data and its associated services and profiles exported from WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2. See Using the Trading Partner Management Upgrade Utility.

Use steps 6, 7, and 8 only if you are using application integration.

  1. Using the Export21 utility (included in WebLogic Integration 8.1) or the WebLogic Integration 7.0 import/export utility, export application integration (AI) repository artifacts. These utilities export Application Views, connection factories schemas, and namespaces to a JAR file. See Exporting Application Views and other AI Repository Artifacts.
  2. Using either the Repackage Adapter utility for WebLogic Integration 2.1. SP2 adapters or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 adapters, upgrade any custom or third-party adapters and deploy on WebLogic Integration 8.1. See Repackaging Application Integration Adapters and Deploy.
  3. With the WebLogic Integration 8.1 import-export utility, import the AI repository artifacts that you exported in Step 6 into your WebLogic Integration 8.1 application. See Importing Application Views and Other AI Repository Artifacts.
  4. Using theWebLogic Integration 8.1 Upgrade Wizard, upgrade the workflows definitions and the data integration MFL, XSL, and XML files used by workflows. See Upgrading Workflows.
  5. Examine the upgrade log and use the provided information for fixing business processes, identifying what needs to be upgraded manually, and optimizing the upgraded business processes. See Viewing the Upgrade Log.
  6. Run and test your business processes. See Running and Testing Upgraded Business Processes.

Based on requirements, you can also do the following.

Creating an Application For Upgrade

Before upgrading your WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 application, create a WebLogic Integration 8.1 process application for your upgrade, as described in How Do I: Create a New Application? in the WebLogic Workshop Help at the following URL:

In the Name field, specify a name for the application, then click Create, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 5-2 New Application

New Application


Re-deploying Business Operations EJB

A business operation Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) encapsulates business logic. Business logic is the code that fulfills the purpose of the application, such as checking inventory or ordering a part.

You can use the same business operation EJBs that you created for WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 in WebLogic Integration 8.1. In WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2, the Studio was used to enable workflows to use business operation EJBs. In WebLogic Integration 8.1, you use Java and EJB controls to utilize the business logic encapsulated in your business operation EJB. EJB controls make it easy for you to use an existing, deployed EJB from within an application.

To re-deploy your business operation EJB, do the following:

  1. Add the EJB JAR to the Modules folder in your upgrade application, then deploy.
  2. For business operations that use Java classes, import the classes into the Libraries folder of your upgrade application.

To learn about deploying EJBs, see Deployment in the WebLogic Server documentation at the following URL:

To learn about using Java Controls, see Working with Java Controls in the WebLogic Workshop Help at the following URL:

To learn about using EJB Controls, see Using Integration Controls in the WebLogic Workshop Help at the following URL:

Exporting Package File from WebLogic Integration BPM Studio

Before upgrading your WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 applications, you must first export your workflows and other application data to a JAR file.

Note: In some instances, it may be necessary to modify the original WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 workflows. To see if this applies to any of your workflows, see Upgrade Wizard Limitations.

To export your workflows, do the following:

  1. In WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 Studio, generate and export a workflow package (.jar) file. The JAR file will include workflow, XML (Extensible Markup Language), XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language), and MFL (Message Format Language) files.
  2. Note: To learn about exporting a workflow package in WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2, see Importing and Exporting Workflow Packages in Using the WebLogic Integration Studio at the following URL:

    To learn about exporting a workflow package in WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2, see Importing and Exporting Workflow Packages in Using the WebLogic Integration Studio at the following URL:

  3. Transfer the exported TPM XML file to your target environment for the WebLogic Integration 8.1 application.
  4. If you are not upgrading B2B integration or application integration components go to Upgrading Workflows.
  5. If you are upgrading B2B integration components, go to Exporting Trading Partner Management Configuration Data.

    If you are upgrading application integration components, go to Exporting Application Views and other AI Repository Artifacts.

Exporting Trading Partner Management Configuration Data

This step applies only if you are upgrading B2B integration components.

Before you can upgrade your Trading Partner Management (TPM) configuration data and its associated services and profiles from WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2, you must first export this information to an XML file.

Note: If a value does not exist for the WLPI Template Name attribute in your B2B conversation-definition roles, you may enter one (if applicable) before upgrading. If this value is missing, the new TPM data will not include the business process or control service derived from the conversation-definition role.

To learn about conversation definitions in WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2, see Configuring Conversation Definitions in Administering B2B Integration at the following URL:

To learn about conversation definitions in WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2, see Configuring Conversation Definitions in Administering B2B Integration at the following URL:

To export your TPM configuration data, do the following:

  1. If you are not using a keystore in your WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 B2B application, you must create one.
  2. The WebLogic Integration 8.1 Trading Partner Management uses the keystore to manage trading partner's certificates. (Trading Partner Management holds only the entry of the certificate in the keystore). To learn about keystores, see WebLogic B2B Security Upgrade.

  3. Export your WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 B2B repository information to an XML file using the Bulk Loader or the WebLogic Integration B2B Console export functions.
  4. Note: If you are exporting repository information from a running system using the command-line Bulk Loader utility, you must use the -force option.

    WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2: To learn about exporting repository data from this version of WebLogic Integration, see the following documents:

    • Working with the Bulk Loader in Administering B2B Integration at the following URL:

    • Exporting Repository Data in the Online Help for the WebLogic Integration B2B Console at the following URL:

    WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2: To learn about exporting repository information in this version of WebLogic Integration, see the following documents:

    • "Exporting Data from the Repository" in the WebLogic Integration 7.0 Administering B2B Integration at the following URL:

    • Exporting Repository Data in the Online Help for the WebLogic Integration B2B Console at the following URL:

  5. Transfer the exported TPM XML file to your target environment for the WebLogic Integration 8.1 application.
  6. To import the TPM XML file into your WebLogic Integration 8.1 upgrade application, go to Upgrading TPM Configuration Data.

Upgrading TPM Configuration Data

This step applies only if you are upgrading B2B integration components.

WebLogic Integration 8.1 provides a TPM upgrade utility for upgrading Trading Partner Management (TPM) configuration data and its associated services and profiles from WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2.

Note: The TPM upgrade utility upgrades configuration data, not run-time state data.

What the Trading Partner Management Upgrade Utility Does

The TPM upgrade utility upgrades the following:

Information Not Upgraded by the Utility

The following information is not mapped by the TPM upgrade utility:


The TPM upgrade utility has the following limitations:

Warning Case

As mentioned in Exporting Trading Partner Management Configuration Data, if a value does not exist for the WLPI Template Name attribute in your B2B conversation-definition role, you may enter one (if applicable) before upgrading. If this value does not exist, you will receive the following warning:

<date and time> <Error> <Upgrade> <600001>
<Missing wlpi-templateattribute in the conversation-Definition/role
element. No workflow nor control service will be generated for this role.>

You can add this information after using the TPM upgrade utility with the WebLogic Integration Administration Console. To learn about importing, see "Trading Partner Management" in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions at the following URL:

Using the Trading Partner Management Upgrade Utility

Before you can use the TPM upgrade utility, you must first export this information to an XML file as described in Exporting Trading Partner Management Configuration Data.

To upgrade your TPM data using the TPM upgrade utility, do the following:

  1. On a Windows system, open a command window.
  2. In both Windows and UNIX, go to the following directory:
  3. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/upgrade

    In the preceding line, BEA_HOME represents the WebLogic Platform home directory.

  4. Execute the upgrade of B2B configuration data by entering:
  5. Windows: upgradeTPM.cmd <sourceFileName> <targetFileName> [workflowPath] [ctrlPackage]

    UNIX: <sourceFileName> <targetFileName> [workflowPath] [ctrlPackage]

    Table 5-1 contains the command-line parameters for the upgradeTPM utility.

    After the file is successfully transformed, the following message is displayed:

    <date and time> <Info> <Upgrade> <600003> <Transformation Completed Successfully>
    Transformation Completed Successfully

    If the file is not successfully transformed, an error message is displayed.

    Table 5-1 Command-Line Parameters for the upgradeTPM Utility





    The directory path and name of the TPM XML file to be upgraded.


    The directory path and name of the upgraded TPM XML file.


    The path name of the workflow that uses the ebXML control, such as bea.myOrders.

    Note: If you know the workflow path, enter this parameter; otherwise, leave it blank. After the TPM data is loaded, you can add this parameter in the WebLogic Integration Administration Console—>Trading Partner Management—> Service Management—>Name field. See" Viewing and Changing Services" in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions at the following URL:


    The package name of the ebXML Control, such as bea.ebxmlCtrlPackage.

    Note: If you know the control package name, enter this parameter; otherwise, leave it blank. After the TPM data is loaded, you can add this parameter using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console—>Trading Partner Management—>Service Management—>Business Service Name field. See "Viewing and Changing Services" in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions at the following URL:

  6. To verify the upgrade and add optional configuration data, import the upgraded file using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console. To learn about importing, see "Importing Management Data" in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions at the URL:

  8. If you are upgrading application integration components, go to Exporting Application Views and other AI Repository Artifacts; otherwise, go to Upgrading Workflows.

Exporting Application Views and other AI Repository Artifacts

This step applies only if you are upgrading application integration (AI) components.

Different utilities are needed to export Application Views and other AI repository artifacts from WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 to JARs that can be imported into your WebLogic Integration 8.1 upgrade application. These utilities export Application Views, connection factories schemas, and namespaces into a single JAR file. After exporting, transfer the JAR file to your target environment for the WebLogic Integration 8.1 application.

Note: Upgrading Application Views should be done only if you are using corresponding adapters in WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 8.1 (for example, WebLogic Adapter for RDBMS 7.1 and WebLogic Adapter for RDBMS for WebLogic Integration 8.1).

Exporting AI Repository Artifacts

Note: If you are exporting WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 repository artifacts, you must edit the aiExport21.cmd file to use the correct path for the setEnv.cmd, as described in Edit aiExport21. The aiExport21 utility is included in WebLogic Integration 8.1.

To export AI Repository Artifacts, do the following:

  1. On a Windows system, open a command window.
  2. In both Windows and UNIX, go to one of the following directories:
  3. WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2: BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/upgrade

    WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2: BEA_HOME/weblogic700/integration/bin

    In the preceding paragraphs, BEA_HOME represents the WebLogic Platform home directory.

  4. Execute the exporting of the repository artifacts.
  5. WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2

    Usage for exporting:

    aiexport21 <WLS URL> <user name> <password> <file>
    [-codepage=<#>][-dump=< <namespace> | <'Root'> ] [-append]
    < [-export [object name]*] >

    Table 5-2 contains the command-line parameters for the aiexport21 utility.

    WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2

    Usage for exporting:

    aiimportexport <WLS URL> <user name> <password> <file>
    [-codepage=<#>][-dump=< <namespace> | <'Root'> ] [-append]
    < [-export [object name]*] >

    Table 5-2 contains the command-line parameters for the aiimportexport and aiexport21 utilities.

    Table 5-2 Command-Line Parameters for the aiExport21 and aiimportexport Utilities




    URL of WebLogic Server.

    user name

    Your username for the specified WebLogic Server.


    Your password for the specified WebLogic Server.


    The JAR file exported from the WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 application.


    Optional. The codepage used when writing to console. It ensures that characters are displayed correctly.

    The default is Cp437 (United States).Other valid values include:

    • Cp850 Multilingual (Latin I)

    • Cp852 Slavic (Latin II)

    • Cp855 Cyrillic (Russian)

    • Cp857 Turkish

    • Cp860 Portuguese

    • Cp861 Icelandic

    • Cp863 Canadian-French

    • Cp865 Nordic

    • Cp866 Russian

    • Cp869 Modern Greek

    • MS932 Japanese

    The value specified must match your console's codepage.

    Note: On Window systems the chcp command displays the console's codepage.


    Prints a list of all objects within both the specified namespace and other namespaces nested within it. To print a list of objects for the entire directory structure, specify Root.


    Appends exported items to the file specified by file instead of overwriting it.


    Specifies an export operation and the name of the objects to be exported (namespaces and application views) and any objects they contain. These objects are stored into file. When specifying an object within a namespace use "." as the delimiter (for example, mynamespc.myappview).

    Note: To export the entire directory structure, include Root in the list of object names.

  6. To upgrade WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 custom or third-party adapters, go to Repackaging Application Integration Adapters and Deploy.
  7. To import Application Views and other AI repository artifacts, go to Importing Application Views and Other AI Repository Artifacts.

Repackaging Application Integration Adapters and Deploy

This step applies only if your are upgrading application integration (AI) components.

WebLogic Integration 8.1 provides a aiRepackageAdapter utility for upgrading WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 custom and third-party adapters. Specifically, this utility converts adapter EARs (Enterprise Archive file) to WebLogic Integration 8.1 EARs.

Note: Note, do not use the aiRepackageAdapter utility for upgrading BEA Adapters. You should use BEA WebLogic AdaptersTM 8.1. To learn about BEA adapters, see BEA WebLogic Adapters 8.1 at the following URL:

What the aiRepackageAdapter Utility Does

Differences exist between the structure of WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 EAR files and WebLogic Integration 8.1 EAR files. Previous WebLogic Integration EARs contained a design-time WAR (Web Application file), a run-time RAR (Resource Adapter Archive), and an event router WAR, while the WebLogic Integration 8.1 EAR contains only a design-time WAR and a run-time RAR.

The aiRepackageAdapter utility performs the following functions:

Using the aiRepackageAdapter Utility

To repackage your adapters, do the following:

  1. On a Windows system, open a command window.
  2. In both Windows and UNIX, go to the following directory:
  3. BEA_Home\weblogic81\integration\upgrade

    In the preceding line, BEA_HOME represents the WebLogic Platform home directory.

  4. Execute the repackaging of the adapter by entering (without the .EAR extension):
  5. Windows: aiRepackageAdapter.cmd <parent_dir> <Adapter EAR File Name>

    UNIX: <parent_dir> <Adapter EAR File Name>

    In the preceding paragraphs, parent_dir represents the parent directory of the WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 EAR file.

    For example:

    aiRackageAdapter.cmd d:\weblogic700\integration\adapters\dbms\lib BEA_WLS_DBMS_ADK

    The repackaged adapter is named <adapter name>_8.1.ear and located in the parent directory.

  6. Deploy the repackaged adapter in your WebLogic Integration 8.1 application. See Deploying WebLogic Integration Solutions at the following URL:

    Note: When you deploy, the application name should be the name of the adapter without the _81.ear suffix. If the suffix is used, the adapter cannot be used by WebLogic Integration 8.1. For example, the application name of a supplier_8.1.ear is supplier. The module (file) name can remain the same.

Importing Application Views and Other AI Repository Artifacts

This step applies only if you upgrading application integration (AI) components.

WebLogic Integration 8.1 provides an import-export utility for importing Application Views and other AI repository artifacts from a WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 AI repository. This utility can be executed from the command line, or incorporated into your code with the import-export API. The output of the utility is a JAR file.

What the Import-Export Utility Does

Upgrading your WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 AI repository is required because the WebLogic Integration 8.1 AI repository is contained in the directory structure of the application's local file system, while the repository for WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 is contained in a Relational DataBase Management System (RDBMS) database. Moreover, objects stored in the WebLogic Integration 8.1 repository have changed, as shown in the following list:


Shared connection factories—When an Application View that uses a shared connection factory is imported into WebLogic Integration 8.1, it will have an invalid adapter instance reference. When you are ready to test and publish the upgraded Application View, you need to correct the invalid reference. To make the correction, do the following:

  1. In the Application Integration Design Console, select the Application View with the invalid adapter instance reference.
  2. After the console page displays the Define Application View page, select the correct adapter from the Associated Adapter drop list.
  3. Click Reuse Existing Connection.
  4. Select an existing Adapter Instance for the Application View to use.

Note: To learn more about testing and publishing Application Views, see "Defining an Application View" in Using the Application Integration Design Console at the following URL:

Namespace mismatch—Application Views upgraded to WebLogic Integration 8.1 using the import-export utility will have a namespace added to the request and response schema. If an XmlObject is used in the upgraded business process, such as in an XPath function, the upgraded files will not contain the namespace information. Subsequently, the XPath function will not work properly because of the namespace mismatch. The DTF (Data Transfer Format) file generated by the Upgrade Wizard must be edited to contain the namespace information. The DTF file is located in the HOME_BEA/weblogic81/<Upgrade Project>/<Upgrade Project>Web/process folder.

In the preceding paragraph, BEA_HOME represents the WebLogic Platform home directory.

For example, if a WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 document contains the following:


in WebLogic Integration 8.1, it is upgraded to look like this:

<ns0:RowsAffected xmlns:ns0="wlai/DemoDBMS_CreateCustomer_response"> 1 </ns0:RowsAffected>

The XPath function that is generated by the import-export utility is:

* Original xpath = "/RowsAffected/text()"
* @dtf:transform xquery="string( $xmlInput/self::RowsAffected/text())"
abstract public String xpath_2(XmlObject xmlInput);

You must manually add the namespace information so that the XPath function can work properly, as indicated by the bold text:

* Original xpath = "/RowsAffected/text()"
* @dtf:transform xquery="declare namespace
string( $xmlInput/self::ns0:RowsAffected/text())"
abstract public String xpath_2(XmlObject xmlInput);

Using the Import-Export Utility

To upgrade AI repository artifacts using the WebLogic Integration 8.1 import-export utility, complete the following steps:

Note: Before upgrading your repository, you must have created an application in WebLogic Workshop, as described in Creating an Application For Upgrade. By default a new application contains a project named "Schemas". If your application does not have a Schemas project, you must create one using WLI System Schemas as the project type. The project determines the location of the repository. To learn about creating a Schemas project, see How Do I: Create a Schemas Project Folder in the WebLogic Workshop Help at the following URL:

Note: Before you can use the import-export utility, you must first export this information to a JAR file as described in Exporting Application Views and other AI Repository Artifacts.

  1. Using the WebLogic Integration 8.1 import-export utility, import the JAR into your applications project's Schemas folder. Detailed steps are provided in Invoking the Import-Export Utility from the Command Line.
  2. (Optional) Create an event properties file. This file provides the properties needed for event generation within the adapter instance that is created for the named connection factory. BEA recommends that this file be named <adapter name>
  3. (Optional) Create an event properties file. The recommended name for this file is <adapter name>
  4. The event properties file represents the properties for an event connection that will be paired with a named connection factory in a newly generated adapter instance.

    The event properties file is used to configure event delivery on the newly created adapter instance that wraps the existing WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 connection factory descriptors. This is only necessary when the generated adapter instance is used to support event delivery for Application Views that use events. If you do not specify the event properties file, and the Application Views that uses that connection factory has defined events, you will need to use the Application Integration Design Console to edit the event connection being used by the Application View to allow for event delivery on that Application View.

  5. If you do not specify an event properties file when importing connection factories, you will have to edit your adapter instances using the Application Integration Design Console.
  6. To learn more about specifying event properties, see "Defining an Application View" in Using the Application Integration Design Console at the following URL:

  7. Test and publish your imported Application Views and other AI repository artifacts.
  8. Note: You must complete this step before upgrading your workflows, as described in Upgrading Workflows.

    To learn more about testing and publishing Application Views, see "Defining an Application View" in Using the Application Integration Design Console at the following URL:

Invoking the Import-Export Utility from the Command Line

The usage for importing with the import-export utility is:

Usage: aiimportexport <app name> <root dir> <file> <codepage>
-import [-publish]
[-eventProps=<connection factory name>,<properties file name>]*

For example:

aiimportexport UpgradeProcesses
d:bea\weblogic81\integration\70exports\appvies.jar cp437
-import -publish

In the proceeding command, myFactory is the connection factory name within the JAR exported from the WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 repository.

Note: This usage is specific to importing JAR files that have been exported from WebLogic Integration 2.1 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 applications. For full usage, see "Importing and Exporting Application Views" in the Using the Application Integration Design Console at the following URL:

The following table contains the command-line parameters for the import-export utility.



app name

The name of the J2EE application that receives the artifacts from the WebLogic Integration 2.1 or 7.0SP2 JAR.

root dir

The root directory of the AI repository within the WebLogic Integration 8.1 application.

Note: You only need to specify the root directory of the application, not the location of the Schemas folder.


The JAR file exported from the WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 application.


The codepage used when writing to console. It ensures that characters are displayed correctly.

The default is Cp437 (United States).Other valid values include:

  • Cp850 Multilingual (Latin I)

  • Cp852 Slavic (Latin II)

  • Cp855 Cyrillic (Russian)

  • Cp857 Turkish

  • Cp860 Portuguese

  • Cp861 Icelandic

  • Cp863 Canadian-French

  • Cp865 Nordic

  • Cp866 Russian

  • Cp869 Modern Greek

  • MS932 Japanese

The value specified must match your console's codepage.

Note: On Window systems the chcp command displays the console's codepage.


Specifies that objects contained in the JAR should be imported into the repository.


Used only with -import. Requests the import/export utility to publish the imported Application Views to the target application. This generates the EJB JAR for the Application View and prepares the Application View for use in the target application.


Used only with -import and when importing a WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 JAR. Defines a mapping between the qualified connection factory name and a properties file. This properties file provides the properties needed for event generation within the adapter instance that is created for the named connection factory.

If needed, you may use multiple -eventProps arguments.These properties are specified in WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 within the EventRouter WAR file's web.xml. You can extract the name and value from the init-param elements of the web.xml and place them in a Java properties file where name is the key and the value is the value portion on each line in the file.

When creating the properties file for the -eventProps arguments, you should take the property name/value pairs from the init-param elements in the web.xml file of the WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 adapter's EventRouter WAR file.

You need not put the following properties in web.xml properties in the -eventProps properties file:

  • eventGeneratorClassName

  • RootLogContext

  • AdditionalLogContext

  • LogConfigFile

  • LogLevel

  • MessageBundleBase

  • LanguageCode

  • CountryCode

If the -eventProps argument does not exist or if it is not defined so that it maps a properties file to the qualified name for a connection factory, the adapter instance generated will have inbound messaging disabled. After importing, you can specify event properties for the adapter instance your using the Application Integration Design Console. To learn more about specifying event properties, see "Defining an Application View" in the Using the Application Integration Design Console at the following URL:

connection factory name

The qualified name of the connection factory that is mapped to the properties file.

Defines a mapping between the qualified connection factory name and a properties file.

properties file name

The name of the properties file to which the properties from the web.xml file are mapped.


The following properties are typically found in a WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 EventRouter web.xml file. You can safely not include them in the event properties file.

Using the Import-Export API

You can invoke the import-export utility directly from the API. The class name for the import-export API is com.bea.wlai.client.ImportExport. The following code provides an example for importing.

Listing 5-1 Sample Code for Importing

String exportFilename = "myExportFile.jar";
String appName = "MyApp";
String appRootDir = "d:\\apps\\MyApp";
boolean overwrite = true;
boolean publish = true;
List errors = new LinkedList(); // List of Exception objects

Map eventPropsMap = new HashMap();
// Add properties file names (String) as the values keyed by the
// qualified names of the connection factories the properties are
// to be used with. This list can be null if you don't want any
// mappings applied.

ImportExport ie = new ImportExport(new File(exportFilename));

ie.connect(appName, appRootDir);

ie.importNamespaceObjects(overwrite, publish, eventPropsMap, errors);
catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("Fatal errors encountered:\n");

if (errors.size() > 0)
System.err.println("Non-fatal errors encountered:\n");
int pos = 1;
Iterator i = errors.iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
Exception e = (Exception);
System.err.println("Error " + pos + ": " + e);

Upgrading Workflows

WebLogic Integration 8.1 provides an Upgrade Wizard for upgrading workflows and other application information developed in WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 and WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 to WebLogic Integration 8.1. This section contains the following topics:

About the Upgrade Wizard

The Upgrade Wizard automatically upgrades most workflows, including business process templates that use Data Integration (DI), Application Integration (AI) and B2B plug-ins. Basically, the wizard takes an exported JAR file from WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 that contains workflows, business operations definitions, event keys, and data integration MFL, XSL, and XML files and transforms them into a business process file (.jpd), control files (.jcx), and extracted DI files. The Upgrade Wizard provides success, warning, error, and failure messages about the upgrade process and records this information to a log file.

The Upgrade Wizard optimizes the upgraded business processes as much as possible. However, upgraded processes may not be as optimal as if they were created in WebLogic Integration 8.1. Additionally, some processes cannot be fully upgraded, especially if they are extremely complex or improperly designed. These processes may require manual upgrading or redesign.

To learn about developing business processes, see the Guide to Building Business Processes in the WebLogic Workshop Help at the following URL:

What the Wizard Upgrades

The following list provides an overview of what the Upgrade Wizard upgrades:

Upgrade Wizard Limitations

As previously mentioned, the Upgrade Wizard cannot upgrade some components of particular workflows. You will need to manually upgrade these parts. The following list contains information on the Upgrade Wizard limitation and references to documents that can help you re-develop these components.

Using the Upgrade Wizard

Before using the Upgrade Wizard, you must first export the workflows you created in WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP2 or WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 as described in Exporting Package File from WebLogic Integration BPM Studio.

To upgrade your workflows, do the following:

  1. Start WebLogic Workshop and WebLogic Server, as described in How Do I: Start WebLogic Workshop? in the WebLogic Workshop Help at the following URL:
  3. Open the Process Application for your upgrade that you created in Creating an Application For Upgrade.
  4. From the WebLogic Workshop menu, choose Tools—>WebLogic Integration—>Upgrade Processes.
  5. The Upgrade Wizard is displayed.

  6. In Upgrade Wizard - Step1: Select Process:
    1. In the Select a JAR File field, enter the JAR that contains a set of exported workflows from a previous version of WebLogic Integration. Alternatively, click Browse to navigate to the JAR.
    2. In the Select Workflows to Upgrade field, select one or more workflows from the list of workflows.
    3. Note: If multiple workflow template definitions exist, you must choose which template definition you want to upgrade. The Upgrade Wizard allows only a single definition to be used for creating the JPD.

    4. In the Project drop list, select the project for your upgraded workflows. It should be the name of your application with Web appended. For example, UpgradeProcessesWeb. See the following figure.
    5. Figure 5-3 Upgrade Wizard - Step 1: Select Process

      Upgrade Wizard - Step 1: Select Process

    6. In the Package Name field, enter the name "processes" (which is the location of the default.jpd).
    7. Click Next.
    8. The Upgrade Wizard - Step2: Upgrade is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

      Figure 5-4 Upgrade Wizard - Step 2: Upgrade

      Upgrade Wizard - Step 2: Upgrade

  7. If you do not want to use the default name for the upgrade log, enter a name in the Log file field.
  8. Click Start Upgrade.
  9. Messages indicating the status of the business process upgrade are displayed in the Upgrade Wizard. These messages indicate which steps in the upgrade process succeed and which steps fail; whether or not the JPD file is generated; the number or errors, warnings, and notices; and the type of errors, warnings, and notices, as shown in the following figure:

    Figure 5-5 Upgrade Messages

    Upgrade Messages

  10. Click Finish.
  11. The Upgrade message field displays the results of the upgrade. The errors, warnings, failures, and notices are also recorded in the upgrade log. To learn more about using these messages, see Viewing the Upgrade Log.

    A Design View of the generated business process is displayed and the upgraded workflows (now called business processes) are saved in the directory specified the Package Path field, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 5-6 Original Workflow and Upgraded Workflow

    Original Workflow and Upgraded Workflow


    Note: Some nodes may not display properly.

  12. To view the source code of the generated business process, select the Source View tab.

Note: Some nodes in business processes generated by the Upgrade Wizard may not display properly in the Design View. However, these parameters are visible in the source view.

Viewing the Upgrade Log

The upgrade log helps you with upgrading workflows. You can use the upgrade log to identify the workflows and parts of workflows that could not be upgraded by the Upgrade Wizard. The messages in the log provide guidance for fixing, redeveloping, and optimizing the upgraded business processes. In general, they provide the following:

The following steps will help you use the upgrade log most effectively:

  1. To view the log, select upgrade.log in the Application pane. The log is in the Project/ProjectWeb/processes folder.
  2. Examine the upgrade log and use it to identify the workflows and parts of workflows that could not be upgraded. The log also provides information about the upgraded business process that you can use to improve performance.
  3. Consult the Upgrade Wizard Limitations section of the Upgrade Wizard for information about specific limitations and solutions.
  4. If an entire workflow cannot be upgraded, you need to redevelop that workflow (business process) in WebLogic Integration 8.1.
  5. If a part of a workflow cannot be upgraded, you can add the missing functionality to that workflow (business process) using WebLogic Integration 8.1.

To learn about creating and modifying business processes, see Building Integration Applications in the WebLogic Workshop Help at the following URL:

Running and Testing Upgraded Business Processes

To learn about running and testing business processes, see Running and Testing Your Business Process at the following URL:

Upgrading WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 Adapters Developed by ADK to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2

In WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2, if you have code in the ADK DesignTimeRequestHandler that gets the ConnectionFactoryDescriptor from the Application View descriptor such as the following:

IconnectionFactoryDescriptor cfd = avd.getConnectionFactoryDescriptor();

This code will not work in WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2 because connection factories are now part of the adapter instance.

You will need to replace the code to initialize cfd with the following:

IAdapterDescriptor svcAD = null;
IConnectionFactoryDescriptor cfd = null;

DesignTimeHelper dthelper = getDesignTimeHelper();

//get a reference to the Service Adapter Instance
IApplicationViewDescriptor.IAdapterInstance serviceAdapter =

// Get a reference to the Adapter Descriptor from the AppViewDescriptor
svcAD = dthelper.getAdapterDescriptor(avd,avd.getServiceAdapterInstanceName());

if (svcAD != null)
//get the ConnectionFactoryDescriptor using the design time helper
//method getConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Cfd = dthelper.getConnectionFactoryDescriptor(avd,

JMS Bridge Interoperability

In some cases, messages may fail to be sent across a JMS bridge between clustered domains. This happens when each of the clustered domains contains different versions of WebLogic Server. For information about working around this problem, see "Upgrading from WebLogic Integration 8.1 to SP2" in the WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 Release Notes, which is available in PDF format in a ZIP file. Go to the "Download PDF Documentation for Previous Releases of WebLogic Integration 8.1" page, at, then click "All WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 Documents."


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