WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Getting Started


This section describes what you need to know before you install and run BEA WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1. It includes the following topics:



This document provides the information you need to successfully install BEA WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1 (SP1), a single platform that delivers application integration, business process management, business-to-business (B2B) integration, and data integration for the enterprise.

A service pack is a program that fixes bugs or other known issues in an application. It can also add new functions or increase the capacity of an application. WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1 is available in two forms: a full install and an upgrade install. If you do not have WebLogic Integration installed, or if your WebLogic Integration installation is 2.0 or earlier, you should use the full installer. If you already have WebLogic Integration 2.1 installed, and you have a BEA WebSUPPORT account, you can use the service pack upgrade installer. Information about downloading these installers is provided in Downloading the Software.

The WebLogic Integration installer is available for both Windows and UNIX systems. The installer provides the following modes of installation:

Installing WebLogic Integration Using Graphics Mode, provides a step-by-step guide to installing WebLogic Integration using the graphical installation mode.

The console and silent modes of installation are described in Installing WebLogic Integration Using Console or Silent Mode.

Service pack upgrade installation procedures are described in Installing and Uninstalling Service Pack Upgrades.


WebLogic Integration Software Components

WebLogic Integration consists of the following software that can be installed on your system:

WebLogic Integration Complementary Products

Contivo Analyst 2.4, available for Windows platforms only, is provided on the WebLogic Integration product CD, and is available for download from the BEA Web site. Contivo Analyst is an intuitive, graphical tool that allows business analysts to complete and customize data transformation maps as a visual documentation exercise.

Contivo Analyst installation instructions, user documentation, and release notes are included in the download file.

Note: The Contivo Analyst software needs to be configured to work with the WebLogic Integration repository. If you install Contivo Analyst 2.4 after you install WebLogic Server 6.1 SP1 or higher and WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP1, the Contivo installer detects your BEA Home directory and prompts you to select the directory that contains the latest version of the BEA software. It then configures the WebLogic Integration repository accordingly.

If, however, Contivo Analyst 2.4 was installed on your system before you installed WebLogic Server and WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP1, you need to integrate the Contivo Analyst software with the repository. Instructions are provided in the installation section of the Contivo-BEA Release Notes, which you can access from the Start menu as follows: Start—>Programs—>Contivo Analyst—>Release Notes.


Downloading the Software

Service packs for WebLogic Integration are available only by Web download. The following software can be downloaded for a 30-day evaluation from the BEA Web site:

Information about purchasing licenses for BEA products can be found at the following URL:

You can access the WebLogic Integration Online Documentation at the following URL:

Downloading the Service Pack Upgrade

A service pack upgrade installer is available for WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP1. This installer provides the ability to upgrade an existing instance of WebLogic Integration 2.1. The upgrade installer is available only for registered support customers; the download is password protected. The upgrade installer is available on the BEA Customer Support site:


Installation Prerequisites

Before you install the BEA WebLogic Integration software, make sure your system meets the requirements for it. This section summarizes the hardware and software requirements that are both specific to individual platforms and applicable to all platforms.

Platform-Specific Requirements

WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP1 has been certified for use on the platforms listed in the following table. For the latest information about platform support, see the BEA WebLogic Integration Release Notes.

Table 1-1 Platforms Supported by WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP1



Operating System

Database See Note 1


Oracle 8.1.6 (thin driver)

Oracle 8.1.7 (thin driver)

Cloudscape 3.5.1

SQL Server 7 SP3

SQL Server 2000

Sybase System 11.9.2


Oracle 8.1.6 (thin driver)

Oracle 8.1.7 (thin driver)

SQL Server 7 SP3

SQL Server 2000

Sybase System 11.9.2

DB2 V7.2

Oracle 8.1.6

Oracle 8.1.7

SQL Server 7 SP3

SQL Server 2000

Sybase System 11.9.2


Note 1. Cloudscape is a pure-Java relational database management system that BEA includes with WebLogic Server to allow you to run code samples. It is supported on Windows platforms for development use only; it must not be used in a production environment. Cloudscape is not supported on UNIX platforms.

For Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, or DB2, WebLogic Integration must have network access to the database server. You must also have a database server account with sufficient privileges to create a database with tables.

Note 2. The Solaris operating system patches for Java 2 JDK, including the Solaris OpenWindows Motif patches, are required if you install the software using the GUI installation procedure. The patches are available at the following URL:

General Requirements

The following items are required for all platforms:


Upgrade Considerations

Before upgrading your WebLogic Integration installation to WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP1, be sure your system meets the necessary prerequisites as described in Installation Prerequisites. Additional guidelines are provided in the following sections.

Upgrading from WebLogic Integration 2.1

WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1 requires additional database entities not required for WebLogic Integration 2.1. Therefore, if you are upgrading your installation, you must also migrate your database repository. You are prompted to perform this step after the upgrade installation is complete. Alternatively, you can run the migration utility at a later time using the Start menu shortcuts or scripts.

Before you migrate your database repository, we recommend that you back up your entire database and export all your workflows. If migration fails, you can fix the environment as necessary and start the migration again. You can run the migration script as many times as necessary without causing any adverse affects.

Instructions for upgrading your installation from WebLogic Integration 2.1 to WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP1 are provided in Installing and Uninstalling Service Pack Upgrades.

For details about migration, see Migrating WebLogic Integration 2.1 to WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1 in Migrating to BEA WebLogic Integration Release 2.1.

Upgrading from a Pre-2.1 Release of WebLogic Integration

If you are upgrading from BEA WebLogic Integration 2.0 or earlier and you want to maintain your earlier installation, you do not need to uninstall the earlier version, but you need to be careful about where you install Release 2.1.

When installing BEAWebLogic Integration 2.1 SP1, you are prompted to select a product directory in which to install the software. We recommend that you accept the default location: BEA_HOME/wlintegration2.1. By doing so, you can avoid accidentally installing Release 2.1 on top of an earlier version.

If you select an alternate directory, do not choose one that contains an earlier version of the software.

If you want to migrate repository data to the new release, install the WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP1 software, then follow the procedures provided in Migrating to BEA WebLogic Integration Release 2.1.


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