WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Installing WebLogic Integration Using Graphics Mode


This section provides the information you need to install BEA WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1 (SP1) in graphics mode. It includes the following topics:


About WebLogic Integration Installation

The WebLogic Integration installer guides you through the process of installing Release 2.1 SP1.

The installer verifies that WebLogic Server 6.1 SP1 or higher is installed. It then prompts you to specify an installation location for WebLogic Integration, and other information required to perform basic WebLogic Integration configuration.

Note: The console and silent modes of installation are summarized in Installing WebLogic Integration Using Console or Silent Mode.

Instructions for upgrading your installation from WebLogic Integration 2.1 to WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP1 are provided in Installing and Uninstalling Service Pack Upgrades.

Regardless of which installation mode you use, you must provide the same information during installation. Therefore, you should review the following section, even if you intend to install WebLogic Integration using the console or silent mode.

Preconfigured Domains and Database Selection

The WebLogic Integration installer provides three installation options:

Depending on the installation option you choose, three preconfigured production domains and a samples domain are created. The production domains, which can be used for testing, development, or production, are created when you choose one of the full installation options. The samples domain is created only when you choose the WebLogic Integration Full Installation with Samples option.

For details about the preconfigured domains, see "WebLogic Integration Preconfigured Domains" in Getting Started in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.

During installation, you must select a database for your samples and production domains. The selected database is used to configure a JDBC connection pool for each domain. The following table lists the databases you can select when installing WebLogic Integration on Windows and UNIX platforms.

Table 2-1 Supported Databases

On this platform . . .

You can choose one of these databases . . .

Windows NT/2000

Note: Cloudscape is supported for testing and development purposes only. Cloudscape is not supported in production environments.

Note: DB2 is not supported on Windows platforms.


Note: Cloudscape is not supported on UNIX platforms.


Depending on the database you choose, you are prompted during installation to provide the information required to establish access to the database. The parameters for which you are prompted to supply values are listed in the following table. You should have this information available before you start the installation.

Table 2-2 Database Access Information

Database Type

Connection Parameters




Cloudscape is available for evaluation and testing on Windows systems.


Server Hostname

Name of the system that hosts the Oracle server

Server Port Number

Oracle port number (the default is 1521)


User ID (schema) to which you want to connect


Password required to connect.

Service Name (Oracle SID)

Server-side Service Name/Oracle system identifier (SID)

Net Service Name

Name of the database as it appears in tnsnames.ora or in the Names server

Microsoft SQL Server


Name of the system that hosts the Microsoft SQL Server


Microsoft port number (the default is 1433)


Account login name required to connect to the Microsoft SQL server


Password required to connect

Database Name

Name of the database defined on the Microsoft SQL Server

Server Name

The server alias as it appears on the General tab in your SQL Server Client Network Utility. In many cases, the value of this parameter is the same as the value of Hostname. If this is true for your configuration, enter the same value in this field and the Hostname field.



Name of the system that hosts the Sybase server


Sybase port number (the default is 5000)


Account login name required to connect to the Sybase server


Password required to connect

Database Name

Name of the database defined on the Sybase server

Server Name

The server name assigned in the Sybase client configuration. This name is set using the Directory Services Editor (DSEDIT1).

DB2 See Note

Database User

Account login name required to connect to the DB2 server

Database Password

Password required to connect to the database

Database Name

Name of the database defined on the DB2 server, or DB2 client-side alias to the database. The alias can be created using the DB2 catalog command, or the DB2 Client Configuration Assistant utility, db2cca.


Note: After the installation is complete, you must specify a value for DB2_HOME in the file located in the WebLogic Integration product installation directory: WLI_HOME. For instructions, see "Updating the WebLogic Integration Environment" in Customizing WebLogic Integration in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.


Starting the Installer on a Windows Platform

To start the installer in graphics mode on a Windows platform:

  1. Log in to the Windows system.

  2. Go to the directory in which you downloaded the WebLogic Integration installer.

  3. Double-click wlintegration21sp1_win.exe.

    The initial WebLogic Integration installation dialog box is displayed, followed by the Introduction dialog box.

  4. Proceed to Running the Installer in Graphics Mode.


Starting the Installer on a UNIX Platform

To run the installer in graphics mode, make sure the console attached to the machine on which you are installing the software supports a Java-based GUI.

Note: To install WebLogic Integration on a UNIX system with a console that does not support graphics, see Installing WebLogic Integration Using Console or Silent Mode.

To start the installer in graphics mode on a UNIX platform:

  1. Go to the directory that contains the wlintegration21sp1_unix.bin file you downloaded from the BEA Web site.

  2. Start the installation by entering the following command at the prompt:
    sh wlintegration21sp1_unix.bin

    The initial WebLogic Integration installation dialog box is displayed, followed by the Introduction dialog box.

  3. Proceed to Running the Installer in Graphics Mode.


Running the Installer in Graphics Mode

After you start the installer as described in Starting the Installer on a Windows Platform or Starting the Installer on a UNIX Platform, perform the following procedure to complete the installation:

  1. Click Next in the Introduction dialog box.

    The License Agreement dialog box is displayed.

    Note: If the error message JDK 1.3 and up is required to start the installer is displayed, click Exit to stop the installation. You must add an entry for the JDK 1.3.1 bin directory, BEA_Home\jdk131\bin, to the beginning of your PATH environment variable. Then restart the installer.

  2. Review the license agreement, using the scroll bar to display the text. Select the Yes option to accept the license agreement.

  3. Click Next.

    The Important Information dialog box is displayed, listing the preinstallation requirements for WebLogic Integration 2.1.

  4. Review the preinstallation requirements and click Next to acknowledge that you have read and understood the requirements.

    The Choose Install Set dialog box is displayed.

  5. Select one of the following options:

  6. Click Next.

    The Choose BEA Home Directory dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-1 Choose BEA Home Directory Dialog Box


    The BEA Home directory serves as the central support directory for all the BEA products installed on your system. For a detailed description of how the BEA Home directory is used, see "BEA Home Directory" in "Preparing to Install WebLogic Server" in Installing WebLogic Server. This document is available, in the BEA WebLogic Server document set, at the following URL:

  7. Specify the BEA Home directory as follows:

  8. Click Next.

  9. Do one of the following:

    Note: Although WebLogic Integration is usually installed in a subdirectory of the BEA Home directory, installing it in such a location is not required.

  10. Click Next.

  11. Select the database you want to use for your production domains, and do one of the following:

  12. Click Next, and enter the required information for the selected database as follows:

  13. Click Next.

    If you selected the WebLogic Integration Full Installation without Samples option, the Mail Session Configuration dialog box is displayed. Go to step 17.

    If you selected the WebLogic Integration Full Installation with Samples option, the Samples Database Selection dialog box is displayed.

    You can now configure the samples domain to use either the same database you selected for your production domains or an alternate database. The database options available for your samples domain are the same as those for the production domains, as described in Table 2-1.

  14. Select the database you want to use for your samples domain.

  15. Click Next, and enter the information in the appropriate database configuration dialog box, as described in step 12.

  16. Click Next.

    The Mail Session Configuration dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-7 Mail Session Configuration Dialog Box


  17. Enter values in the following fields:

    Note: The values you enter in this dialog box enable WebLogic Integration to send e-mail from workflow instances. If you do not have mail session information available, you can configure these settings after installation. Depending on your e-mail server, you may be able to configure additional mail session options. For more information, see "Customizing Mail Session Properties" in Customizing WebLogic Integration in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.

  18. Click Next.

    The Confirm Database Selection dialog box is displayed.

  19. Verify that the information displayed reflects your selections. Click Install to begin copying files.

    Additional information about WebLogic Integration is displayed as the installer copies files. When the installer finishes copying the required files, the Install Complete dialog box is displayed.

  20. Click Done to dismiss the Install Complete dialog box.


Troubleshooting During Installation

This section describes problems that may occur during installation, and the symptoms, possible causes, and solutions for those problems.

The following problems are described:

Previous Installation Found

This section describes the problem and possible solutions to it.


After you select a BEA Home directory, a warning is displayed, indicating that a previously installed copy of WebLogic Integration 2.1 has been detected.


You are presented with three options: Continue, Cancel, and Exit. The consequences of each option are described in Table 2-3.

Note: If the previous installation found is WebLogic Integration 2.1 and you want to upgrade to Release 2.1 SP1, choose the Exit option. You can then upgrade your installation as described in Installing and Uninstalling Service Pack Upgrades.

Table 2-3 Options and Consequences

If you select this option . . .

The results are as follows . . .


The installation continues: WebLogic Integration is installed in the same directory as the previous installation, overwriting previously installed WebLogic Integration files. Therefore, any changes you made to files that belong to the previous installation are lost. If you have changed any WebLogic Integration files, you may want to copy them into a temporary directory before proceeding with this option.


In graphics mode, you are returned to the Choose BEA Home Directory dialog box. In console mode, you are returned to the list of available BEA Home directories. If you have an alternate valid BEA Home directory for this installation, select it and resume the installation.


The installation process is stopped and no changes are made to the system.


WebLogic Server 6.1 SP1 Not Detected

This section describes the problem and possible solutions to it.


After you select a BEA Home directory, the WebLogic Server 6.1 SP1 Not Installed warning is displayed.

Possible Cause 1

WebLogic Server 6.1 SP1 or higher is not installed on the system.

Solution 1

Click Exit Installation, or press Enter in console mode, to dismiss the warning and exit the installation. Install WebLogic Server 6.1 SP1 or higher before restarting your installation of WebLogic Integration.

Possible Cause 2

More than one BEA Home directory is configured and the directory you selected does not contain WebLogic Server 6.1 SP1 or higher.

Solution 2

Click Exit Installation, or press Enter in console mode, to exit the installation. Start the WebLogic Integration installation again. At the Existing BEA Home prompt, enter the number that correlates to the BEA Home directory that contains WebLogic Server 6.1 SP1 or higher.


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