WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Installing WebLogic Integration Using Console or Silent Mode


This section provides the information you need to install WebLogic Integration using the following modes:

It includes the following topics:


Using Console Mode to Install WebLogic Integration

This section summarizes the console-mode installation procedure, a set of steps that emulates the graphical installation procedure.

To install WebLogic Integration on a UNIX system in console mode:

  1. Go to the directory that contains the wlintegration21sp1_unix.bin file you downloaded from the BEA Web site.

  2. Start the installation by entering the following command at the prompt:

    sh wlintegration21sp1_unix.bin -i console

    The message Preparing to install is displayed, followed (within a couple of moments) by the message Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation. Once preparation is complete, you are prompted to select the language in which you want the text of the installation program to be displayed, as shown in the following text:

    Choose Locale...

    ->1- English


  3. Enter 1 or press Enter to accept the default.

    Note: If the error message JDK 1.3 and up is required to start the installer is displayed, enter quit to exit the installation. Add an entry for the JDK 1.3.1 bin directory, BEA_Home/jdk131/bin, to the beginning of your PATH environment variable. Then restart the installer.

    The following introductory message is displayed:


    This installer will guide you through the installation of
    'WebLogic Integration'. On each step, answer the questions
    provided. Type "quit" at any time to exit the installer.


  4. Press Enter to continue.

    The license agreement is displayed. Because the agreement is too long to fit on the screen, only the first section is displayed now.

  5. Review the part of the agreement that is currently displayed. Press Enter to display additional text. Repeat until you have reviewed the entire agreement.

    When you reach the end of the agreement, you are prompted to accept or reject the terms.


  6. Enter Y to accept the terms.

    You are prompted to choose an install set, as shown in the following text:

    Choose Install Set
    Please Choose the Install Set to be installed by this installer.

    ->1- WebLogic Integration Full Installation with Samples
    2- WebLogic Integration Full Installation without Samples
    3- WebLogic Integration Client Only Installation


  7. Do one of the following:

    You are prompted to choose a BEA Home directory, as shown in the following text:

    Choose BEA Home Directory

    ->1- Use Existing BEA Home
    2- Create a New BEA Home

    Enter a number(1):

    Note: The BEA Home directory serves as the central support directory for all the BEA products installed on your system. For a detailed description of how this directory is used, see "BEA Home Directory" in "Preparing to Install WebLogic Server" in Installing BEA WebLogic Server. This document is available, in the BEA WebLogic Server document set, at the following URL:

  8. Do one of the following:

  9. Do one of the following:

  10. Press Enter. A warning message may or may not be displayed.

  11. Press Enter to install the software in the selected directory, or enter 2 if you want to use a different location. If you enter 2, you are then prompted to specify a product installation directory. Enter the absolute path for your preferred location.

    One of the following occurs, depending on the type of installation selected:

  12. Do one of the following:

    For a description of these parameters, see Table 2-2.

    Note: If you have previously installed and uninstalled WebLogic Integration in the selected BEA Home directory, the database values you entered when you installed or configured the database are displayed. You are then prompted to use the existing information, or change the values, as shown in the following text:

       ->1- Use Existing Database Information
    2- Modify Database Information

    Select a number or <Enter> for default(1):

    Enter 1 to accept the existing values, or 2 to modify the database information. If you select 2, you are then prompted to enter a value for each parameter.

    Depending on the installation option you selected, one of the following occurs:

  13. Enter the number for the database you want to use for your samples domain. Then, when prompted, enter the information for the selected database as described in step 12.

    Next you are prompted to enter an e-mail address and e-mail host to enable WebLogic Integration to send e-mail from workflow instances.

  14. Enter the following information:

    Note: The values you enter at these prompts enable WebLogic Integration to send e-mail from workflow instances. If you do not have mail session information available, you can configure these settings after installation. Depending on your e-mail server, you may be able to configure additional mail session options. For more information, see "Customizing Mail Session Properties" in Customizing WebLogic Integration in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.

    The installation begins and the installation status is displayed as it progresses. When the installation is complete, the Install Complete message is displayed.

  15. Press Enter to exit the installer.


Using Silent Mode to Install WebLogic Integration

Both the Windows and UNIX versions of the installer provide a noninteractive, or silent-mode installation, which you can use if you want to install WebLogic Integration without being required to supply information from the keyboard during the installation process. Instead, the installer gets the required information from a properties file that you provide.

The following sections provide the information you need to install using silent mode.

Notes About Silent Mode

Before launching a silent-mode installation, make sure that all installation prerequisites are met and that all the information in the properties file is correct. For example, one prerequisite for performing a Full Installation is that WebLogic Server 6.1 SP1 or higher must be installed in the BEA Home directory in which you are going to install WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP1. For more information, see Installation Prerequisites.

After the silent installer is started, it proceeds in the background and does not report exceptions. Some exceptions are ignored. For example, if a previously installed copy of WebLogic Integration is detected, it is overwritten.

Other exceptions cause the installer to fail. For example, if the specified BEA Home directory does not exist, the installer fails.

On UNIX systems, the installer displays the message Installation Complete when it finishes. This message does not necessarily indicate that the installer was successful; it means only that the process has finished running.

If a fatal exception occurs during installation, no changes are made to the system.

Using Silent Mode on a Windows System

To install using silent mode on a Windows System:

  1. Create the required installer properties file. The content of the file is described in Installer Properties File.

    Note: An easy way to create the file is to copy the text from Listing 3-1 and then edit it as required.

  2. Verify that the values specified in the properties file are correct and that all requirements have been met. See Notes About Silent Mode.

  3. Open a command window.

  4. Go to the directory that contains the wlintegration21sp1_win.exe file you downloaded from the BEA Web site.

  5. Execute the following command:
    wlintegration21sp1_win.exe -f drive:\path\properties_file_path

    Here, drive is the letter that identifies the drive being used and properties_file_path is the complete pathname of the properties file. A complete path is required, even if the file resides in the same directory as the wlintegration21sp1_win.exe file.

    You are returned to the command prompt. The installation preparation dialog box is displayed. After the installer decompresses the required files, the dialog box is dismissed and the installation proceeds in the background with the information specified in the installer properties file.

    Note: To verify that the installer is running, open the Windows Task Manager. The installer is listed as the javaw.exe process.

Using Silent Mode on a UNIX System

To install WebLogic Integration using silent mode on a UNIX system:

  1. Create the required installer properties file. The content of the file is described in Installer Properties File.

    Note: An easy way to create the file is to copy the text from Listing 3-1, and then edit it as required.

  2. Verify that the values specified in the properties file are correct and that all requirements have been met. See Notes About Silent Mode.

  3. Go to the directory that contains the wlintegration21sp1_unix.bin file you downloaded from the BEA Web site.

  4. Execute the following command:
    sh wlintegration21sp1_unix.bin -f /properties_file_path

    Here properties_file_path is the complete pathname of the properties file. A complete path is required, even if the file resides in the same directory as the wlintegration21sp1_unix.bin file.

    The message Preparing to Install is displayed. After the installer decompresses the required files, the installation proceeds with the information specified in the installer properties file. When the process is complete, the message Installation Complete is displayed.

Installer Properties File

The required properties are summarized in the following table.

Table 3-1 Installer Properties

Sample Property Setting



Mode of installation. Set to silent for silent mode.


Language selection for installer. Set to en for English.



BEA Home directory. The specified directory must exist on the system. For the Full Installation options, WebLogic Server 6.1 SP1 or higher must be installed in the specified BEA HOME directory.

For Windows, specify the absolute path, including the drive. Backslashes must be escaped.

For UNIX, specify the absolute path.



Product installation directory.

For Windows, specify the absolute path, including the drive. Backslashes must be escaped.

For UNIX, specify the absolute path.


Type of installation. Specify:


Production database. Specify: Cloudscape, Oracle, Microsoft, Sybase, or DB2.

Note: Cloudscape is not supported on UNIX systems.

Note: DB2 is not supported on Windows systems.







Oracle access information. Delete the hash marks (uncomment the text) and specify values if Oracle is the specified database. Otherwise omit or leave as commented text.

For a description of these parameters, see Table 2-2.







Microsoft SQL Server access information. Delete the hash marks (uncomment the text) and specify values if Microsoft SQL Server is the specified database. Otherwise omit or leave as commented text.

For a description of these parameters, see Table 2-2.







Sybase access information. Delete the hash marks (uncomment the text) and specify values if Sybase is the specified database. Otherwise omit or leave as commented text.

For a description of these parameters, see Table 2-2.




DB2 access information. Specify values for each parameter. Leave the other databases listed in the installer properties file as commented text.

For a description of these parameters, see Table 2-2.


Samples database. If you specified Full for the CHOSEN_INSTALL_SET property, specify a samples database: Cloudscape, Oracle, Microsoft, Sybase, or DB2.

Note: Cloudscape is not supported on UNIX systems.

Note: DB2 is not supported on Windows systems.







Oracle access information. Delete the hash marks (uncomment the text) and specify values if Oracle is the specified database. Otherwise omit or leave as commented text.

For a description of these parameters, see Table 2-2.







Microsoft SQL Server access information. Delete the hash marks (uncomment the text) and specify values if Microsoft SQL Server is the specified database. Otherwise omit or leave as commented text.

For a description of these parameters, see Table 2-2.







Sybase access information. Delete the hash marks (uncomment the text) and specify values if Sybase is the specified database. Otherwise omit or leave as commented text.

For a description of these parameters, see Table 2-2.




DB2 access information. Specify values for each parameter. Leave the other databases listed in the installer properties file as commented text.

For a description of these parameters, see Table 2-2.


WebLogic Integration mail session properties.


A sample installer properties file is shown in the following listing.

Listing 3-1 Sample Installer Properties File

### Silent Installation Properties File

# Installer must be run with -f:
# wlintegration21sp1_win.exe -f path/

# All Path separators are platform specific and
# backslashes must be escaped!


### Locale


### BEA Home Directory


### Product Installation Directory


### Default Install Set###


### Production Database Settings (Uncomment only
one database type)
# NOTE: Cloudscape is not supported on Unix.






### Samples Database Settings (Uncomment only one
database type)
# NOTE: Cloudscape is not supported on Unix.






### Email Info


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