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Release Notes: Release 4.0 with Service Pack 3


Release Notes Version 4.0 Service Pack 3
Date: May 21, 2003

WebLogic Portal 4.0 is a product suite that enables you to build high-performance, scalable, personalized Web applications. You can create customized Web-based portals, marketing campaigns, and e-commerce sites, and deliver personalized content to users of your applications.

Throughout the product documentation, WebLogic Portal is used as a product suite name that refers to all portal, campaign, commerce, and personalization features. If you purchased the full WebLogic Portal license, you can use all the features of the product suite. If you purchased the WebLogic Personalization Server license, you can use only the personalization features. The common installation procedure installs all the product software.

In this document, the variable BEA_HOME is used to represent a parent directory, into which BEA products and related software are installed. The variable PORTAL_HOME is used to represent the installation directory for WebLogic Portal. The variable WEBLOGIC_HOME is used to represent the WebLogic Server installation directory. The variable EBCC_HOME is used to represent the E-Business Control Center directory.

This section contains the following information:


Migration Information for Service Pack 3

There are no migration issues from Service Pack 2 to Service Pack 3. If you are upgrading from a version earlier than Service Pack 2, see the following migration sections.

If you developed applications using a prior version of the product, consult Appendix Service Pack 3 Text File Changes. You can also consult the Migration Guide for information on making your previous data and customization available to the release 4.0 installation.


Migration Information for Service Pack 2

Warning: Before you install any part of Service Pack 2, see the "ALERT: Migrating Your Enterprise and Web Applications from WebLogic Portal 4.0 GA and Service Pack 1 to Service Pack 2" section in the Installation Guide.

If you developed applications using a prior version of the product, consult Appendix Service Pack 2 Text File Changes. You can also consult the Migration Guide for information on making your previous data and customization available to the release 4.0 installation.

Saving Customizations

If you would like to save customizations you've made to the product, you should be aware that the installer will replace key files during installation of Service Pack 2.

To save your customizations:

  1. Copy your customized files to a new location.

  2. Follow the instructions for installing Service Pack 2.

  3. Find and replace the new files with your customized files.

  4. Edit the customized files text to comply with the Service Pack 2 updates. See Service Pack 2 Text File Changes to view the changes you must make to your customized files.

Service Pack 2 and Existing Applications

Warning: Before you install any part of Service Pack 2, see the "ALERT: Migrating Your Enterprise and Web Applications from WebLogic Portal 4.0 GA and Service Pack 1 to Service Pack 2" section in the Installation Guide.

WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 2 also requires the stipulation of a JDBCHelperDelegate class for each application. Applications installed on WebLogic Portal 4.0 (prior to Service Pack 2), including Petflow and Avitek 1.1, require alteration to satisfy this requirement.

For detailed instructions on modifying existing applications, consult the Deployment Guide.


WebLogic Server SP Versions

The initial release of WebLogic Portal 4.0 was certified to run on WebLogic Server 6.1 with Service Pack 1. The subsequent release of WebLogic Portal 4.0, with Service Pack 1 was supported on WebLogic Server 6.1 with Service Pack 1 and Service Pack 2. WebLogic Portal 4.0, with Service Pack 2 is certified to run on WebLogic Server 6.1 with Service Pack 3. WebLogic Portal 4.0, with Service Pack 3 is certified to run on WebLogic Server 6.1, with Service Pack 4. WebLogic Portal 4.0, with Service Pack 3 and Rolling Patch 1 is certified to run on WebLogic Server 6.1, with Service Pack 5.

Service Pack 2 on Previously Installed SQLServer2000 (CR066040)

If you installed the files for SQL Server 2000 for WLPortal 4.0 prior to the release of Service Pack 2, the file permissions for <beahome>\wlportal4.0\db\sql_server\2000\readme.txt are set to "Read only", causing the Service Pack 2 upgrade installer for Service Pack 2 to fail silently. (Exceptions are thrown if the install is performed in Debug mode.)

To prevent this failure, remove the READ ONLY setting from the file properties for <beahome>\wlportal4.0\db\sql_server\2000\readme.txt. After this change is made, the installer will be successful. This problem is noted under BEA CR 66040.

Service Pack 1 Migration Information

Information for migrating from WebLogic Portal 4.0 GA to WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 1 can be found in the Installation Guide, section " Installing Service Pack 1"


What's New in This Release?

For up-to-date information about new features, please see the What's New page on the BEA E-docs site for WebLogic Portal 4.0. The URL for this release's What's New page is



The Cloudscape 3.5.1 database that ships with the product is for demonstration purposes only. The demonstration version of Cloudscape allows only one database connection, hence is not suitable for production.

To improve the response time of the bundled example portals, and experience WebLogic Portal performance at production standards, switch from the default Cloudscape database to other RDBMS systems that WebLogic Portal 4.0 supports. For information on supported systems, see the Supported Platforms chapter in the Installation Guide.

Instructions for switching from Cloudscape to other supported database types are in the Deployment Guide.


Required Database Configuration Changes

Two database configuration actions are required for this release:

And one is required for Sybase users:

Triggers and Behavior Tracking Fix (CR 64670)

The triggers that update the MODIFIED_DATE column to the current data and time are not being added correctly to the database via create_all. MODIFIED_DATE is only used by Behavior Tracking.

Add one of the following steps to the process of applying the upgrade:

JDBC Helper Service Fix for CLOB Data (CRs 65221, 65247, 67935, 61496)

IMPORTANT: After applying Service Pack 2 to a deployed WebLogic Portal 4.0 instance with existing data, the following configuration steps are required to avoid application failures and other errors. This procedure is meant to address problems with CLOB data.

This change also applies to fresh installs of WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 2.

The JDBC Helper service must be set for each deployed application that uses JDBC. To set the JDBC Helper service, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the WebLogic Server Administration Console: http://<hostname>:7501/console

  2. In the left pane of the Console, click:
    Deployments > MyApplication > Service Configuration > JDBC Helper Service

  3. Enter the Delegate Class Name:



  4. Click apply to save your changes.

Note: For details on configuring the JDBC Helper Service, consult the Deployment Guide, Add Extensions to the WebLogic Server Administration Console. This will tell you how to deploy the application that provides the extension to the WebLogic Server console for configuring the JDBC Helper Service. After you have deployed the console extension then you can configure the JDBC Helper Service using the instructions in the Deployment Guide in the section entitled " Configure the JDBC Helper Service".

No Delegate Class Name is required for Cloudscape databases.

Sybase-Specific Trigger Fix - Service Pack 2 Only (CR 64777)

Following application of Service Pack 2, two scripts need to be edited in order to correct problems with TU_ENTL_RULESET, TU_RESOURCE_GROUP_ADMIN and TU_P13N_LAYOUT Sybase triggers:

  1. In p13n_create_triggers.sql, make the following modifications:
     create trigger TU_ENTL_RULESET

Replace This:

declare @id1 int, @id2 int

With This:

declare @id1 varchar, @id2 varchar

    select @id1 = APPLICATION_NAME, @id2 = RULESET_URI from inserted

  1. In portal_create_triggers.sql, make the following modifications:
               create trigger TU_RESOURCE_GROUP_ADMIN
               on RESOURCE_GROUP_ADMIN for UPDATE as

Replace this

declare @id1 int

With This

declare @id1 varchar, @id2 varchar

        select @id1 = RESOURCE_GROUP_TAXONOMY,
        from inserted
         create trigger TU_P13N_LAYOUT
         on PORTAL_P13N_LAYOUT for UPDATE as

Replace this

declare @id1 int

With This

declare @id1 int, @id2 int

       select @id1 = LAYOUT_ID,
       @id2 = PORTAL_P13N_ID from inserted
       update PORTAL_P13N_LAYOUT
     set PORTAL_P13N_LAYOUT.MODIFIED_DATE = getdate()
       PORTAL_P13N_LAYOUT.LAYOUT_ID = @id1 and


Disclaimer Regarding Use of Integrations

Use of WebLogic Portal in connection to and operation of third-party software, services, and applications is entirely at the user's risk. BEA Systems, Inc. disclaims all liability and responsibility for the operation, accuracy, and results of such software, services, and applications.


Location of Supported Platform Information

Information about the supported hardware and software platforms, and related certifications, is available in the "Supported Platforms" chapter of the Installation Guide. This information is updated as new platform certifications are completed. Please check the following URL for updates: Refresh your browser cache to ensure you are viewing the latest content. The date of the platforms.htm file's last update is shown in the browser window's title bar.


Limitations Fixed

This section lists limitations that were fixed in the 4.0 release and in subsequent service packs.

Note: If you are experiencing a problem that you cannot find in the Known Limitations and Workarounds section, look in the Workaround for 84487 section.

Limitations Fixed in Service Pack 3

The following limitations that existed in the initial release of WebLogic Portal 4.0 were fixed in Service Pack 3:

Limitations Fixed in Service Pack 2

The following limitations that existed in the initial release of WebLogic Portal 4.0 were fixed in Service Pack 2:

Limitations Fixed in Service Pack 1

The following limitations that existed in the initial release of WebLogic Portal 4.0 were fixed in Service Pack 1:

Limitations Fixed in the Initial Release

The following limitations that existed in the BEA Campaign Manager for WebLogic 1.1, WebLogic Commerce Server 3.5, and WebLogic Personalization Server 3.5 release were fixed in the initial release of WebLogic Portal 4.0:


Known Limitations and Workarounds

Table 1 describes limitations in the WebLogic Portal 4.0 release and applies to the portal, campaign, commerce, and personalization features. Where possible, suggested workarounds are provided.

Please contact BEA Customer Support for assistance in tracking any unresolved problems. For contact information, see Contacting BEA Customer Support.

Table 1 Known Limitations and Workarounds

CR 33972

es:transposeArray tag throws "ClassCastException".


es:transposeArray tag throws ClassCastException and does not output expected content from body of tag.




Do all of the following:

CR 34401

Successive attempts at running the DBLoader on Cloudscape fail.


Successive attempts at running the DBLoader on Solaris with the Cloudscape database fail with the error message:

WARNING: Cloudscape (instance XXX) is attempting to boot the database /db/data/Commerce even though Cloudscape (instance XXX) may still be active. Only one instance of Cloudscape should boot at database at a time. Severe and non-recoverable corruption can result and may have already occurred.




Delete the db.lck file in the WL_COMMERCE_HOME/db/data directory and run the DBLoader again.

CR 35555

If the document management XML schema files are changed, the E-Business Control Center does not display the changes.


In the reference document repository, which obtains schema information from XML files on the file system, if you change the XML schema files, the E-Business Control Center does not display the changes. The XML schema files might change when you run the BulkLoader, loaddocs, or loadads against content that has new metadata properties.




Restart the server. Then use the WebLogic Server Console (http://localhost:7501/console) to restart the connection pool.

CR 44788

Need to modify proxy server's plug-in settings to account for unique cookie names per Webapp.


The sample applications for WebLogic Portal are shipped with unique cookie names configured for each Web application in the weblogic.xml descriptor, because these sample applications do not use or require the single-user sign-on feature. In this configuration, if you are using a proxy server, you will need to modify its plug-in's settings because they are normally only aware of a single cookie.




Configure the plug-ins to do proxy by path. For example:

ppath=*/webapp1/* => set CookieName="foo"
ppath=*/webapp2/* => set CookieName="bar"

Currently, you can do this in the NSAPI plug-in easily by defining multiple objects. In ISAPI you can achieve this by defining virtual directories and pointing them to different iisproxy.ini files having different CookieNames. Currently you cannot do this in Apache because it does not allow you to overwrite CookieNames.

CR 44871

Must set CookieDomain in weblogic.xml, to allow commerce templates to work correctly in Netscape with cookies enabled.


The sample commerce templates do not work with cookies enabled for Netscape 4.5 and higher. This problem does not occur with Microsoft Internet Explorer.


All, when using Netscape 4.5 and higher.


A session parameter was added in the wlcs Web application's weblogic.xml.

This weblogic.xml file is in the PORTAL_HOME\applications\wlcsApp\wlcs\WEB-INF directory.


Before using the wlcs Web application in Netscape, uncomment these tags and change the CookieDomain parameter value in from to the company domain name.

CR 47792

Creating users with missing required property values in the admin tool causes template errors at login.


When creating a user with the WebLogic Portal Administration Tools, if you do not fill in values for all required properties, you receive errors in the template when you log in with that user.




Create users by logging into the templates using registration rather than using the administration tools. If you prefer to use the administration tools, enter values for all required user properties (fields marked with an asterisk *).

CR 60341

ORA-01461 error with Oracle jDriver and UTF8 character set.


The following exception may occur while loading data using the WLCS data loading scripts:




Make the following configuration changes:

Set weblogic.oci.codeset_width=0


Set either the NLS_LANG environment variable (e.g. set NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8), or the weblogic.codeset connection pool property.

Note: Setting the weblogic.codeset supersedes the NLS_LANG environment variable.

CR 52709

Web.xml file P13N_STATIC_ROOT parameter server value is hard coded.


The (JSP-based) Administration Tools and PetFlow web applications do not resolve images because the server name is hard coded into the web.xml file.




Edit the web.xml file for the Administration Tools and Petflow web applications. Change localhost to the actual machine name. For example, change localhost in the following:

<!-- The P13N URL root to be used by createStaticResourceURL()
to build urls to static resources that exist on a proxy
server. -->


Possible security risk: Users can access wlcsAppCatalogTool using their browser.


Users can access the wlcsAppCatalog Tool from their browser, creating a security risk.




Contact BEA support for fix information if you are making this tool available on the Internet. Be sure to provide them with this CR number, so they may help you more efficiently.

CR 58376 and CR 60145

Cannot deploy multiple instances of an application in a single domain.


The welcome-file list in web.xml does not work if the context root for a Web application (which is declared in application.xml) is different from the name of the Web application's root directory.

To deploy multiple instances of an application in a single domain you make a copy of the application directory and remap the context root of the applications.

In addition, many sample applications hard code URLs to resources so that renaming the context root of an application invalidates the URLs.




Do not use the welcome-file list for your own applications. Instead, if the context root for a Web application is different from the name of the root directory, URLs for the Web application's default page must specify the pathname to a JSP. For example, instead of http://localhost:7501/p13nAppTools, specify http://localhost:7501/p13nAppTools/index.jsp

In addition, do not deploy multiple instances of a sample application in a single domain.

CR 58616

Behavior Tracking data does include the application name from which an event is generated.


WebLogic Portal does not store information about a Behavior Tracking event that identifies the application from which it was generated. If you have deployed multiple applications in a single domain, you cannot identify which application generated the event.




Archive your existing event database, drop the existing tables, and re-create with the new structures.

CR 58726

WebLogic Portal does not work with WebLogic Server LDAP Realm v2.


The WebLogic Server v2 LDAP realm does not support certain operations required by WebLogic Portal.




Please contact WebLogic Server Support for the workaround. Be sure to provide them with the CR number for this note (58726).

CR 58782

T3 client provides a connection to the database without requiring a login.


By default, the WebLogic Portal sample applications enable the guest user. This allows a T3 client to get a connection to the database without having to log in.

If you attempt to disable the guest user by setting GuestDisabled=true in a domain's config.xml file, WebLogic Portal throws an exception.




There are two workarounds for this issue:

CR 58836

There is a 32K data size limitation on discounts2.xml and cannot handle Japanese text.


When the size of discounts2.xml is larger than 32K and has Japanese text, loading discounts2.xml fails by running loadsampledata.bat.




Please contact BEA Support for a product patch to fix this problem. There is a patch that addresses the problem of failures while reading or writing large CLOBs when getting or setting rulesets and discounts on multibyte character-set databases. Be sure to provide BEA Support with the CR number associated with this problem.

CRs 59581 and 59879

Exception handling not working in a WebLogic Server cluster.


In a WebLogic Server cluster environment, WebLogic Portal is unable to log messages with embedded exceptions to the administration server's wl-domain.log file. Messages without embedded exceptions can be logged successfully. The administration server will throw an UnmarshalException because the exception classes are not in its system classpath and the managed node will throw a ClassNotFound exception.




Your custom exceptions should extend com.bea.p13n.exceptions.ApplicationException or com.bea.p13n.exceptions.SystemException.

CR 59959

The field length of the amount off and fixed price should be lengthened to accommodate 17 characters.


Currently, the fields displays 11 characters until the user has to use the arrow keys (or home/end keys) to scroll across the field.




Since the maximum field length of the amount off and fixed price fields allow 17 characters, the field length in the Specify Discount Value window should be lengthened to accommodate that many characters.

CR 60276

Synchronizing deleted or modified discounts can lead to race conditions.


When data-syncing discounts (via the EBCC) which have been previously synced, it appears that the discounts are redeployed to the discount DB table because they end up with new discount IDs.




If you delete or modify discounts, do not synchronize to an application that has instantiated shopping cart objects.

CR 60291

The E-Business Control Center accepts badly formed email addresses.


In the E-Business Control Center, on the "Enter E-Mail Information" dialog box, if you enter a badly formed email address in the text field "Sender's e-mail address," the E-Business Control Center does not warn you of the badly formed address.

When the server tries to send the email, it throws an exception.




Make sure that you enter well-formed email address in the E-Business Control Center.

CR 60301 and 67282

Ad Service: Display Flush Size not applied to server until server is restarted


The AD_COUNT is not incremented by 1. There is no change until nine more campaign hits are fired.




Restart the server.

CR 60432

You cannot configure the size of the RDBMSRealm delegate pool through the WebLogic Server Administration Console.


The RDBMSRealm does not read the size of the delegate pool from an MBean.




Create a properties file named that contains the following string delegatePool.size=number

where number specifies the number of threads in the delegate pool.

Save in

CR 60459

In the E-Business Control Center, the Discount Editor does not support long lists of SKUs.


In the E-Business Control Center, lists of SKU and product category IDs in the Discount Triggers and Targets window can cause layout problems in the Discount Editor. If the number of SKUs or Product Category IDs is long, the Discount Wizard button will disappear and other fields will be compressed.




If you need to access the Discount Wizard button under these circumstances, edit the Target or trigger that is causing the problem and either change it to a different type or remove the SKUs or IDs. After you remove the problem Trigger or Target, the display will refresh and lay out correctly.

CR 60774

Attempting to access the Personalization Server Example WebApp returns 404 error when server started for p13nDomain.


If you run PORTAL_HOME\config\p13nDomain\startP13N.bat from the command line and then try the use the Personalization Server Examples shortcut created in the Start Menu item for WebLogic Portal 4.0, a 404 error is returned by the browser. The shortcut attempts to open http://localhost:7501/p13n. The same error occurs on Solaris if you run and navigate to http://localhost:7501/p13n.




The p13n Web application URI conflicts with the default Web application for the server. This problem can be fixed by creating a new default Web application for the server, as you would for the Portal domain server.

CR 62205

Pipeline Session CommerceInputProcessor.getPipelineSession() No Longer Provided.


In Release 3.5 of Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server, there is no way to detect when the HttpSession timed out while trying to get the PipelineSession Input Processor.




Add the following scriptlet to your JSPs:

HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (session.isNew())
throw new InvalidSessionStateException(..);

CR 63019

The E-Business Control Center on Solaris does not display the portlet sample files.


The E-Business Control Center installer installs the portlet sample files in a directory named Portlet; however, it expects to find the sample files in a directory named portlet.




After you install the E-Business Control Center,






CLOB database inserts/update do not work with Oracle thin driver and Delegates


create_all (the dbloader - insert bootstrap sample data step) produces errors when using the Oracle Thin driver. This failure occurs when attempting to insert data into the ENTITLEMENT_RULESET table, which is the only table that create_all loads with a CLOB column. These errors are the result of a CLOB write being done via the thin driver without a delegate.




Use jDriver for the dbloader.

CR 63334

There are difficulties using DB2 7.1, JIT when creating a customer profile.


If you use a DB2 7.1 database as the WebLogic Portal data repository, and if you use a JIT compiler, the JVM dumps core when you create a customer profile.


JDK 1.3.0

Classic VM (build 1.3.0, J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build ca130-20010615a (JIT enabled: jitc)).


If you want to use the JIT, you must define the following system environment variable and values:


CR 64221

CTRL-M is added to multi-line properties in non-Windows Operating System.


When making a change to a service whose console extension has one or more multi-line properties (i.e. Behavior Tracking Service's Persisted Event Types) on a non-Windows Operating System, those properties are updated in the application-config.xml file appended with CTRL-M characters.




Edit the application-config.xml file in $PORTAL_HOME/applications/$APPNAME/META-INF/, removing the ^M characters. For example, change this:


to this:


Note: Services with multi-line properties, such as the following, are susceptible to this problem:

CR 64821

Changing a portal's minimizable/maximizable attribute can cause an exception.


If a visitor authenticates into one browser session and changes the minimizable attribute of a portlet from true to false, and an administrative user logs into a concurrent browser session and changes the same attribute between when the visitor's browser displays and refreshes the same portlet, an error will result. This is becausethe refresh causes a request for an attribute which is no longer available. The problems appears only if the minimize/maximize attribute is changed within a single session of a logged in user.




This error ocurs when a user essentially bookmarks an action on the portlet (unminimize) which subsequently becomes unavailable.

CR 64895

UNIX install files have hard-coded path for commerce server home in db.install files.


For UNIX, the following scripts have hardcoded paths for that should be variable-based:

As a result, these scripts will fail to run




This workaround applies to WebLogic Portal Service Pack 2.

In each of these files, the following change is required:





CR 65026

The CustomerService portlet will throw an exception against an Oracle database.


The CustomerService portlet will throw an exception against an Oracle database because the path to the set-environment.bat file is hardcoded




  1. Create a text file called in your bea\<portal_home> directory that contains the following line:


  1. Change the path, if you installed it in a different directory.

CR 65054

Using Petflow sample, runtime error occurs when completing an order.


This problem involves a Sun java class.


DB2 and Solaris


This workaround applies to WebLogic Portal Service Pack 2.

Use an Oracle, Cloudscape, or SQL Server database.

CRs 65440 and 67935

Console error when StartPortal fails after synchronizing data from EBCC


When the E-Business Control Center is used to edit application data files stored in the \<BEA_HOME>\ebcc4.0\applications\<your_application>\application-sync

directory, syncing can result in malformed xml in the CLOB. This malformed xml also causes errors in the WLS Console, and usually happens when elements are removed from the xml, making the file smaller.


All platforms with Oracle database.


Two workarounds are possible:

Request and install the following patch from BEA support:


Do a full synchronization by taking the following steps:

  1. In the E-Business Control Center, choose Tools > Synchronization Settings

  2. In the Synchronization Settings window, select "Update all files in the application."

  3. Click OK, then click Synchronize.

CR 65566

Problems after deleting customers when using discounts


Problems can occur if you delete customers and use the discount service. If a deleted customer's order contains a reference to a discount you may see the following errors:




If you delete a customer and you use the BEA discount system, you must purge or archive the order history for that customer. If a deleted customer's order contains a reference to a discount, you will receive exceptions during datasync.

CR 65858 and 79688

Deleting a portlet in the E-Business Control Center does not remove it from the portal configuration.


Problem - Deleting a portlet from your file system outside the E-Business Control center or the explorer pane within the E-Business Control Center, does not update any open portal editor windows in the E-Business Control Center that contain the deleted portlet.




Close the portal editor window and reopen it for that portal to view the updated portal definition. It will no longer show the deleted portlet as part of the portal.


No way to configure Helper Delegate when migrating an existing application


The "Service Configuration" extension is not set up automatically. Therefore, through the console you cannot set up the JDBC Helper Delegate (which is required for anything other than Cloudscape) by going into the Service Configuration folder. The customer, by default, does not have the "Service Configuration" folder in the Console when migrating an existing enterprise application.




This workaround configures the JDBC Helper Delegate for the jDriver for Oracle, but it will not create the Service Configuration folder in the console.

  1. In WLP_HOME/config/config.xml, this entry needs to be made within the <application> tag.

<ApplicationConfiguration Name="<YourAppName>" Targets="<yourappServername>"


  1. Create an "application-config.xml" file under "WLP_HOME/applications/<YourAppName>/META-INF/"

  2. In the application-config.xml file, input the following:









Note: This will set up the Helper Delegate. It will not create the "Service Configuration" folder in the WebLogic Server Console.

CR 67640

There is a need for a way to set the httpsInd attribute default value to something other than CALCULATE.


A way was needed to set the httpsInd attribute default value to something other than CALCULATE, unless overridden by the web.xml parameter.

The web.xml is not updated to include the commented out parameter necessary to acheive this.




  1. Open the web.xml file in a text editor.

  2. Add the following parameter template:

<!-- The default method for WebflowJSPHelper and the createWebflowURL tags to compute whether HTTP or HTTPS should be used. See the javadoc for WebflowJSPHelper for more information. Possible values: HTTP, HTTPS, or CALCULATE If this parameter is not specified, CALCULATE is used. --> <context-param> <param-name>HTTPSIND_DEFAULT_VALUE</param-name> <param-value>CALCULATE</param-value> </context-param>

  1. Use this template to make the necessary changes.

CR 67696

Evaluation License Issue Only: EBBC explorer does not work


When your evaluation license expires, the EBCC will start without error but also without functionality and without providing error messages in the user interface. You can check error messages in the tools.log file in your EBCC installation directory.

These messages indicate this license issue has occurred:

[WARNING] 000010: Not installing Catalog functionality. Did not find valid Personalization Server license.

Core Server: license has expired on <date>! [ERROR] Core Server: license has

expired on <date>!




Download a new evaluation copy of the software at

CRs 69636 and 64149

Hot deploy of input processors breaks the webapp until it is redeployed.


Hot deploy of input processors does not work for 4.0 and 4.0 SP1.

Changes to input processors in a webapp's WEB-INF/classes directory seem to either be ignored or breaks the webapp until it is redeployed via the WebLogic Server console.

With WebLogic Server, a change to a class under a Webapp's WEB-INF/classes directory is immediately picked up, without the need to redeploy the WebApp. Before the fix, if a change is made to an input processor (in the WEB-INF/classes directory) the WebApp does not seem to work until the webapp is redeployed. Either the new class is ignored or a ClassCastException is thrown.




Follow these instructions for hot-deploying IPs:

Step 1: Increase the File System Check Time

  1. From Console, navigate to Deployments ? Applications ? <appname> ? <webappname>.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select the Files tab.

  4. Change the reload period default from 300 seconds to 0 seconds.

    Step 2: Disable the Inputprocessor Cache

  5. Navigate to your application's meta-inf directory (applications\wlcsApp\META-INF)

  6. Open the application-config.xml file for edit.

  7. Add a new child element under the CacheManager element. For example:

The name of the cache must be the name of the webapp, plus "-interface-cache". The above example is for the "wlcs" webapp.

  1. Administer the cache. From Console navigate to Deployments > Applications > <appname> > Service Configuration > Caches > <cache name>.

  2. Select the cache name.

  3. Deselect the Enabled checkbox.This cache should be disabled during development so that hot deploy will work.

Note: The alternative to disabling the cache is to flush the cache with the console each time a new version of an IP is loaded.


Browser Back button problem occurs with webflow form tag.


An error appears when you use the browser back and forward buttons in the portal and browse to a previously seen page that was generated by a form submission that had a method = "POST".




Change the HTTP 1.1 Cache-Control header in portal.jsp to private (meaning that the page is cacheable by the browser, but not by proxy servers).

CR072174 and 74480

Need to add Thin settings to set-environment and


create_all and loadSampleData cannot be run with Thin Driver.




Switch to jDriver from Thin Driver, run the bat files, and switch back to Thin Driver.

To fix this problem:

  1. Switch to the jDriver.

  2. Navigate to <WebLogicPortal_HOME>/db

  3. Depending on your configuration, run one of the following files:

    t create_all.bat


  4. Navigate to <WebLogicPortal_HOME>/bin/<OS>

  5. Depending on your configuration, run one of the following files:

    t loadSampleData.bat


  6. Switch back to Thin Driver.


Sybase12.0/NT: character set conversion using text data.


For Sybase, there are several TEXT type fields defined in the DDL. If the character set of the client and the server are different and the data size changes in converting from the server to the client character set, there will be a problem while retrieving the data.




This workaround applies to WebLogic Portal Service Pack 2.

Use either of the following:

CR 73932

Sybase 12 jConnect5.2/Segment Integration problem.


Integration of segments fail without a Sybase patch


Sybase 12/jConnect 5.2


This workaround applies to WebLogic Portal Service Pack 2.

Apply the patch for jConnect 5.2 (EBF_10105.tgz ) as listed in the Supported Platforms section of the WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 2 Installation Guide.

CR 75335

File path reference in is incorrect, causes skins to not display


The jsFile setting in the file is incorrect and prevents skins from displaying.




  1. Open the file at the following location: wlportal4.0\applications\portal\stockportal\framework.

  2. Make the following changes to the jsFile setting:


    jsFile = "/framework/js/";


    jsFile = "/framework/tools/js/"

CR 75747, 75135, and 75266

AIX 4.3.3-DB2 7.2 Native/Stockportal has problems with user creation.


The IBM JAAS files that come with JDK 1.3.1 cause various exceptions.




This workaround applies to WebLogic Portal Service Pack 2.

Remove the IBM JAAS files that come with JDK 1.3.1.

To remove them:

  1. Navigate to the following directory: BEA_HOME/jdk131/jre/lib/ext

  2. Remove the jaas.jar and jaas_lm.jar files.

Warning: Do not rename the files. You must delete them or move them to a different location.

CR 76191

Campaign validation claims complete campaigns are incomplete in Service Pack 2


Some campaigns that synchronize in Service Pack 1 might show incomplete exceptions when synced in Service Pack 2.




Add the "is-complete" tag to the rules and scenario sections and sync again.

CR 76577

Ad Service: Display Flush Size not applied to server


The display flush size is not applied to the server.




Restart the server to apply a change in flush size.

CR 76667

Linux 7.2-Sybase 1192/java.lang.OutOfMemory Exception problem


The file descriptors, sockets, or thread level memory allocation create server exceptions based on Virtual Memory (VM) allocation.




This workaround applies to WebLogic Portal Service Pack 2.

Use the client VM.

To fix this problem:

  1. Navigate to BEA_HOME/wlportal4.0/bin/unix

  2. Open the file.

  3. Find te Linux section of the file.

  4. In the Linux section only,


JAVA_VM_OPTIONS=" -server -Xms128m -Xmx128m"


JAVA_VM_OPTIONS="-ms160m -mx300m -XX:MaxNewSize=100m -XX:NewSize=100m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"

CR 76825

Unable to target ApplicationConfiguration from the console


There is no way to target ApplicationConfiguration data from within the console.




  1. Stop the server

  2. Open config.xml under the portal Domain directory (i.e. portalDomain).

  3. Find the myApplication element.

  4. Add the following information:

    <ApplicationConfiguration Name="<myApplication>" Targets="<myTarget>"


  5. Restart the server.

CR 76978

The Master Data Repository construction fails when starting the server.


Your campaign tour examples can cause a Master Data Repository error when you try to start the server.




Select the Update all Files option to automatically clear the tables prior to synchronization.

Note: If you clear all the data, you may effect applications other than the one you are attempting to sync.

CR 77374

The <cm:printDoc> tag incorrectly streams some UTF8 files.


The <cm:printDoc> tag ignores the encoding of the input file being printed when converting the byte array, so UTF8 files are not properly streamed.




To correctly display UTF8 content use the following code:

  Document document = (Document)content;
byte[] b = document.getContent();
String s = new String(b, "UTF-8");


ClassCastExceptions using entitlements with LDAP


Prior to Service Pack 3, a problem existed with multi-valued properties from LDAP that are obtained with the UUP provided in ldapprofile.jar (the LdapPropertyManager EJB). An attribute that is defined as multi-valued in the LDAP schema was stored in memory as a single value property by the LdapPropertyManager. This could cause problems in the rules engine when this situation was encountered:




A change included in Service Pack 3 allows a developer to configure the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor for the LdapPropertyManager EJB to specify that the LDAP schema be used to determine if a property is single value or multi-value. See comments in the deployment descriptor for details. It is not recommended that this change be enabled via the deployment descriptor unless you are going to write rules that use multi-valued LDAP attributes that have a single value.

Using config/detectSingleValueFromSchema = true adds the overhead of checking the LDAP schema for each attribute instead of the default behavior (config/detectSingleValueFromSchema = false), which only stores an attribute as multi-valued (in a Collection) if it has more than one value.

CR 79799

Always use latest Oracle thin driver.


Oracle recommends that customers always use the latest version of the Oracle thin driver, regardless of the database version




WebLogic Server ships thin drivers for multiple versions of Oracle. According to Oracle Corporation, customers should be using the latest thin driver version regardless of the customer's database version. Thus it is recommended by Oracle that the newest 9i thin driver be used with Oracle 8.1.7 or Oracle 9i.

CR 84384

The Data_Sync_Item table is inaccessible and an ORA-03120 error occurs.


When using Oracle 8.1.7, the Data_Sync_Item table becomes inaccessible. When retrieving LOB fields in external tools such as SQL*Plus, you may receive the Oracle error: "ORA-03120: two-task conversion routine: integer overflow".


Oracle 8.1.7


This problem is caused by Oracle bug 1130746, which has been fixed in Oracle Contact Oracle Corporation to obtain the patch for this problem.

CR 84487

Maximize button is unavailable to anonymous users in stockportal.


When no user is logged in to stockportal, the maximize button is not available on any portlets.




For a detailed workaround, see Workaround for 84487.

CR 88553

Enhancement request for multi-valued CM properties.


The content management framework does not support an IN comparator for content queries. You cannot write a content selector like this: is in MYPROPERTYSET.myMultiValuedProperty.




If you write the query using 'equals,' then the framework compares the content property to only the first value in the collection constituting the multivalue property it is being compared to. If you would rather have the 'equals' query compare the content property to all values in the Collection, then request the patch for CR088553 from support and you can simulate an 'IN' query. This patch constructs a series of 'or' statements to simulate an 'IN' query.

CR 89552 and CR 88431

The "everyone" entitlement is not always deleted.


The "everyone" entitlement is not deleted when you delete a portlet or portal page, nor is it reset to the default values. Therefore, if you delete and re-create a portlet or portal page, the "everyone" entitlement will have the same values set on it that were set on the previous incarnation of the portlet or portal page.




Manually delete the "everyone" entitlement for the portlet or portal page.

CR 90377

RefDocumentProvider: make setTransactionIsolation optional and only available for direct driver connections


In some cases the RefDocumentProvider component of the reference implementation of the content management system was not handling transactions correctly (ORA-01453 SQLExceptions thrown to the console are a possible symptom of this if you are using Oracle). To correct this issue, it is no longer possible to specify a transaction isolation level if you are connecting to a DataSource. The connection property jdbc.isolationLevel for the DocumentConnectionPool will only be used in the case where you have provided a JDBC driver (jdbc.driver and jdbc.url). If you have specified a DataSource using jdbc.dataSource, any jdbc.isolationLevel property that is also specified will be ignored.




If you need to specify a transaction isolation level for some reason you will have to use a JDBC driver and not a DataSource.

CR 91980

Portal Personalization Cache in a cluster


The Portal personalization cache is not correctly cluster-aware and does not alert other nodes that a Portal personalization has been altered. When a Portal personalization is modified on two different nodes, the changes are not properly propagated to other nodes that have already loaded that Portal personalization into their caches. This will most likely be seen when the WebLogic Portal Administration Tools are deployed to multiple nodes and accessed simultaneously. Changes made on one node may not be seen on another.




Please contact BEA Support to receive a patch for this problem. Provide Support with the CR number (CR091980) associated with this problem.

CR 92134

Uninstall problems


Some problems have been reported with the product uninstallers.




If you cannot get the uninstaller to run, first make sure you have a JDK installed and included as part of your executable PATH. If that fails to correct the issue, you will need to uninstall the product manually. In the case of upgrade installers, you can find backups of files modified by the service pack installation in the directory <PORTAL_HOME>/servicepacks/sp3/backup. In addition, you can restore your backups of the product which you should have made prior to the installation of the service pack.


Workaround for 84487

The is the default behavior for stockportal, but you can modify this behavior by following these steps:

  1. Extract the following classes from <portal-home>\applications\portal\stockportal\WEB-INF\lib\ portal_servlet.jar and place them in your web applications WEB-INF\lib directory:

  2. Edit your webflows to change all occurrences of "MaximizeProcessor" to "MaximizeProcessorAnonymous", and change all occurrences of "UnmaximizeProcessor" to "UnmaximizeProcessorAnonymous". In the stockportal web application these changes would be made in ebcc4.0\applications\portal\application-sync\webapps\stockportal and ebcc4.0\applications\portal\default\portal.

  3. Modify framework/titlebar.jsp as follows:

Change this:

  if (request.getRemoteUser() != null)
if (PortletRenderHelper.isMaximized(request))
<%@ include file=""%>
if (PortletRenderHelper.isInEditMode(request))

To this:

  if (PortletRenderHelper.isMaximized(request))
<%@ include file=""%>
else if (request.getRemoteUser() != null)
if (PortletRenderHelper.isInEditMode(request))

  1. Modify framework/normal_titlebar.jsp as follows:

    1. In the following code:

    Change this:

    if (request.getUserPrincipal() != null)

    To this:

    <statement removed (actually moved further down in the file, see b.>

    1. In the following code:

    Change this:

    if (PortletRenderHelper.isEditable(request))

    To this:

    if (request.getUserPrincipal() != null)
    if (PortletRenderHelper.isEditable(request))


Miscellaneous Notes

The following list describes miscellaneous notes for this release. The list includes:

  1. DB2 Database Schemas and LOB data types. Service Pack 2 Only (CR 62937)

    DB2 databases require the specification of maximum sizes for LOB columns at table creation time. These maximum sizes are not noted in our Database Schema documentation because they are not required by other database systems. The following LOB column maximum sizes are imposed at DB2 database creation and/or migration time:












































    Event/Behavior Tracking





  2. Bulkloader Flags (CR 43378)

    If you have data that is longer than the column it is stored in, you can truncate the data or increase the column size.

    Truncate the data to match the column size

    Two Bulkloader flags are available, -truncate and -ignoreErrors. To set them to true, edit the loaddocs.bat or file and add them to the line that points to the Bulkloader utility. The files reside in PORTAL_HOME/bin/<platform>/.

    Increase column size to match the data

    Update the field in the database. Then edit the file and increase the size of the appropriate column and table. The file is packaged in the document.jar file in PORTAL_HOME\lib\p13n\ejb. The path to is com\bea\p13n\content\document\ref\loader.

    Make your updates in, then jar the document.jar file again.

  3. Data size validation limitations. (CR 33436)

    Through the User Management administration tools, it is possible to set Customer Properties on a user. Because the tools were designed with generic text properties in mind, there is a length limit of 255 characters. However, Customer Properties have different size limits in the database and any property value that exceeds the database limit for that property will throw an exception and not be set. The workaround is to limit the length of Customer Properties to the size of the columns in the database. See the schema definitions for WLCS_CUSTOMER and WLCS_SHIPPING_ADDRESS.

  4. The BulkLoader/Document Management Component does not correctly indicate whether a file has been deleted, modified, or renamed. (CR 35566)

    While using the BulkLoader to update the reference document repository, if you delete a file from the dmsBase directory, it still shows up when you search for documents or use content selector rules. Additionally:

    The workaround is to do any of the following, depending on whether you have modified, deleted, or renamed a file:

    After deleting or renaming a file on the filesystem that is in the document repository, do the following:

  5. Catalog Administration pages limit the number of category levels you can add. (CR 35248)

    Using the Web-based administration pages for the product catalog, you must limit the hierarchy of categories to 25 levels deep. This is a limitation of the Web browser (not a limitation of the commerce catalog components) and may vary from versions of Netscape and Internet Explorer.

  6. Browser cache settings for Administration Tools. (CR 40263)

    For the Administration tools, your browser cache setting should be set to "Every visit to the page" for Microsoft Internet Explorer and to "Every time" for Netscape. Intermittently, you could get pages back from cache when sending requests a second time in a session if the Never or Automatic cache settings are in use. For example, if you use Never or Automatic, a problem could occur in the following scenario:

    1. Create a property set

    2. Attempt to create the property set again; the message states that it could not be created

    3. Delete that property set; the message states that it has been deleted

    4. Create the same property set again; the message states that it could not be created, but it really has been created; the browser gave you the page from your last request again.

    In the Netscape browser, the Never Check Cache option does not work with the portal framework. Information will be lost. You can find this option in the Netscape browser under: Edit —> Preferences —> Advanced —> Cache —> Document in cache is compared to document on network. When using Netscape, use the "Every time" option.

    In the Internet Explorer browser, the Never check cache option does not work with the portal framework correctly. You can find this option on the Internet Explorer browser under Tools —> Internet Options —> General tab —> Temporary Internet files —> Settings —> Check for newer versions of stored pages. When using Internet Explorer, use the "Every visit to the page" option.

  7. Missing HTTP headers in the default Request Property Set.

    The default request property set does not contain properties representing HTTP request headers. As a result, rules cannot be written on HTTP request headers. The software intentionally does not contain these properties because not all browsers support the same set of HTTP request headers.

    Using the Property Set Administration Tools, you can add HTTP request header properties to the Request Property Set named 'DefaultRequestPropertySet'.

    Some common HTTP request header names and types (all type Text) are: User-Agent, Connection, Host, Accept, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Accept-Charset.

    To determine the exact HTTP request headers sent by the browser to the server, and what headers are supported by the Web server, you can run the 'snoop' servlet that comes with WebLogic Server or insert the following JSP code in a test JSP page:

    Enumeration names = request.getHeaderNames();
    name = (String)names.nextElement();
    System.out.println("header : " + name + " : " +

  8. User Management security realm support verification.

    The User Management system's realm support has been tested against the following realms:

    Although this is the extent of the realm verification, the User Management system is written in a general manner which should support any realm following the specification in the User Management documentation, with the exception of the WebLogic NT Realm, which has not been verified.

  9. If in the WebLogic Server Console you change the port numbers from which WebLogic Server listens, you must also make corresponding changes in several files in PORTAL_HOME

    To resolve this issue, find all instances of the port number in configuration files (*.xml, *.bat, *.cmd, *.sh) and change them to the new port number.

  10. If you change the WebLogic Server system password, you must also make a corresponding change in PORTAL_HOME/bin/<platform>/LoaderDriverProperties.xml.

    To resolve this issue, find all instances of the password in configuration files (*.xml, *.bat, *.cmd, *.sh) and change them to the new password.

  11. While using the Administration Tools, browsers must accept cookies. (CR 35576)

    The JSP-based Administration tool requires the browser to accept cookies.

  12. Trailing Spaces in WebLogic Server Console input field will cause errors at server startup.

    Note that the WebLogic Server Console treats spaces at the end of each line as valid characters and does not parse the spaces out.

    For example, if you copy and paste the string "weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver " to the WebLogic Server Console's commercePool Driver Classname input field, the following error is reported at server startup time:

    <Date...> <Error> <JDBC Connection Pool> <Cannot startup connection on pool "commercePool"> Cannot load driver class:

    Keep this limitation in mind if you entered the correct input in the WebLogic Server Console but are seeing errors at server startup.

  13. Differences in Ctrl-C Behavior on Windows 2000, and its effect on server shutdown. (CR 44098)

    Windows 2000 handles Ctrl-C differently than Windows NT. This affects what happens if you enter Ctrl-C in the server console window when you shut down the server. On Windows 2000, Ctrl-C stops the currently running step in the batch, but then prompts you to terminate the batch job. If you enter Yes, the batch job stops there and does not execute anything else. This can result in unintentionally leaving java executables processes running on your system. The solution is to answer No in response to the prompt on Windows 2000.

    Note: The recommended way (on any platform) to shut down the server is to run the StopPortal.bat/sh procedure in PORTAL_HOME.

  14. On UNIX, cannot use spaces in path to license file with Service Pack 2 Only (CR 44099)

    The procedure in the BEA_HOME directory on UNIX systems does not accept spaces in the path to the input license file.

  15. Warning messages about EJB redeployment in Commerce Services (CR 44825)

    During startup, messages similar to the following are thrown:

    <Oct 27, 2001 1:00:43 PM MST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog.CatalogManager cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog.CatalogManagerImpl is located in the server's classpath.> 

    This is because the product's EJBs are not hot deployable. Note that these warning messages are not displayed on the server console in the default configuration. These messages will only show in the console if you set the logging level to Warning or Info.

  16. Error opening campaigns when the EBCC is not started in the \bin directory. (CR 44851)

    If you start the E-Business Control Center by running ebccw.exe in a directory other than the one in which the executable directly resides, you will see the following error message:

    Default campaign template is not valid, unable to create campaign. The selected item cannot be opened because of an error in its content.

    This only happens when you are in a command window and not in the correct \bin subdirectory. It does not happen when you:

  17. When making a change in WebLogic Portal that has a relationship to database information, you may also need to make a corresponding change in your database. (CR 44999)

    For example, if you remove a user with the User Management tool, you must also purge, obsolete, or archive that user's order history in your database. If this is not done, a user with the same name will have the previous user's order history. We recommend that you and your Database Administrator develop a policy for ensuring correspondence between databases and servers.

  18. You can lose profile data if you switch domains while using the same database server for the RDBMSRealm. (CR 59065)

    WebLogic Portal supports a configuration in which different domains can use different file realms while using the same RDBMS repository. Under this configuration, different domains might have different realm data because of the file realm, even if they are both configured to use the RDBMSRealm pointed at the same database.

    For example:

    1. Create a domain "DomainA", with a that defines a group "SpecialUsers" and an RDBMSRealm that points to Database1.

    2. Start the server with this domain.

    3. Set some properties for the "SpecialUsers" group.

    4. Shut down the server.

    5. Create a domain "DomainB", with a that does not contain a "SpecialUsers" group and with an RDBMSRealm that points to Database1.

    6. Start the server with DomainB.

    7. The realm clean-up tool informs you that there is one misconfigured group because it sees a profile for SpecialUsers but it does not see the profile in the realm. If you click the clean-up button at this point, the clean-up tool will delete the SpecialUsers profile.

    8. When you restart the server with "DomainA" you will be able to see the "SpecialUsers" group again, but it won't have any profile data.

  19. QuickEdit Mode in a DOS shell can lock up the WebLogic Portal server process. (CR 59100)

    On Microsoft Windows systems, the WebLogic Portal server process runs in a DOS shell. Some releases of Windows activate the QuickEdit Mode by default. With this mode activated, if you click and drag the mouse pointer in the DOS window, the console will lock up until you press a key.

  20. Users of type WLCS_Customer cannot inherit default values from the CustomerProperties property set. (CR 59684)

    Because properties in the CustomerProperties property set cannot be set to null for a user of type WLCS_Customer, this type of user cannot inherit from a default value in the property set. This does not affect non-customer profiles, nor does it affect any other properties of customer profiles.

    While the WebLogic Portal Administration Tools do display inherited default values for the CustomerProperties property set, a getProperty call returns an empty String if you set values in CustomerProperties to null.

  21. The E-Business Control Center cannot delete files with non-standard filenames. (CR 59810)

    The E-Business Control Center cannot delete files with names that contains spaces or other special characters. For example:

    1. In the directory C:\bea\ebcc4.0\applications\petflowApp\application-sync\webapps\petflow, you use the Windows Explorer to make a copy of

    2. Windows Explorer creates a file named Copy of

    3. From the E-Business Control Center, if you try to delete a Webflow named Copy of user, you see an error message:
      could not delete Copy of user.null

  22. Sample accounts and LDAP server. (CR 60290)

    If you are using LDAP for authentication and want to use the accounts and groups provided by the WebLogic Portal sample data, you must set up the accounts and groups in your LDAP server. It is not necessary to enter the first name and last name fields. The required fields in the LDAP records are the account names and passwords. For details, please see the "Overview of Portal Administration" chapter of Getting Started with Portals and Portlets.

  23. Property searching does not support wildcard characters. (CR 60356)

    When searching for properties, such as properties from user profiles, HTTP Sessions or HTTP Requests, you cannot use characters such as * or ? as directives for matching parts of strings.

    For example, from the E-Business Control Center you configure a scenario action to fire when a visitor has specific characteristics. When you specify the characteristics, you cannot use * or ? as wildcards in an attempt to match partial strings.

  24. When items are deleted, the user is not alerted when reopening entities to which those items are associated. (CR060418 and CR061615).

    If items referred to by a document are deleted, such as segments and placeholders referred to by a campaign, the E-Business Control Center does not alert the user when the document is reopened.

  25. Sybase does not support sample data. Service Pack 2 Only (CR 63357)

    Sybase allows a maximum of 255 bytes for VARCHAR column definitions. However, the loadSampleData script that creates database tables for the WebLogic Portal sample applications creates DOCUMENT and DOCUMENT_METADATA tables that exceed this maximum.

    If you want to view sample data, you must use the default Cloudscape database or some supported database type.

  26. Search for subgroups returns "group not found." (CR 61396)

    In User Management, if there are any subgroups added to a group, search returns "group not found".

  27. Oracle Limitation: Reading CLOB data from UTF8 database with JDBC Thin. (CR 66757 and 76588)

    There is a known bug with the Oracle Thin Driver 8.1.7 when reading a CLOB from a UTF8 database. The error occurs when reading CLOB data that has more than 10838 double-bytes characters. The Oracle Bug number is 2140668.

  28. PersistenceException- when Syncing from Solaris EBCC to server with SQL2000 DB. (CR 77354)

    If you create a connection to a server pointing to an SQL 2000, you will receive errors when you sync. Please check with BEA support if you have this problem. Please provide them with the CR number associated with this problem.



Product Documentation

This section includes the following additional notes about the product documentation:

Where to Get Product Documentation

Documentation for this product is available from the following locations:

Refresh Browser to View Updated Pages

Depending on your browser settings, you may need to enter Shift-Reload (Netscape) or Shift-Refresh (Microsoft Internet Explorer) to see the latest version of WebLogic Portal documentation pages you have already visited. When in doubt, please refresh your browser view to ensure that you are viewing the latest content. Also check a refreshed WebLogic Portal documentation What's New page for information about recent updates.


Contacting BEA Customer Support

If you have any questions about this version of BEA WebLogic Portal, or if you have problems installing and running the product software, please contact BEA Customer Support through BEA WebSUPPORT You can also contact Customer Support by using the contact information provided on the Customer Support Card, which is included in the product package.

When contacting Customer Support, be prepared to provide the following information:

Submitting Documentation Comments

Your feedback on the BEA WebLogic Portal documentation is important to us. Send us e-mail at if you have questions or comments about the documentation. Your comments will be reviewed directly by the BEA professionals who create and update the WebLogic Portal documentation.

Note: Please do not use the E-mail account to report software problems or inquire about software functionality.

In your e-mail message, please indicate that you are using the documentation for the WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 2 release.

Note About Evaluation Support

If you are evaluating this product and it is your first 30-day evaluation, BEA Systems is pleased to offer technical support through its BEA WebEvalNET at

The first time you need technical support, complete the WebEvalNET registration form to receive a Login ID and other BEA WebEvalNET information. In most cases, the BEA EvalNET team of support engineers will address your technical issues within one business day.


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