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Frequently Asked Questions


WebLogic Frequently Asked Questions: Installation

Installation password

WebLogic service packs

Problems with WebLogic XML licenses

Common problems with CLASSPATH

Help! Some of the WebLogic classes are missing from the distribution!

Why am I getting a LicenseException?

I get a LicenseException on Solaris...
in a cluster on Solaris

How do I transfer my permanent license to another IP number?

How can I debug a problem in connecting to the database?

WebLogic Frequently Asked Questions: Code examples

Why can't I get an example class file to work?

How do I use the Cloudscape evaluation version with the examples?

WebLogic Frequently Asked Questions: Java

I'm having trouble with Java - What do I do?

Help, I'm getting Java error messages


How can I make my Java application run faster?

Problems reading jar files with ZipFile

WebLogic Frequently Asked Questions: Server-related questions

Problem setting time zone to China Taiwan Time (CTT)

Using SOCKS with WebLogic

Can I speed up connection requests?

Does WebLogic use CORBA? Is it an ORB?

Which WebLogic classes do I need to jar up for my client application?

Speeding up HTTP tunneling

Using Netscape security certificates with WebLogic

Starting the WebLogic Server automatically with a UNIX boot

Servlet performance seem a big sluggish on your NT machine?

"NoClassDefFound" / "Too many open files" errors on Solaris

I can't get the WebLogic Server to start

Problems with the WebLogic Server running out of memory

Problems running WebLogic under Symantec?

The WebLogic Console is reporting incorrect hostname and IP address

What do you mean by a "log file"?

What are the exceptions in the log file?


Are RMI-IIOP applications interoperable with a CORBA object?

Accessing HTTP servers with Java APIs

What is T3?

WebLogic Server 5.1 compatibility

Support for 4.5.1

JSP pages

WebLogic Frequently Asked Questions: EJB

SQL Exception and JTS JDBC driver

Using EJBs with the JDBC-ODBC bridge and Microsoft Access

Rollback exceptions with EJB applications

Using a database for EJB bean-managed persistence

Bugs in Microsoft SDK for Java that affect EJB users

Exceptions loading EJBs under Microsoft SDK for Java

Polymorphic responses from create() and find() methods

EJB transactions and multiple databases

Container-managed persistence for non-primitive attributes

Object-relational mapping tools

Date datatypes with JDBC container-managed persistence

Handling exceptions with WebLogic EJB from a Visual Basic client

WebLogic Frequently Asked Questions: Server-side Java (Servlets)

Using Java servlets with various webservers

Can I use WebLogic's JDBC drivers with Netscape servers?

How do I call a servlet with parameters in the URL?

Can't connect to database with the Java WebServer and an HTTP servlet

WebLogic Frequently Asked Questions: Security

Expired sample security certificates

Using RSA encryption

SSL and certificates

Using non-RSA style certificates

Can access to servlets be restricted?

WebLogic Frequently Asked Questions: dbKona

What about JDBC and WebLogic dbKona?

Does dbKona use vendor-specific native libraries?

Is there a performance hit from using dbKona?

What happens to a db Kona TableDataSet when I save changes?

Sometimes I get a license exception with dbKona

WebLogic Frequently Asked Questions: JDBC and applets

Can I use a "native" two-tier driver for a browser applet?

Just can't get my browser applet to work!

Why doesn't my browser applet connect to the database?

My applet works with Appletviewer, but not with a browser . . .?

Why do I get a Netscape security violation when running an example applet?

What's causing ClassFormatErrors with my applet?

WebLogic Frequently Asked Questions: WebLogic jDriver JDBC Drivers

What do you mean by "two-tier" and "multitier" drivers?

How can I tell if the database is unavailable?

Errors running t3dbping

What's a "native" JDBC driver? What's the difference between a Java and a "Java-only" JDBC driver?

What do I need to connect to a database with JDBC and Java?

How do I connect to a DBMS with a WebLogic jDriver JDBC driver?

Why can't my class find the WebLogic driver?

Unable to connect to my database! UnknownHost Exception . . .

How can I find out how many rows are returned after I execute a query?

Can I interleave two statements on a single connection?

Why am I getting an UnsatisfiedLinkError?

WebLogic Frequently Asked Questions: WebLogic jDriver for Informix

Using Unicode character sets with WebLogic jDriver for Informix

Using WebLogic jDriver for Informix in an applet

Setting locks in an Informix database

WebLogic Frequently Asked Questions: WebLogic jDriver for Oracle

Unsatisfied link error

Error using FOR UPDATE statement with Oracle 8

OCIW32.DLL error

Doesn't the WebLogic jDriver for Oracle driver support all of the transaction isolation levels?

Using multibyte character sets with WebLogic jDriver for Oracle

How do I use OS authentication with WebLogic jDriver for Oracle and WebLogic JDBC connection pools?

What type of Object is returned by ResultSet.getObject()?

How do I limit the number of Oracle database connections?

How can I call Oracle stored procedures that take no parameters?

How do I bind String values in a PreparedStatement?

Using 8-bit character sets with Oracle/Solaris

How do I know what codesets I have available in Oracle?

What do I do with an "ORA" SQLException?

What does the error "ORA-6502" mean?

Why would I get an error while trying to retrieve the text for ORA-12705?

When I update my database using Oracle database link I run out of resources

Technical FAQ: Questions about WebLogic products and other software

Compiling EJB and RMI classes with Symantec Cafe 3.0

WebLogic Server runs slowly under VisualAge

Using Macromedia Generator with WebLogic Server

Problems loading shared libraries on HP-UX

Handling exceptions with WebLogic EJB from a Visual Basic client

Running WebLogic under Windows 95

Netscape Communicator 4.01 Security Exception

Why am I getting an access violation in Netscape?

Problems loading classes using Marimba Castanet tuner version 2.0.

How do I use the jDriver two-tier drivers with Symantec Cafe?

Running WebLogic with Microsoft SDK for Java

Problems running WebLogic under Symantec?