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Sun Storage 6 Gb SAS PCIe HBA, Internal Installation Guide For HBA Models SGX-SAS6-INT-Z and SG-SAS6-INT-Z

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Updated: May 2017

MegaRAID Storage Manager GUI-Related Issues

The section contains the following information:

Cannot Hotplug the HBA Card Through the MSM GUI

Bug 15700904

Issue: If the MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM) software is installed on the system, and the MSM software services are running, you cannot perform hotplug remove and insert operations on the HBA. When attempting to perform such an operation, a popup window is displayed stating that the HBA card is busy and that you must close the program that is accessing the card.

Workaround: Use the Task Manager application to stop the following MSM software services:

  • MSMFramework

  • MegaMontiorSrv

After you have stopped these services, you can perform HBA card hotplug operations. You can restart the MSM software services after the hotplug operations are complete.

Cannot Assign a Global Hot Spare Through the MSM GUI

Bug 15762780

Issue: From the MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM) graphical user interface (GUI), after creating a drive using 2 hard disks, the option to create a global host spare from a third hard drive becomes inactive.

Workaround: Assigning global hot spares is not supported through the MSM GUI. Instead, use the SAS2IRCU utility to assign global hot spares.

Cannot Upgrade Firmware on the HBA Therough the MSM GUI

Bug 15664024

Issue: The firmware level on the HBA remains the same after using the MegaRAID Storage Manager software to upgrade the firmware.

Workaround: Upgrading firmware through the MegaRAID Storage Manager software is not supported for this HBA. To upgrade firmware on the HBA, use the SAS2IRCU utility. You can obtain the SAS2IRCU utility from the Oracle support area of the LSI web site:
