Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9 Upgrade and Migration Guide
 Application Server 9, Support for EJB 3.0 ( Index Term Link )
 asadmin command for deploying a Web application ( Index Term Link )
 asupgrade command ( Index Term Link )
 Binary compatibility ( Index Term Link )
 Changes to the Command Line Interface (CLI) ( Index Term Link )
  Dotted Names ( Index Term Link )
  Error Codes for Start and Stop Subcommands ( Index Term Link )
  Nulls in Attribute Values ( Index Term Link )
  Options ( Index Term Link )
  Subcommands ( Index Term Link )
  Tokens in Attribute Values ( Index Term Link )
 Classpath ( Index Term Link )
 Command Line Interface (CLI), deprecated ( Index Term Link )
 Compatibility issues
  Java EE 5 and J2EE 1.4 ( Index Term Link )
  Java EE 5 Platform and Application Server 9 options ( Index Term Link )
  JAXP and SAX ( Index Term Link )
 Compatibility issues between versions
  Classpath changes ( Index Term Link )
  CORBA performance options ( Index Term Link )
  encodeCookies ( Index Term Link )
  File formats ( Index Term Link )
  HTTP file caching ( Index Term Link )
  Implicit URL rewriting ( Index Term Link )
  Java SE 5 changes ( Index Term Link )
  Security realms ( Index Term Link )
  sun-web.xml ( Index Term Link )
  System properties ( Index Term Link )
  Tools interoperability ( Index Term Link )
  Web server features ( Index Term Link )
 CORBA ( Index Term Link )
 Defining Entity Bean Relationships ( Index Term Link )
 Deployment Descriptors ( Index Term Link )
 Deployment descriptors ( Index Term Link )
 Deprecated APIs ( Index Term Link )
 domain.xml ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Downward source compatibility ( Index Term Link )
 EAR file contents ( Index Term Link )
 EAR file definition ( Index Term Link )
 EJB 2.0 Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) ( Index Term Link )
 EJB JNDI References ( Index Term Link )
 EJB Query Language ( Index Term Link )
 Elements, sun-web-app ( Index Term Link )
 File formats ( Index Term Link )
 HTTP file caching ( Index Term Link )
 iBank sample application ( Index Term Link )
 Implicit URL rewriting ( Index Term Link )
 Incompatibilities between versions ( Index Term Link )
 Java EE applications, components ( Index Term Link )
 Java EE Component Standards ( Index Term Link )
 Java SE changes ( Index Term Link )
 JAXP ( Index Term Link )
 JVM settings ( Index Term Link )
 Message-Driven Beans ( Index Term Link )
 Metadata Annotations ( Index Term Link )
  CMP Entity EJBs ( Index Term Link )
  Custom Finder Methods ( Index Term Link )
  deployment descriptors ( Index Term Link )
  EJB ( Index Term Link )
  EJB Client Applications ( Index Term Link )
  ejb-jar.xml ( Index Term Link )
   DTD changes ( Index Term Link )
  enterprise applications ( Index Term Link )
  enterprise EJB modules ( Index Term Link )
  from other application servers ( Index Term Link )
  JSP and JSP Custom Tag Libraries ( Index Term Link )
  problems ( Index Term Link )
  proprietary extensions ( Index Term Link )
  Rich clients ( Index Term Link )
  sample application ( Index Term Link )
  the Bean Class ( Index Term Link )
  to later EJB versions ( Index Term Link )
  UIF ( Index Term Link )
  web applications ( Index Term Link )
   modules ( Index Term Link )
 Migration ( Index Term Link )
  deployment descriptors ( Index Term Link )
  JSP or Java source files with proprietary APIs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Migration and deployment ( Index Term Link )
 Migration Tool ( Index Term Link )
 Migration Tool for Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9 ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Migration tools ( Index Term Link )
 ORB ( Index Term Link )
 pass-by-reference ( Index Term Link )
 Primary Key Attribute Values ( Index Term Link )
 Properties, encodeCookies ( Index Term Link )
 Security realms ( Index Term Link )
 server.xml ( Index Term Link )
 servlet migration modifications ( Index Term Link )
 Sun ONE Migration Toolbox ( Index Term Link )
 sun-web.xml ( Index Term Link )
 System Classloader ( Index Term Link )
 System Properties ( Index Term Link )
 Tools interoperability ( Index Term Link )
 Upgrading ( Index Term Link )
  asupgrade command ( Index Term Link )
  Overview ( Index Term Link )
  problems during upgrade
   correcting potential upgrade problems ( Index Term Link )
   transferring JVM options ( Index Term Link )
   upgrading additional HTTP listeners ( Index Term Link )
  Upgrade paths (lost of supported source installations) ( Index Term Link )
  Upgrade Utility ( Index Term Link )
  Upgrade Wizard ( Index Term Link )
 URL encoding ( Index Term Link )
 Web server
   Unsupported ( Index Term Link )
  Tools ( Index Term Link )