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Oracle Java CAPS HL7 JCA Adapter User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Using the HL7 JCA Adapter

Installing the HL7 JCA Adapter

Installing the Design-Time NBM Files for the HL7 JCA Adapter

To Install the NetBeans Modules for the HL7 JCA Adapter

Setting Up the Runtime Environment for the HL7 JCA Adapter

To Deploy the Global RAR for the HL7 JCA Adapter from the Admin Console

To Add a Connector Connection Pool for the HL7 JCA Adapter

To Add a Connector Resource for the HL7 JCA Adapter

Configuring the HL7 JCA Adapter

Configuring Runtime Properties of a HL7 JCA Adapter Pool

To Configure a HL7 JCA Adapter Pool

Configuring Design-time Properties of an Individual HL7 JCA Adapter Component

To Configure an HL7 JCA Adapter Instance

Using the HL7 JCA Adapter in an EJB Project

Designing an EJB Module to Use HL7 JCA Adapter Code

To Create an EJB Module Project

To Add a HL7 JCA Adapter to an EJB Project

To Use HL7-Specific Sample Code

Configuration Settings for the HL7 JCA Adapter

General Outbound Settings

HL7 Outbound Settings -- Client Connection Establishment

HL7 Outbound Settings -- Server Port Binding

TCPIP Outbound Settings

HL7 Acknowledgment Settings

Lower Layer Protocol Settings

Sequence Number Protocol Settings

HL7 MSH Segment Settings

HL7 SFT Segment Settings

HL7 Communication Control Settings

HL7 Recourse Action Settings

Connection Pool Settings

HL7 Communication Control Settings

Provides the HL7 Communication Control settings. The Communication Control settings controls data transferring (sending/receiving) over the TCP/IP connection.

Time To Wait For A Response

Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the adapter waits for a response from the external system before taking recourse action. Any data from the external system is considered a response.

This property corresponds to the initial read or receive operation timeout. Once a response is received, the following read/receive operation uses the SoTimeout specified timeout.

The required value is an integer indicating the length of time in milliseconds that the adapter waits for a response to arrive from the external system. A value of 0 (zero) is interpreted as an infinite timeout. The configured default is 30000 (30 seconds).

Max Empty Read Retry

Specifies the maximum number of times the adapter attempts to read data from the external system after the read/receive operation returns nothing. This applies to the read or receive operation after a response starts to arrive. Empty Read means that a timeout occurs on the read/receive operation, which takes the SoTimeout parameter in the TCPIP Server Base Settings section as the applied timeout setting. The corresponding recourse action is specified by the Action on Max Failed Read Retry property.

The required value is number indicating the maximum number of retries. The configured default is 5.

Max No Response

Specifies the maximum number of response timeouts the adapter allows, while waiting for data from the external system, before taking recourse action.

This parameter works in conjunction with the Resend option of the Recourse Action parameter Action on No Response. It configures the adapter to resend the last message for the specified maximum number of times before the subsequent recourse action is taken.

The required value is an integer indicating the appropriate number of timeouts that may occur before taking recourse action. The configured default is 30.

Max NAK Receive Retry

Specifies the maximum number of negative acknowledgments the adapter receives before taking recourse action.

The required value is number indicating the appropriate maximum number of NAKs received before taking recourse action. The default value is 30.

Max NAK Send Retry

Specifies the maximum number of negative acknowledgments the adapter sends before taking recourse action.

The required value is an integer indicating the appropriate maximum number of NAKs sent by the adapter before recourse action is taken. The default value is 30.

Max Canned NAK Send Retry

Specifies the maximum number of canned negative acknowledgments that the adapter sends before taking recourse action.

The required value is the appropriate maximum number of canned NAK to send before taking recourse action. 0 indicates that the adapter will not attempt to create or send a canned NAK. The configured default is 3.

Enable Journaling

Specifies whether message journaling is enabled.

The required value is True or False. True indicates that journaling is enabled. The configured default is True.