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Oracle Java CAPS HL7 JCA Adapter User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Using the HL7 JCA Adapter

Installing the HL7 JCA Adapter

Installing the Design-Time NBM Files for the HL7 JCA Adapter

To Install the NetBeans Modules for the HL7 JCA Adapter

Setting Up the Runtime Environment for the HL7 JCA Adapter

To Deploy the Global RAR for the HL7 JCA Adapter from the Admin Console

To Add a Connector Connection Pool for the HL7 JCA Adapter

To Add a Connector Resource for the HL7 JCA Adapter

Configuring the HL7 JCA Adapter

Configuring Runtime Properties of a HL7 JCA Adapter Pool

To Configure a HL7 JCA Adapter Pool

Configuring Design-time Properties of an Individual HL7 JCA Adapter Component

To Configure an HL7 JCA Adapter Instance

Using the HL7 JCA Adapter in an EJB Project

Designing an EJB Module to Use HL7 JCA Adapter Code

To Create an EJB Module Project

To Add a HL7 JCA Adapter to an EJB Project

To Use HL7-Specific Sample Code

Configuration Settings for the HL7 JCA Adapter

General Outbound Settings

HL7 Outbound Settings -- Client Connection Establishment

HL7 Outbound Settings -- Server Port Binding

TCPIP Outbound Settings

HL7 Acknowledgment Settings

Lower Layer Protocol Settings

Sequence Number Protocol Settings

HL7 MSH Segment Settings

HL7 SFT Segment Settings

HL7 Communication Control Settings

HL7 Recourse Action Settings

Connection Pool Settings

General Outbound Settings

The General Outbound properties specify top-level parameters for the HL7 JCA Adapter.

Max Data Size
Default: 2147483647

Specifies the maximum amount of data that can be held internally. This ranges from 1 to 2147483647 (bytes). The default is 2147483647.

Scope Of State

Specifies the scope of state, which is an OTD node. This scope represents the life cycle of the state.

The choices are:

  • Resource Adapter Level: Specifies that the state has the same lifecycle as the resource adapter.

  • Connection Level: Specifies that the state has the same lifecycle as the connection.

  • OTD Level: Specifies that the state has the same lifecycle as the OTD object.