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Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Reference Manual     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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1.  User Commands (Man Pages Section 1)

2.  Maintenance Commands (Man Pages Section 1M)

3.  Library Functions (Man Pages Section 3)

4.  Library Functions (Man Pages Section 3X)

5.  File Formats (Man Pages Section 4)























6.  Standards, Environment, and Macros (Man Pages Section 5)

7.  Device and Network Interfaces (Man Pages Section 7)


     releaser.cmd - SAM-QFS releaser command file



     Directives for controlling the releaser can be read from the
     /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/releaser.cmd file.  The directives must
     appear one per line.

     Comment lines are permitted.  Comment lines must begin with
     a pound character (#), and the comment can extend through
     the rest of the line.

     Directives that appear prior to any fs= directive are
     applied to all file systems.  Directives that appear after a
     fs= directive are applied to the specified file system only.
     Directives that are specific to a file system override
     general directives.

     The directives on this man page are divided into groups.
     The weight directives for size and age determine the release
     priority of a file.  The miscellaneous directives control
     whether a log file is written, whether there is a minimum
     age required for files, and other aspects of releasing.

     The following weights are used to calculate the release
     priority of each file in the file system.  Each file's
     priority is composed of two parts:  size priority and age
     priority.  The size priority plus the age priority equals
     the file's total release priority.

  Size Priority
     The size priority is determined by the value of the
     weight_size directive.  This directive has the following

          Sets the weight factor for the size of the file to
          weight_size_value.  Specify a floating-point number in
          the following range:
          0.0 < weight_size_value < 1.0.  The default is 1.0.

          The weight_size_value is multiplied by the size of the
          file in 4-kilobyte blocks to arrive at the size
          component of the file's release priority.

  Age Priority
     The age priority can be calculated in one of the following

     o  The first method multiplies the value of the weight_age=
        directive by the most recent of the following ages:
        access age, modify age, and residence change age.  The
        access age is defined as the current time minus the
        file's last access time.  The weight_age directive has
        the following format:

             Sets the weight factor for the overall age of the
             file to weight_age_value.  The weight_age_value is
             multiplied by the most recent of the file's access,
             modify or residence change age to arrive at the age
             component of the file's release priority. Specify a
             floating-point number in the following range:
             0.0 < weight_age_value < 1.0.  The default is 1.0.

             If you specify a weight_age= directive for a given
             file system, you cannot specify weight_age_access=,
             weight_age_modify=, or weight_age_residence=
             directives for the same file system.

     o  The second method allows you to specify separate weights
        for the access, modify, and residence ages.  The ages are
        calculated in units of 60-second minutes.

        If you want to specify separate weights for the access,
        modify, and residence ages, use the following directives
        in the releaser.cmd file:

             Sets the weight factor for the access age of the
             file to weight_age_access_value.  Specify a
             floating-point number in the following range:
             0.0 < weight_age_access < 1.0.  The default is 1.0.

             The weight_age_access_value is multiplied by the
             file's access age (expressed in minutes).  This
             product, added to the sum of the products of the
             modify and residence-change ages multiplied by their
             respective weights, becomes the age component of the
             file's release priority.

             If you specify a weight_age= directive for a given
             file system, you cannot specify a weight_age_access=
             directive for the same file system.

             Sets the weight factor for the modify age of the

             file to weight_age_modify_value.  Specify a
             floating-point number in the following range:
             0.0 < weight_age_modify < 1.0.  The default is 1.0.

             The weight_age_modify_value is multiplied by the
             file's modify age (expressed in minutes).  This
             product, added to the sum of the products of the
             modify and residence-change ages multiplied by their
             respective weights, becomes the age component of the
             file's release priority.

             If you specify a weight_age= directive for a given
             file system, you cannot specify a weight_age_modify=
             directive for the same file system.

             Sets the weight factor for the residence-change age
             of the file to weight_age_residence_value.  Specify
             a floating-point number in the following range:
             0.0 < weight_age_residence < 1.0.  The default is

             The weight_age_residence_value is multiplied by the
             file's residence-change age (expressed in minutes).
             This product, added to the sum of the products of
             the modify and residence-change ages multiplied by
             their respective weights, becomes the age component
             of the file's release priority.

             If you specify a weight_age= directive for a given
             file system, you cannot specify a
             weight_age_residence= directive for the same file

     The following miscellaneous directives can be specified in
     the releaser.cmd file:

     fs = file_system_family_set_name
          Specifies to the releaser that the subsequent
          directives apply to the indicated
          file_system_family_set_name only.

     list_size = number
          Sets the number of candidate files for release during
          one pass of the file system.  For number, specify an
          integer number in the following range:
          10 < number < 2,147,483,648
          The default is based on the size of the .inodes file.
          If there is enough space for one million inodes (512-
          bytes/inode), number is 100000, otherwise it is 30000.
          If you have many small files in your file system you

          may want to increase this number.

          Prevents the releaser from releasing any files.  This
          directive is useful when you are tuning the priority
          weights.  Also see the display_all_candidates
          directive.  By default, files are released.

          Prevents the releaser from releasing files marked to be
          rearchived.  By default, files marked for rearchive are

     logfile = filename
          Sets the name of the releaser's log file to filename.
          By default, no log file is written.

          Writes the releaser priority for each file, as it is
          encountered, to the log file.  This can be useful in
          tuning when used in conjunction with the no_release
          directive.  This directive allows you to judge the
          effect of changing the priority weights.  By default
          file priority is not displayed in any way.

     min_residence_age = time
          Sets the minimum residency age to time seconds.  This
          is the minimum time a file must be online before it is
          considered to be a release candidate.  The default is
          600 seconds (10 minutes).

     Example 1.  This example file sets the weight_age= and
     weight_size= directives for the samfs1 file system.  No
     releaser log is produced.

               fs = samfs1
               weight_age = .45
               weight_size = 0.3

     Example 2.  This example provides weights for all file
     systems.  All file system releaser runs are logged to

               weight_age = 1.0
               weight_size = 0.03
               logfile = /var/adm/releaser.log

     Example 3.  This example specifies weights and log files for
     each file system.

               logfile = /var/adm/default.releaser.log

               fs = samfs1

               weight_age = 1.0
               weight_size = 0.0
               logfile = /var/adm/samfs1.releaser.log

               fs = samfs2

               weight_age_modify = 0.3
               weight_age_access = 0.03
               weight_age_residence = 1.0
               weight_size = 0.0
               logfile = /var/adm/samfs2.releaser.log

     Example 4.  This example is identical in function to example
     3, but it specifies the weight_size= and list_size=
     directives globally.
               logfile = /var/adm/default.releaser.log
               weight_size = 0.0
               list_size = 100000

               fs = samfs1

               weight_age = 1.0
               logfile = /var/adm/samfs1.releaser.log

               fs = samfs2

               weight_age_modify = 0.3
               weight_age_access = 0.03
               weight_age_residence = 1.0
               logfile = /var/adm/samfs2.releaser.log
