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Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Reference Manual     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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1.  User Commands (Man Pages Section 1)

2.  Maintenance Commands (Man Pages Section 1M)

3.  Library Functions (Man Pages Section 3)

4.  Library Functions (Man Pages Section 3X)

5.  File Formats (Man Pages Section 4)























6.  Standards, Environment, and Macros (Man Pages Section 5)

7.  Device and Network Interfaces (Man Pages Section 7)


     archiver.cmd - SAM-QFS archiver commands file



     Commands  for  controlling  the  archiver  are   read   from
     /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd,   which   is  the  archiver
     commands file.  The archiver.cmd  file  must  be  free  from
     errors, or the archiver does not execute.

     Use the archiver -lv command to check the archiver.cmd  file
     for syntax errors. When it is free from errors, use the

     samd config

     command to reconfigure the daemons.

     Archive  Sets  and  associated  media  are  defined  in  the
     archiver  command file.  Archive Sets are the mechanism that
     the archiver uses to direct files in a samfs file system  to
     media during archiving.

     All files in the file system are members of one and only one
     Archive   Set.   Characteristics  of  a  file  are  used  to
     determine Archive Set membership.  All files in  an  Archive
     Set are copied to the media associated with the Archive Set.
     The Archive Set name is simply a synonym for a collection of
     media volumes.

     Files are written to the media in an Archive File, which  is
     written  in  tar format.  The combination of the Archive Set
     and the tar format results in an operation that is just like
     using the command find to select files for the tar command.

     In addition, the meta  data  (directories,  the  indices  of
     segmented  files,  and the removable media information), are
     assigned to an Archive Set  to  be  copied  to  media.   The
     Archive  Set  name  is  the  name  of the file system.  (See

     For segmented files, the archivable unit is the segment, not
     the  entire  file, so the properties and priorities apply to
     the segments themselves rather than to the entire file.  The
     index  of  a  segmented file contains no user data and so is
     assigned to the meta data archive set.

     Symbolic  links  are  considered  data  files  for  archival

     Each Archive Set may have up to four archive copies defined.
     The  copies provide duplication of files on different media.
     Copies are selected by the Archive Age of a file.

     The archiver command file consists of directive  lines.   In
     this  man  page,  the archiver directives are separated into
     the following sections and subsections:

          General Directives section
          Archive Set Assignments section
          Archive Copy Definitions section
          Archive Set Copy Parameters section
             Archive Set Copy Parameters - General
             Archive Set Copy Parameters - Priority
             Archive Set Copy Parameters - Scheduling
             Archive Set Copy Parameters - Recycling
          VSN Pool Definitions section
          VSN Associations section

     Each of these lines consists of one or more fields separated
     by white space.  Leading white space is ignored.  Everything
     after a '#' character is ignored.  Lines may be continued by
     using '\' as the last character on the line.

     All parameter settings and Archive Set definitions apply  to
     all  file  systems (global) until a file system directive is
     encountered.  Thereafter, the settings and definitions apply
     only  to  the  named  file  system  (local).  The directives
     archmax, bufsize, drives, notify, and ovflmin  can  only  be
     global  and  hence  are  not  allowed  after  the  first fs=

     General directives are identified by the  '='  character  in
     the second field or no additional fields.

     archmax = media target_size
          Set the Archive File maximum size for  media  media  to
          target_size.   Files  to  be archived will be placed on
          the media in a single Archive File of length less  than
          or  equal  to target_size.  If a single file is greater
          than target_size, then this restriction does not apply.

          Sizes appropriate to the media are used by default. The
          default  size for STK Titanium, all LTO, IBM TS1120 and
          IBM 3592 media is 22GB. The default size for  SKT  9940
          media  is  11GB. The default size for STK 9840 media is
          4GB.  The default size for linear  tape  is  11GB.  The
          default  size  for  all  other  tape  media is 8GB. The

          default size for disk  is  1G.  The  default  size  for
          optical media is 1GB.

     archivemeta = state
          Set the meta data archiving state on or off.  state may
          be  "on"  or  "off".   Meta  data  archiving  is off by

     background_interval = time
          Set the interval between background scans to time.

          The default is 24 hours.  If  time  is  a  multiple  of
          days,  the  background  scan  will be performed at the
          background_time .

     background_time = hhmm
          Set the time of day for the  background  scan  to  hhmm
          local time.

          The default 0000 (midnight).

     dircache_size = size
          Set the maximum size of the directory  cache  to  size.
          The  directory  cache  for name lookups will not exceed
          this size.  If the  file  system  contains  very  large
          directories,    increasing    this   value   may   help
          performance.  The minimum value is 8M and  the  maximum
          is 512M.

          The default is 64M.

     bufsize =  media buffer_size [ lock ]
          Set  the  archive  buffer  size  for  media  media   to
          buffer_size  *  dev_blksize,  and (optionally) lock the

          For media, specify a valid media type from the list  on
          the mcf(4) man page.

          For buffer_size, specify a number from 2 through  8192.
          The  default  is  16.   This value is multiplied by the
          dev_blksize value for the media type, and the resulting
          buffer  size is used.  The dev_blksize can be specified
          in the defaults.conf file.

          The lock argument indicates whether or not the archiver
          should  use  locked buffers when making archive copies.
          If lock is specified, the archiver sets file  locks  on
          the  archive  buffer  in memory for the duration of the
          sam-arcopy(1M)  operation.   This  avoids  paging   the
          buffer,  and  it can provide a performance improvement.
          The lock argument should be  specified  only  on  large

          systems  with large amounts of memory.  If insufficient
          memory is present,  it  can  cause  an  out  of  memory
          condition.  The  lock  argument  is  effective  only if
          direct I/O is enabled for the file being archived.   By
          default, lock is not specified and the file system sets
          the locks on all direct I/O  buffers,  including  those
          for archiving.

          This directive can also be specified on an archive  set
          basis  by  placing  the  -bufsize=buffer_size and -lock
          directives between  params  and  endparams  directives.
          For    more    information    on    this,    see    the
          -bufsize=buffer_size  and  -lock  directives  mentioned
          later on this man page.

          For  more   information   on   dev_blksize,   see   the
          defaults.conf   man  page.   For  more  information  on
          enabling direct I/O, see the  setfa(1)  man  page,  the
          sam_setfa(3)   library   routine   man   page,  or  the
          -o forcedirectio  option  on  the  mount_samfs(1M)  man

     drives = library count
          Set the number  of  drives  to  use  for  archiving  on
          library  (the library family set name as defined in the
          mcf) to count.  The archiver will use only count number
          of  drives  in  library to create archive copies.  This
          directive prevents the archiver from using  all  drives
          in a library and possibly interfering with staging.

          The default value is the actual number of drives in the

               drives = gr50 3

     examine = method
          Set the  file  system  examination  method  to  method.
          Files  in  a  file system are examined using the method
          defined by this directive.  method may be one of:

          scan        Scan the file  system  in  the  traditional
                      manner.   The  first  scan  is  a directory
                      scan, all successive scans are inode scans.

          scandirs    All scans are directory scans.

          scaninodes  All scans are inode scans.

          noscan      No periodic scans are performed.  Files are
                      examined when they change.

          The default examine method is noscan.

     fs = file_system
          Start local definitions for  file  system  file_system.
          All parameter settings and Archive Set definitions will
          apply only to this file system.  This directive may  be
          followed  by copy definitions to define multiple copies
          for the file system meta data.

          The defaults are no local definitions and  one  archive
          copy for the file system data.

     interval = time
          Set the interval between archive operations to time.

          The default time is 10 minutes.

     logfile = filename
          Set the name of the  archiver  log  file  to  filename,
          specified  as  an  absolute pathname.  The archiver log
          file contains a line for each file archived.  The  line
          contains  information  about the file that includes the
          date, time, media, volume, Archive Set, and the name of
          the  file.  Note that it is possible to have a separate
          log file for each file system (by placing a "logfile ="
          definition after a "fs =" definition).

          The default is no log file.

     notify = filename
          Set the name of the archiver event notification  script
          file  to  filename.   This  file  is  executed  by  the
          archiver to allow the system administrator  to  process
          various  events in a site specific fashion.  The script
          is called with a keyword for the first  argument.   The
          keywords   are:   emerg,  alert,  crit,  err,  warning,
          notice, info,  and  debug.   Additional  arguments  are
          described in the default script.

          The    name    of    the     default     script     is:

     ovflmin = media minimum_size
          Set the minimum size of a file which will require  more
          than one volume for media media to minimum_size.  Files
          to be archived that are smaller than this size will  be
          placed  on  only  a  single volume of the media.  Files
          that are larger than this size will be  allowed  to  be
          written to multiple volumes.

          If not specified, volume overflow will not take place.

     scanlist_squash = state
          Control the sam-arfind scanlist  consolidation.   state
          may  be  "on"  or  "off".   If  files  in  two  or more
          subdirectories with the same parent directory  need  to
          be scanned by sam-arfind at a much later time, the scan
          entries can be consolidated if state is on.   The  sam-
          arfind scanlist consolidation is off by default.

     setarchdone = state
          Control the changing of the  state  of  the  'archdone'
          flag  for  a  file  when  the  file is examined by sam-
          arfind.  state may be on or off.

          When all archive copies for a file have been made,  the
          archdone  flag is set for that file to indicate that no
          further archive action is required.  The archdone  flag
          is  used  by the archiver only during an inodes scan to
          avoid looking up the path name for the inode.   Setting
          archdone for files that will never be archived can be a
          time  consuming  operation   during   directory   scans
          impacting   performance   when  large  directories  are
          scanned.  Therefore, this will no  longer  be  done  by
          default.   To  get the previous behavior, set the state
          to on.

          The default  value  of  state  is  off  for  examine  =
          scandirs and examine = noscan.

          This option  does  not  affect  setting  the  state  of
          archdone when archive copies are made.

     wait The archiver will not begin archiving until it receives
          a  start  command from archiver, samu, or samcmd.  This
          is  a  mechanism  to  allow  other  activities  to   be
          performed  before  archiving  begins.   The wait may be
          applied globally or to one or more file systems.

          The default is no waiting.   However,  if  archiver.cmd
          does not exist then the default is to wait.

     timeout = [ operation | media ] time
          External events may cause the archiving I/O  operations
          to  stop  for  indefinite  periods  of time.  This will
          hamper timely archiving of other  files  that  are  not
          affected by the external delays.  Timeouts are provided
          for the operations that may get stopped.   The  timeout
          values  for  the  write operation may also be specified
          for individual media.

          operation may be one of:

          read        Reading the file from the disk.  Default  =

                      1  minute.  This timeout will be set to the
                      same value as the write timeout (default 15
                      minutes) when offline_copy = direct.

          request     Requesting the archive media.  Default = 15

          stage       Staging the file to be archived.  Default =
                      0 (no timeout).

          write       Writing to the archive media.  Default = 15
                      minutes   for   removable   archive  media.
                      Default = 0 (no timeout) for  disk  archive

     Archive  Set  assignments  are  made   by   describing   the
     characteristics  of the files that should belong to the set.
     The statements that do this are patterned after the  find(1)
     command.   The Archive Set name is the first field, followed
     by the path relative to the SAM-QFS file system mount point.
     The  path  may be enclosed in quotation mark characters, for
     instance, "project/gifs".  Within  the  quoted  string,  the
     usual   character   escapes  are  allowed,  including  octal
     character value.

     The remaining fields are either the file characteristics for
     membership in the set, or controls for the set.

     It is possible that the choice of file  characteristics  for
     several   Archive   Sets   will   result  in  ambiguous  set
     membership.  These situations are resolved in the  following

     1.   The Archive Set with the  earliest  definition  in  the
          command file is chosen.

     2.   Local definitions for the file system are chosen before
          the global definitions.

     These  rules  imply  that  more  restrictive   Archive   Set
     definitions should be closer to the beginning of the command

     It is also possible to use the same  Archive  Set  name  for
     several  different  file  characteristics.  An example would
     assign files that are owned by several users into  a  single
     Archive Set.

     Assigning files to a special archive set  called  no_archive
     prevents  files from being archived.  This can be useful for
     temporary files.   The  no_archive  archive  set  assignment

     definition must be a local definition to be effective.

     The Archive Set assignments may be followed by Archive  Copy

     You  can  specify  one  or  more  of  the   following   file

     -user uname
          Include files belonging to user uname.

     -group gname
          Include files belonging to group gname.

     -minsize size
          Include files greater than or equal to size.  size  may
          be  specified with the suffices 'b', 'k', 'M', 'G', and
          'T', for bytes, kilobytes,  megabytes,  gigabytes,  and

     -maxsize size
          Include files less than size.

     -name regular_expression
          Include   files   with   full    paths    that    match
          regular_expression.   The regular expression is limited
          to 255 characters.

     -access age
          Include files whose access time is older than age.  The
          age  may  be specified with the suffixes 's', 'm', 'h',
          'd', 'w' and 'y', for seconds,  minutes,  hours,  days,
          weeks and years.

          By default, the access and modification times of  files
          are  validated  to  assure that these times are greater
          than or equal to the file creation time, and less  than
          or  equal  to  the  time at which the file is examined.
          This is to provide proper archiving and unarchiving.

          For files that have been "migrated" into  a  directory,
          this  may  not  be the desired behavior.  The -nftv (no
          file time validation) parameter may be used to  prevent
          the  validation  of  file access and modification times
          for files that are in the archive set defined by  these

     -after date_time
          Include files that have been created or modified  since
          date_time.    date_time   is   in  the  form  "YYYY-MM-
          DD[Thh:mm:ss][Z]" (ISO 8601 format).

          If the  time  portion  is  not  specified,  'Thh:mm:ss'
          missing,  it  is assumed to be 00:00:00.  If the 'Z' is
          present, date_time is UTC, otherwise it is local.


          When controlling archiving for a specific  file  system
          (using  the fs = fsname directive), directives local to
          the file system level are evaluated before  the  global
          directives.   Thus,  files  may  be assigned to a local
          archive set  (including  the  no_archive  archive  set)
          instead  of  being  assigned  to  a global archive set.
          This has implications when setting global  archive  set
          assignments such as no_archive.

          Assume,  for  example,   the   following   archiver.cmd

          no_archive . -name .*\.o$
          fs = samfs1
          allfiles   .
              1   10s
          fs = samfs2
          allfiles   .
              1   10s

          At  first  look  it  appears  that  the   administrator
          intended  not  to  archive  any of the .o files in both
          file systems.  However, since  the  local  archive  set
          assignment  allfiles  is  evaluated prior to the global
          archive set assignment no_archive, the .o files  in  in
          both file systems are archived.

          To ensure that no .o files are archived, the  following
          segment would be used:

          fs = samfs1
          no_archive . -name .*\.o$
          allfiles   .
              1   10s
          fs = samfs2
          no_archive . -name .*\.o$
          allfiles   .
              1   10s

     The  following  directives  are  available   to   set   file

     -release attributes
          Set the release attributes  (see  release(1))  for  all
          files matching the file characteristics on this Archive
          Set definition.  attributes may be any of  'a'  always,
          'd'  reset  to default, 'n' never, 'p' partial or 'sxx'
          partial size 'xx'.

     -stage attributes
          Set the stage attributes (see stage(1)) for  all  files
          matching  the  file characteristics on this Archive Set
          definition.  attributes may be any of 'a'  associative,
          'd' reset to default, or 'n' never.

     The Archive Copy  definitions  determine  when  the  archive
     copies are made for the files matching file characteristics.
     These definitions consist of lines beginning with  a  digit.
     This digit is the copy number.

     The first fields after the copy number are the option  flags
     as described below:

          This causes the cache disk space for the  files  to  be
          released immediately after the copy is made.

          This flag may be used to prevent automatic  release  of
          cache disk space until all copies marked with this flag
          are made.  The -norelease option makes the archiver set
          eligible  to  be  released  after  all copies have been
          archived, but the files will not be released until  the
          releaser   is  invoked  and  selects  them  as  release
          candidates. Using this flag on just one copy will  have
          no effect on automatic release.

     The combination of -release and -norelease  will  cause  the
     archiver to release the file when all the copies having this
     combination are made. With this usage, the  archive  set  is
     released  immediately,  rather than waiting for the releaser
     to be invoked, as is the case  with  the  -norelease  option

     If the -release option is used on a copy that does not  have
     the  -norelease  option set, the file will get released when
     that copy is made, overriding the effect of  any  -norelease
     usage on other copies.

     The next field is the Archive  Age  of  the  file  when  the
     archive  copy  is  made.   The age may be specified with the
     suffixes 's', 'm', 'h',  'd',  'w'  and  'y',  for  seconds,

     minutes,  hours, days, weeks and years.  The default Archive
     Age is 4 minutes.

     The next field is the Archive Age of the file when the  copy
     is unarchived.  The default is to never unarchive the copy.

     Archive Set parameters may be set after all Archive Sets are
     defined.   The  beginning  of  this  section is noted by the
     directive params.  The section is ended by the  end  of  the
     archiver command file or the directive endparams.

     Setting an archive set parameter  requires  at  least  three
     fields:   the  Archive  Set Copy, the parameter name and the
     parameter value.

     The Archive Set Copy is the Archive Set name and copy number
     separated by '.'.

     Parameters may be set for all  archive  sets  by  using  the
     pseudo  Archive  Set Copy allsets for the directive.  If the
     allsets is specified without a copy number,  the  parameters
     apply  to  all Archive Set Copies.  If specified with a copy
     number, the parameters  apply  to  only  those  Archive  Set
     Copies  with  the  same copy number.  All allsets directives
     must occur before those for any actual Archive Set Copies.

     Note:  All parameter default values are  0  or  none  unless
     otherwise specified.

          allsets -sort path
          allsets.1 -drives 3
          allsets.2 -drives 2

          All Archive Set  Copies  are  assigned  the  -sort path
          parameter.   All  Archive Set Copy 1 will use 3 drives.
          All Archive Set Copy 2 will use 2 drives.

     If an archive  copy  of  a  file  is  being  rearchived,  an
     internal Archive Set Copy is used for scheduling the archive
     operation.  It is called a Rearchive Set Copy, and uses  the
     archive  parameters  from  the  actual Archive Set Copy.  If
     desired, the Archive Set parameters may  be  set  using  the
     Archive  Set  Copy  name followed by the character 'R'.  The
     Rearchive Set Copy allows the users to  differentiate  'new'
     and  rearchive  operations, and use different parameters for
     each operation.

          archset.2 -drives 3

          archset.2R -drives 1 -priority -1000

          All 'new' archive copies are  written  using  up  to  3
          drives.   Rearchive  copies are limited to 1 drive, and
          have a lower priority than the 'new' copies.

     In addition, the  allsets.copy  forms  may  be  used.   (For
     example, allsets.copyR)

  Archive Set Copy Parameters - General
     The general archive set copy parameters are as follows:

     -archmax target_size
          Set the Archive File maximum size for this Archive  Set
          to target_size.  Files to be archived will be placed on
          the media in a single Archive File of length less  than
          or  equal  to target_size.  If a single file is greater
          than target_size, then this restriction does not apply.

          If not specified, the archmax value for  the  media  is

     -bufsize = buffer_size
          Set  the  archive  buffer   size   to   buffer_size   *
          dev_blksize.   The  default  buffer_size  is 16.  Valid
          values are 2 through 8192.

          If not specified, the default buffer size value for the
          media is used.  This directive can also be specified as
          a global directive.  For more information on specifying
          an  archive  buffer  size,  see  the  bufsize  =  media
          buffer_size [lock] directive described on this man page
          in the GENERAL DIRECTIVES section.

     -directio state
          Set the file reading method for archival.  state may be
          "on"  or  "off".  The  reading performance of files for
          archival can be changed by using  this  parameter.   If
          users  are not reading files at the same time that they
          are  being  archived,  then  selecting  on  allows  the
          archiver  to  read  the  file  without using the system
          buffer cache and using pages that users might need.  In
          the  event  that users are reading files while they are
          being archived, then off may be a better choice because
          the  system  buffer cache will provide data to the user
          and the archiver.  The default is on.

     -disk_archive diskvol(Obsolete)
          Defines  a  disk  archive  set.   This   parameter   is
          obsolete.   Disk  archive sets should be defined in the
          VSN associations or VSN pool definitions section.   For
          more information on disk archiving, see the Sun Storage

          Archive Manager Configuration and Administration Guide.

          All of the other Archive Set parameters work with  disk
          archiving  except:  -fillvsns, -ovflmin minimum_size, -
          reserve method, -tapenonstop.  None of these  cause  an
          error  if applied to an Archive Set that is assigned to
          disk archiving.

     -drivemax max_size
          Set the multiple drives maximum size for  this  Archive
          Set   to  max_size.   When  the  -drives  parameter  is
          selected, the amount of data selected to be archived to
          each  drive  will  be  limited to max_size.  Using this
          parameter  can  result  in  better  drive  utilization,
          because  drives  can  take different amounts of time to
          archive files.

          The default is to not have this parameter set.

     -drivemin min_size
          Set the multiple drives minimum size for  this  Archive
          Set   to  min_size.   When  the  -drives  parameter  is
          selected, multiple drives will be  used  only  if  more
          than  min_size  data  is  to  be archived at once.  The
          number of drives to be used in  parallel  will  be  the
          lesser  of  total_size  /  min_size  and  the number of
          drives specified by -drives.

          The default value is archmax.

     -drives number
          Set the maximum number of drives to  use  when  writing
          the  archive  images  for  this  Archive  Set  Copy  to
          removable media.

          Segments are striped across  the  specified  number  of
          drives.  The segments are separated into number archive

               set_name.3 -drives 3

          Allows the archiver to use up to 3 drives for archiving
          files in the archive set named set_name.3.

          If not specified, one drive will be used.

     -fillvsns [ minfill ]
          The default action of the archiver is  to  utilize  all
          volumes  associated  with an Archive Set for archiving.
          When a group of files is to be  archived  at  the  same
          time, a volume with enough space for all the files will

          be selected for use.  This action may cause volumes  to
          not be filled to capacity.

          Selecting this parameter causes the archiver to attempt
          to  fill  volumes by separating the group of files into
          smaller groups.

          The optional minfill parameter  specifies  the  minimum
          free  space  that  a  volume  must  have in order to be
          included in the above calculation. minfill is specified
          as a file size.

               -fillvsns 1G

          Volumes will be filled until they  have  less  than  1G
          free space, after which they are considered full.

          Lock the archive copy buffer for the  duration  of  the
          sam-arcopy(1M)   operation.   The  -lock  directive  is
          effective only if direct I/O is enabled  for  the  file
          being  archived.   If  not  specified,  the file system
          controls the locks on  the  archive  copy  buffer.   By
          default, this directive is disabled.

          This directive  can  also  be  specified  as  a  global
          directive.   For  more  information  on controlling the
          archive  buffer  locks,  see  the   bufsize   =   media
          buffer_size [lock] directive described on this man page
          in the GENERAL DIRECTIVES section.

     -offline_copy method
          This parameter specifies the  method  to  be  used  for
          archiving  files  that are offline at the time archival
          is to be made.

          For  selecting  the  desired  offline  file   archiving
          method, method may be:

          none    Files are staged as needed for each archive tar
                  file before copying to the archive volume.

          direct  Direct copy.   Copy  files  directly  from  the
                  offline  volume  to  the archive volume without
                  using the cache.  Source volume and destination
                  volume   are   different  and  two  drives  are
                  available.  For best performance in this  mode,
                  you  should  increase  the  file  system  mount
                  parameter "stage_n_window" from its default  of

                  Stage the  next  archive  tar  file  while  the
                  current  archive  tar  file  is  written to the
                  destination. With this method, one archive  tar
                  file  is  created  on  one  tape drive (or disk
                  archive) while  the  offline  files  needed  to
                  create  the  next  archive  tar  file are being
                  staged  from  another  tape  drive   (or   disk
                  archive).  Two drives are available and room is
                  available on cache for all files in one archive
                  tar file.

                  Stage all files before archiving.  Use only one
                  drive,  and  room is available on cache for all

     -ovflmin minimum_size
          Set the minimum size of a file that will  require  more
          than  one  volume  in this Archive Set to minimum_size.
          Files to be archived that are smaller  than  this  size
          will  be  placed  on only a single volume of the media.
          Files that are this size or larger will be  allowed  to
          overflow one volume to at least one additional volume.

          If not specified, the ovflmin value for the media  will
          be used.

     -rearch_stage_copy copy_number
          Use  copy_number  for  staging  an  offline  copy  when
          rearchiving  the  copy  defined by the Archive Set.  By
          default, the file will be staged from  the  copy  being
          rearchived.   This option can be used if the copy being
          rearchived is not available or copy_number  is  located
          on a faster media.

     -reserve [ set | dir | user | group | fs ]
          This parameter specifies  that  the  volumes  used  for
          archiving files in this Archive Set are "reserved".  If
          this option is not used, Archive Sets are mixed on  the
          media  specified.   This  option  specifies  that  each
          archive  set   has   unique   volumes.    A   so-called
          "ReserveName"  is  assigned  to  volumes  as  they  are
          selected for use by the Archive Set.   The  ReserveName
          has  three  components:   Archive  Set, Owner, and file
          system.  The keyword set  activates  the  Archive  Set.
          The keyword fs activates the file system component.

          The keywords dir, user, and group  activate  the  Owner
          component.   These  three  are mutually exclusive.  The
          Owner component is defined by the file being archived.

          The dir  keyword  uses  the  directory  path  component
          immediately  following  the  path  specification of the
          Archive Set description.

          The user keyword selects the user name associated  with
          the file.

          The group keyword selects  the  group  name  associated
          with the file.

     -rsort method

     -sort method
          Files in the Archive Set may  be  sorted  according  to
          method  before  being archived.  The effect of the sort
          is  keep  files  together  according  to  the  property
          associated with the method.  If no method is specified,
          path sorting is performed.  If -rsort is used, the sort
          is performed reversing the order specified by method.

          For selecting the  sort,  method  can  be  one  of  the

          age     Sort   each   Archive   File    by    ascending
                  modification   time.    The  oldest  files  are
                  archived first.

          none    No sorting of the Archive  File  is  performed.
                  Files  are archived in the order encountered on
                  the file system.

          path    Sort each Archive File by the full pathname  of
                  the  file.   This method will keep files in the
                  same directories together on the archive media.

                  Sort each Archive File  by  descending  archive
                  priority.    The   higher  priority  files  are
                  archived first.

          size    Sort each Archive File by ascending file  size.
                  The  smallest  files  are  archived first.  The
                  largest files are archived last.

          When files are archived to tape,  the  default  writing
          mechanism  closes  the  removable  media  tape  file in
          between each Archive File.  This action causes the tape
          subsystem to write a TapeMark followed by an EOF1 label
          and two TapeMarks.  Before another Archive File can  be
          written, the tape must be positioned backwards over the
          EOF1 label.

          Using the tapenonstop parameter causes the archiver  to
          not  close  the  removable media tape file between each
          Archive File, and write a Tape  Mark  to  separate  the
          Archive  Files.   This  speeds writing Archive Files to
          tape.  The tape cannot be unloaded in  between  Archive

  Archive Set Copy Parameters - Priority
     The following parameters allow you to configure  a  priority
     system  for  archiving  files.   In  the  following priority
     parameters, the values are floating-point numbers such that
     -3.400000000E+38 < value < 3.402823466E+38.

     -priority age value
          Set the "Archive Age" property multiplier for files  in
          this Archive Set to value.

     -priority archive_immediate value
          Set the "Archive  immediate"  property  multiplier  for
          files in this Archive Set to value.

     -priority archive_overflow value
          Set the "Multiple archive volumes" property  multiplier
          for files in this Archive Set to value.

     -priority archive_loaded value
          Set the "Archive volume loaded" property multiplier for
          files in this Archive Set to value.

     -priority copy1 value
          Set the "Copy 1" property multiplier for files in  this
          Archive Set to value.

     -priority copy2 value
          Set the "Copy 2" property multiplier for files in  this
          Archive Set to value.

     -priority copy3 value
          Set the "Copy 3" property multiplier for files in  this
          Archive Set to value.

     -priority copy4 value
          Set the "Copy 4" property multiplier for files in  this
          Archive Set to value.

     -priority copies value
          Set the "Copies made" property multiplier for files  in
          this Archive Set to value.

     -priority offline value
          Set the "File off line" property multiplier  for  files
          in this Archive Set to value.

     -priority queuewait value
          Set the "Queue wait" property multiplier for  files  in
          this Archive Set to value.

     -priority rearchive value
          Set the "Rearchive" property multiplier  for  files  in
          this Archive Set to value.

     -priority reqrelease value
          Set the "Required for release" property multiplier  for
          files in this Archive Set to value.

     -priority size value
          Set the "File size" property multiplier  for  files  in
          this Archive Set to value.

     -priority stage_loaded value
          Set the "Stage volume loaded" property  multiplier  for
          files in this Archive Set to value.

     -priority stage_overflow value
          Set the "Multiple stage  volumes"  property  multiplier
          for files in this Archive Set to value.

  Archive Set Copy Parameters - Scheduling
     As files are identified to be archived, they are placed in a
     list  known  as  an Archive Request.  The Archive Request is
     scheduled for archival at the end of  a  file  system  scan.
     The  following  archive set parameters control the archiving
     workload and assure timely archival of files:

     -queue_time_limit time
          Set the schedule  queue  time  limit  for  the  Archive
          Request  to  time.   At  the  end  of the time limit, a
          notification  message  will  be  sent  once  to   alert
          monitoring  entities  that  the ArchReq has been in the
          schedule queue longer than the time limit.

     -startage time
          Set the interval between the first file to be  archived
          in  the  Archive  Request and the start of archiving to
          time.  This allows time  to  accumulate  archival  work
          after  the  first file has been scheduled for archival.
          The default is set to two hours.

     -startcount count
          Set the start archiving  file  count  to  count.   When
          count  files  have  been identified for archival in the
          Archive Request, the archival  operation  begins.   The
          default is set to 500,000.

     -startsize size

          Set the minimum total size of all files to be  archived
          after  the  first  file  to  be archived in the Archive
          Request  to  size  (in   bytes).    This   allows   the
          accumulation  of archival work to be based on the total
          size  of  the  files  that  have  been  scheduled   for
          archival.   The  default  is set to 90% of the -archmax

     If more than one of -startage,  -startcount,  or  -startsize
     are  specified,  the  first condition encountered starts the
     archival operation.

     If  neither  -startage,  -startcount,  nor  -startsize   are
     specified,  the  archive  request  is scheduled based on the
     examine=method directive, as follows:

     o  If examine = scan | scaninodes |  scandirs,  the  archive
        request  is scheduled for archiving after the file system
        scan.  Note that examine = noscan is the default.

     o  If examine = noscan, the default values are as follows:
         startage 2 hours
         startcount 500,000
         startsize 90% of archmax

     The  -startage,  -startcount,  and   -startsize   directives
     optimize archive timeliness versus archive work done.  These
     values override the examine=method specification, if any.

     Example 1.  If it takes an  hour  to  create  files  for  an
     Archive  Set  that  uses  -sort  path,  then you can specify
     -startage 1h  ensure  that  all  files  are  created  before
     scheduling the Archive Request.

     Example 2.  You can specify -startsize 150G  to  direct  the
     archiver to wait until 150 gigabytes of data are ready to be
     archived in an Archive Set.

     Example 3.  If you know that 3000 files  will  be  generated
     for  archival,  then specify -startcount 3000 to ensure that
     the files get archived together.

  Archive Set Copy Parameters - Recycling
     The following archive set parameters  control  recycling  by
     archive  set.   If  none of the following parameters are set
     for an archive set and the name of the archive  set  is  not
     specified  on  the  recycler's command line, the archive set
     will not be recycled.  Volumes which comprise  that  archive
     set  (unless  also  assigned to other archive sets) could be
     recycled as part of recycling  the  library  which  contains

     -recycle_dataquantity size
          This option sets a limit of size bytes on the amount of
          data  the  recycler will schedule for rearchiving so as
          to clear volumes of useful data.  Note that the  actual
          number  of  volumes  selected for recycling may also be
          dependant  on  the  -recycle_vsncount  parameter.   The
          default is 1 gigabyte (1G).

     -recycle_hwm percent
          This option sets the high  water  mark  (hwm)  for  the
          archive  set.   The hwm is expressed as a percentage of
          the total capacity of the volumes associated  with  the
          archive  set.   When  the  utilization of those volumes
          exceeds percent, the recycler will begin to recycle the
          archive  set.  The  default  is  95%.   This  option is
          ignored for disk media recycling.

          This option inhibits the recycler from  recycling  this
          archive set.  All recycling processing occurs as usual,
          except any media selected to  recycle  are  not  marked
          "recycle".   This allows the recycler's choice of media
          to recycle to be observed, without  actually  recycling
          any media.

     -recycle_mailaddr mail-address
          This  option  specifies  an  email  address  to   which
          informational messages should be sent when this archive
          set is recycled. The default is not to send any mail.

     -recycle_mingain percent
          This option limits selection of volumes  for  recycling
          to  those  which  would  increase  their  free space by
          percent or  more.   Volumes  not  meeting  the  mingain
          parameter are not recycled. The default is 50%.

     -recycle_vsncount count
          This option sets a limit of  count  on  the  number  of
          volumes  the  recycler will schedule for rearchiving so
          as to clear volumes of  useful  data.   Note  that  the
          actual  number  of  volumes  selected for recycling may
          also  be   dependant   on   the   -recycle_dataquantity
          parameter.   The  default is 1.  This option is ignored
          for disk media recycling.

     -recycle_minobs percent
          This  option  is  used  to  set  a  threshold  for  the
          recycler's rearchiving process.  When the percentage of
          obsolete files within an archived tar file on the  disk
          reaches  this threshold, the recycler begins moving the
          valid files from the archive into a new tar file.  Once
          all  of  the  valid files have been moved, the original

          tar file is marked as a candidate to  be  removed  from
          the disk archive.  This option is ignored for removable
          media recycling.  The default is 50%.

     -unarchage time_ref
          Set the Unarchive Age computation  time  reference  for
          this  archive  set  to  time_ref.  The age of the files
          will be computed for unarchiving a copy from this  time
          reference.   For  selecting the desired time reference,
          time_ref may be:

          The age of files for unarchiving  a  copy  is  computed
          from the access time of the file.

          The age of files for unarchiving  a  copy  is  computed
          from the modification time of the file.

          The default time_ref is access.

     Collections of volumes may be defined in this section.   The
     beginning of the section is noted by the directive vsnpools.
     The section is ended by the end of the archiver command file
     or the directive endvsnpools.

     A VSN pool definition requires at least three  fields:   the
     pool name, the media type, and at least one VSN.

     The media type is the two character mnemonic as described in
     the  mcf(4)  man page.  The dk or cb identifiers can be used
     to define a disk archive set.  For more information on  disk
     archiving, see the Sun Storage Archive Manager Configuration
     and Administration Guide.

     VSNs are regular expressions as defined in regcmp(3C).

     VSN associations are defined  after  all  archive  sets  are
     defined.   The  beginning  of  the  section  is noted by the
     directive vsns.  The section is ended  by  the  end  of  the
     archiver command file or the directive endvsns.

     A VSN association  requires  at  least  three  fields:   the
     Archive Set Copy, the media type, and at least one VSN.

     The Archive Set Copy is the Archive Set name and copy number
     separated by '.'.

     VSN associations may be set for all archive  sets  by  using
     the  pseudo  Archive Set Copy allsets for the directive.  If

     the allsets is specified without a  copy  number,  the  VSNs
     apply  to  all Archive Set Copies.  If specified with a copy
     number, the VSNs apply to only those Archive Set Copies with
     the  same  copy  number.   All allsets directives must occur
     before those for any actual Archive Set Copies.

     If an archive copy  of  a  file  is  being  rearchived,  the
     Rearchive Set Copy uses the VSN associations from the actual
     Archive Set Copy.  If desired, the VSN associations  may  be
     set  using  the  Archive  Set  Copy  name  followed  by  the
     character 'R'.  The Rearchive Set Copy allows the  users  to
     differentiate   'new'  and  rearchive  operations,  and  use
     different VSNs for each operation.

     The media type is the two character mnemonic as described in
     the mcf(4) man page.

     VSNs are regular expressions as defined in  regcmp(3C).   or
     VSN pool denoted by the option name -pool vsn_pool_name

     Each VSN on a vsns line is used without leading or  trailing
     spaces  as  input to regcmp(3C).  The compiled form is saved
     with the Archive Set Copy  definition.   When  a  volume  is
     needed  for an Archive Set Copy, each VSN of each library or
     manual drive that has sufficient space and is allowed to  be
     used  for  archives,  is  used  as the "subject" argument to
     regex(3C).  The archive set copy vsn expressions are used as
     the "re" argument to regex(3C).  If regex(3C) returns with a
     successful match, the volume is used  for  the  archive  set

          set_name.3 mo optic.*

     Assigns all files in set_name.3 to the mo  media  with  VSNs
     beginning with optic.

     VSN associations may be defined  for  all  archive  sets  by
     using the pseudo Archive Set Copy allsets for the directive.
     If the allsets is specified without a copy number,  the  VSN
     associations  apply to all Archive Set Copies.  If specified
     with a copy number, the VSN associations apply to only those
     Archive  Set  Copies with the same copy number.  All allsets
     directives must occur before those for  any  actual  Archive
     Set Copies.

     release(1), stage(1).

     archiver(1M),,   sam-archiverd(1M),   sam-
     arcopy(1M), sam-arfind(1M), sam-recycler(1M).


     diskvols.conf(4), mcf(4).