Abandoned Order is Converted event, Scenario Events
Abandoned Order is Lost event, Scenario Events
Abandoned Order is Modified event, Scenario Events
abandoned order services
AbandonedOrderLogRepository, The AbandonedOrderLogRepository
AbandonedOrderService, Defining Abandoned and Lost Orders, Detecting Abandoned and Lost Orders, Configuring AbandonedOrderService
AbandonedOrderTools, Configuring AbandonedOrderTools
abandonment states, Abandonment States
customizations and extensions, Customizations and Extensions
defining abandoned orders, Defining Abandoned and Lost Orders
defining lost orders, Defining Abandoned and Lost Orders
detecting abandoned orders, Detecting Abandoned and Lost Orders
detecting lost orders, Detecting Abandoned and Lost Orders
developer overview, An Overview of Abandoned Orders
messages, Abandoned Order Messages
order repository extensions, Order Repository Extensions
orders, abandoned, Abandonment States
orders, converted, Abandonment States
orders, lost, Abandonment States
orders, reanimated, Abandonment States
profile repository extensions, Profile Repository Extensions
scenario actions, Scenario Actions
scenario events, Scenario Events
transient users, Tracking Abandoned Orders of Transient Users
AbandonedOrderEventListener, AbandonedOrderEventListener
AbandonedOrderService, Defining Abandoned and Lost Orders, Detecting Abandoned and Lost Orders, Configuring AbandonedOrderService
AbandonedOrderTools, Configuring AbandonedOrderTools
AbstractInventoryManagerImpl, AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
adding a helper method for a new calculator, Adding a Helper Method for a New Calculator
adding new criteria to the filter methods, Adding New Criteria to the Filter Methods
address classes, Address Classes
allocateElectronicGood pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
allocateItemRelationship pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
allocateItemRelQuantity pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
allocateItemRelQuantityForConfigurableItem pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
allocateShippingGroup pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
allocating items for an order, Allocating Items for an Order
AmountInfo, Price Holding Classes
approval process (see order approval process)
ApprovalFormHandler, ApprovalFormHandler
ApprovalMessage, JMS Messages in the Order Approval Process
ApprovalRequiredDroplet, ApprovalRequiredDroplet Servlet Bean
ApprovalRequiredMessage, JMS Messages in the Order Approval Process
approvals (see order approval process)
ApprovedDroplet, ApprovedDroplet Servlet Bean
approveOrder pipeline, approveOrder
AuxiliaryData, Adding a Subclass with Primitive Data Type Properties
availability of item inventory, Displaying an Item’s Availability to a Customer


backup, ATG Commerce and Session Backup
base pricing engine, The Base Pricing Engine
extending, The Base Pricing Engine
building a new InventoryManager, Building a New InventoryManager
bulk pricing, Description of Volume Pricing
bundled SKUs, handling bundled SKUs in the inventory, Handling Bundled SKUs in the Inventory


caching the inventory, Caching the Inventory
InventoryCache, CachingInventoryManager
CachingInventoryManager, CachingInventoryManager
calculating prices, How Pricing Services Generate Prices
CancelOrderFormHandler, Canceling Orders
CartModifierFormHandler, Purchase Process Extensions to Support Gift Lists, Understanding the CartModifierFormHandler
catalog repository
extending, Catalog Repository
overview, Catalog Repository
configuring for Oracle databases, Configuring a Catalog for Oracle Full Text Searching
deleting items, Refreshing Orders
CatalogSearchFormHandler, Custom Catalog Searching
CatalogSearchFormHandler, configuring, Configuring the Custom Catalog’s Search Form Handler
extending, Extending the Category and Product Item Types
properties in custom catalogs, Category Properties
properties in standard catalogs, Category Properties
ChangedProperties, Adding a Subclass with Primitive Data Type Properties, Adding a Subclass with Object Data Type Properties
checkApprovalComplete pipeline, checkApprovalComplete
checkApprovalCompleteError pipeline, checkApprovalCompleteError
checkout process, Checking Out Orders
checkRequiresApproval pipeline, checkRequiresApproval
childCategories, deriving, Defining Relationships between Categories and Products
childProducts, deriving, Defining Relationships between Categories and Products
claimable items
Claimable repository, described, The Claimable Repository
Claimable repository, disabling, The Claimable Repository
ClaimableManager, The ClaimableManager Component
ClaimableTools, The ClaimableTools Component
coupons, setting up, Setting Up Coupons
gift certificates, fulfillment, Setting Up Gift Certificates
gift certificates, purchase process, Setting Up Gift Certificates
gift certificates, setting up, Setting Up Gift Certificates
gift certificates, settling, Setting Up Gift Certificates
gift certificates, using, Setting Up Gift Certificates
setting up, Setting Up Gift Certificates and Coupons
Claimable repository
described, The Claimable Repository
disabling, The Claimable Repository
ClaimableManager, The ClaimableManager Component
ClaimableTools, The ClaimableTools Component
class diagrams, Purchase Process Class Diagrams
cloned orders, Scheduling Recurring Orders
commerce items
assigning costs to payment groups, Assigning Costs to Payment Groups
assigning to shipping groups, Assigning Items to Shipping Groups
creating, Creating Commerce Items, Shipping Groups, and Payment Groups
removing from an order, Removing Commerce Objects from an Order
restricting in shipping groups, Preventing Commerce Items from Being Added to Types of Shipping Groups
commerce objects, creating with manager classes, Creating Commerce Objects
Commerce Search data logging, Commerce Search Data Logging
CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
CommerceItemRelationship, Commerce Item Relationships
CommerceItemShippingInfo, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
CommerceMessage, Order Fulfillment Classes
CommerceProfileFormHandler, Profile Form Handler Extensions
CommerceProfileTools, Profile Tools and Property Manager Extension
CommercePropertyManager, Profile Tools and Property Manager Extension
CommitOrderFormHandler, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
ComparisonList, Understanding the Product Comparison System
completeOrder pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
completeRemoveOrder pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
configurable SKUs (see SKUs, configurable)
configuring a new inventory manager, Configuring a New Inventory Manager
contracts, Using Requisitions and Contracts
repository, Contract Repository Items
using, Using Contracts
Convert Abandoned Order action, Scenario Actions
cost centers, Purchasing and Fulfillment Services
coupons (see claimable items)
CreateCreditCardFormHandler, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
CreateElectronicShippingGroupFormHandler, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
CreateHardgoodShippingGroupFormHandler, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
CreateInvoiceRequestFormHandler, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
CreatePaymentGroupFormHandler, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
CreateShippingGroupFormHandler, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
pricing calculators, Extending and Creating Pricing Calculators
promotions, Creating Promotions
CreditCardInitializer, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
custom catalogs, Using Custom Catalogs
assigning to users, Converting from Standard to Custom Catalogs, Assigning a Custom Catalog to a User
looking up items in, Looking Up Items in the Catalog
navigation, Custom Catalog Navigation
properties, Catalog Properties
reporting on, Custom Catalog Security
repository, The Custom Catalog Repository
searching, Custom Catalog Searching
security, Custom Catalog Security
Customer Service Module, Refreshing Orders


data loading
accessing log files, Data Loader Components
handling errors, Handling Errors
loader components, Data Loader Components
loading existing orders, Data Loader Components
loading process, Data Warehouse Loader Repository
processor pipelines, Pipeline Drivers and Processors
reporting data, Loading Data for Commerce Reporting
scheduling, Data Loader Components
Data Warehouse
configuring time zone, Data Loader Components
loading data, Loading Data for Commerce Reporting
scheduling data loading, Data Loader Components
Data Warehouse Loader Repository, Data Warehouse Loader Repository
database copy
configuring, Configuring a Database Copy
DBCopier, Configuring a Database Copy
DBCopyFormHandler, Configuring a Database Copy
described, Transferring Product Catalog and Price List Data Using Copy and Switch
performing, Performing a Database Copy
ProductCatalogCopierForm, Configuring a Database Copy
ProductCatalogDB2DBCopier, Configuring a Database Copy
ProductCatalogMsSqlDBCopier, Configuring a Database Copy
ProductCatalogOracleDBCopier, Configuring a Database Copy
ProductCatalogSolidDBCopier, Configuring a Database Copy
ProductCatalogSybaseDBCopier, Configuring a Database Copy
database switch
configuring, Configuring a Database Switch
described, Transferring Product Catalog and Price List Data Using Copy and Switch
performing, Performing a Database Switch
ProductCatalogDataSourceA, Configuring a Database Switch
ProductCatalogDataSourceB, Configuring a Database Switch
ProductCatalogFakeXADataSourceA, Configuring a Database Switch
ProductCatalogFakeXADataSourceB, Configuring a Database Switch
ProductCatalogSwitcher, Configuring a Database Switch
ProductCatalogSwitchingDataSource, Configuring a Database Switch
SwitchingDataSource, Configuring a Database Switch
copy, Transferring Product Catalog and Price List Data Using Copy and Switch
Microsoft SQL Server, Using ATG Commerce with an MSSQL Database
Oracle, Using ATG Commerce with an Oracle Database
switch, Transferring Product Catalog and Price List Data Using Copy and Switch
DB2DBCopier, Configuring a Database Copy
DBCopier, Configuring a Database Copy
DBCopyFormHandler, Configuring a Database Copy
dcs scenario recorder, dcs
dcs-analytics scenario recorder, dcs-analytics
deadlocks, preventing inventory, Preventing Inventory Deadlocks
exporting data, Exporting the Demo Data from SOLID
importing data, Importing the Demo Data to Your Database
DetailedItemPriceInfo, Price Holding Classes
discount rule editor, Using the Discount Rule Editor to Create PMDL Rules
DiscountCalculatorService, Pricing Calculator Classes
DoubleRangeShippingCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes
dynamic pricing, Deciding Between Dynamic and Static Product Pricing


ElectronicFulfiller, Order Fulfillment Classes, Using the Fulfiller
ElectronicShippingGroupInitializer, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
Entry, Understanding the Product Comparison System
event elements
SubmitOrder, AbandonedOrderEventListener
TransientOrderEvent, AbandonedOrderEventListener
event messages, purchase process, Purchase Process Event Messages
executeFulfillOrderFragment pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
ExpressCheckoutFormHandler, Preparing a Simple Order for Checkout
ExpressionParser, Understanding the Order Restriction Classes
base pricing engine, The Base Pricing Engine
commerce pipeline definition file, Adding a Subclass with Object Data Type Properties
ID Spaces definition file, Adding a Subclass with Primitive Data Type Properties, Adding a Subclass with Object Data Type Properties
ItemDiscountCalculator, Extending Calculators
ItemPriceCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes
Order Repository definition file, Adding a Subclass with Primitive Data Type Properties, Adding a Subclass with Object Data Type Properties
pricing calculators, Extending and Creating Pricing Calculators
Qualifier class, Extending the Qualifier Class
extensions, of profile configuration and classes (see profile extensions for commerce)


filling partial orders, Filling Partial Orders
filter methods for qualifier, Qualifier Class, Adding New Criteria to the Filter Methods
FilteredCommerceItem, Other Classes, Accessing FilteredCommerceItems
FixedPriceShippingCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes
folder properties, Folder Properties
form handlers
extending, Extending the ATG Commerce Form Handlers
managing transactions, Managing Transactions in the ATG Commerce Form Handlers
fulfillment, Configuring the Order Fulfillment Framework
classes, Order Fulfillment Classes
creating a new fulfiller, Creating a New Fulfiller
ElectronicFulfiller, Using the Fulfiller
fault tolerance, Fulfillment Server Fault Tolerance
HardgoodFulfiller, Using the Fulfiller
integrating with an external shipping system, Integrating the Order Fulfillment Framework with an External Shipping System
JMS messages, Overview of Fulfillment Process
locking, Using Locking in Fulfillment
message redelivery, Fulfillment Message Redelivery
notifying fulfillment of shipment, Notifying the HardgoodFulfiller of a Shipment
order fulfillment events, Order Fulfillment Events
OrderFulfiller Interface, Using the OrderFulfiller Interface
overview of fulfillment process, Overview of Fulfillment Process
pipelines, Fulfillment Pipelines
replacing the default fulfillment system, Replacing the Default Fulfillment System
starting the fulfillment server, Running the Fulfillment Server
using scenarios with fulfillment, Using Scenarios in the Fulfillment Process
FulfillOrderFragment, Order Fulfillment Classes
full text search, MS SQL, Using ATG Commerce with an MSSQL Database


generating prices, How Pricing Services Generate Prices
GenericAdd, Order Fulfillment Classes
GenericRemove, Order Fulfillment Classes
GenericUpdate, Order Fulfillment Classes
gift certificates (see claimable items)
gift lists
business classes, GiftlistManager, Gift List Business Layer Classes
business classes, GiftlistTools, Gift List Business Layer Classes
CartModifierFormHandler, Purchase Process Extensions to Support Gift Lists
described, Setting Up Gift Lists and Wish Lists
disabling the repository, Disabling the Gift List Repository
example, Setting Up Gift Lists and Wish Lists
extensions, database definitions, Extending Gift List Functionality
extensions, GiftlistFormHandler, Extending Gift List Functionality
extensions, repository definitions, Extending Gift List Functionality
form handlers, GiftlistFormHandler, Gift List Form Handlers
form handlers, GiftlistSearch, Gift List Form Handlers
GiftlistHandlingInstruction, Purchase Process Extensions to Support Gift Lists
processors, ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage, Purchase Process Extensions to Support Gift Lists
processors, ProcUpdateGiftRepository, Purchase Process Extensions to Support Gift Lists
purchase process extensions, Purchase Process Extensions to Support Gift Lists
repository, Gift List Repository
servlet beans, GiftitemDroplet, Gift List Servlet Beans
servlet beans, GiftitemLookupDroplet, Gift List Servlet Beans
servlet beans, GiftlistDroplet, Gift List Servlet Beans
servlet beans, GiftlistLookupDroplet, Gift List Servlet Beans
setting up, Setting Up Gift Lists and Wish Lists
GiftCertificateInitializer, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
GiftitemDroplet, Gift List Servlet Beans
GiftitemLookupDroplet, Gift List Servlet Beans
GiftlistDroplet, Gift List Servlet Beans
GiftlistFormHandler, Gift List Form Handlers
extensions, Extending Gift List Functionality
GiftlistHandlingInstruction, Purchase Process Extensions to Support Gift Lists
GiftlistLookupDroplet, Gift List Servlet Beans
GiftlistManager, Gift List Business Layer Classes
GiftlistSearch, Gift List Form Handlers
GiftlistTools, Gift List Business Layer Classes
globalPromotionsQuery, How Pricing Services Generate Prices


handleElectronicFulfillOrderFragment pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleElectronicModifyOrder pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleElectronicModifyOrderNotification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleElectronicShipGroupUpdateModification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleHardgoodFulfillOrderFragment pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleHardgoodModifyOrder pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleHardgoodModifyOrderNotification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleHardgoodShipGroupUpdateModification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleHardgoodUpdateInventory pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleIdTargetModification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleModifyOrder pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleModifyOrderNotification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleOrderWaitingShipMap pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handlePaymentGroupUpdateModification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleRelationshipModification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleShipGroupUpdateModification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleShippingGroupModification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handleSubmitOrder pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
handling instructions
adding to a shipping group, Adding Handling Instructions to a Shipping Group
objects, HandlingInstruction Objects
setting, Setting Handling Instructions
HardgoodFulfiller, Order Fulfillment Classes, Using the Fulfiller
HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler, Order Fulfillment Classes
HardgoodShippingGroupInitializer, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
helper methods, Adding a Helper Method for a New Calculator


ID spaces, defining, Adding a Subclass with Primitive Data Type Properties, Adding a Subclass with Object Data Type Properties
implementing a new pricing calculator, Adding a New Pricing Calculator
implementing sale prices using price Lists, Implementing Sale Prices using Price Lists
inheritance, item descriptor, Extending the Category and Product Item Types
interfaces, Base Commerce Classes and Interfaces
inventory framework, Inventory Framework
allocating items for an order, Allocating Items for an Order
building a new InventoryManager, Building a New InventoryManager
caching the inventory, Caching the Inventory
canceling or removing an item from an order, Canceling or Removing an Item from an Order
configuring a new inventory manager, Configuring a New Inventory Manager
configuring the SQL repository, Configuring the SQL Repository
displaying an item’s availability to a customer, Displaying an Item’s Availability to a Customer
examples of using the inventory manager, Examples of Using the Inventory Manager
filling partial orders, Filling Partial Orders
handling bundled SKUs in the inventory , Handling Bundled SKUs in the Inventory
inventory classes, Inventory Classes
inventory JMS messages, Inventory JMS Messages
inventory repository, Inventory Repository
inventory repository administration, Inventory Repository Administration
inventory system methods, Inventory System Methods
InventoryLookup servlet bean, Using the InventoryLookup Servlet Bean
InventoryManager implementations, InventoryManager Implementations
overview of the inventory framework, Overview of the Inventory System
preventing inventory deadlocks, Preventing Inventory Deadlocks
InventoryData, Understanding the Product Comparison System
InventoryLookup, Using the InventoryLookup Servlet Bean
InvoiceManager, Using the Invoice Manager
InvoiceRequestInitializer, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
invoices, Generating Invoices
adding validation logic, Enabling the InvoiceRequestProcessor
checkout, Invoices in Checkout
DeliveryInfo, DeliveryInfo Repository Item
PaymentTerms, PaymentTerms Repository Item
pipelines, Invoice Pipelines
repository, The Invoice Repository
repository item, Invoice Repository Item
sending JMS messages, Sending Invoice JMS Messages
item calculator classes, Pricing Calculator Classes
item pricing model examples, Examples of PMDL Rules
ItemDiscountCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes, Default Item Discount Calculator
ItemDiscountMultiplierCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes, Default Item Discount Multiplier Calculator
ItemListPriceCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes
ItemLookupDroplet, Gift List Servlet Beans
ItemPriceCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes
ItemPriceInfo, Price Holding Classes
ItemPricingCalculator interface, Pricing Interfaces
ItemPricingEngine, How Pricing Services Generate Prices, The Base Pricing Engine, Default Item Pricing Engine
ItemPricingEngine interface, Pricing Interfaces
ItemPricingEngineImpl, Pricing Engine Classes
ItemSalePriceCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes


JMS messages
fulfillment, Overview of Fulfillment Process
inventory JMS messages, Inventory JMS Messages
order approval process, JMS Messages in the Order Approval Process


loadOrder pipeline, Loading Orders
loadOrder pipeline chain, loadOrder Pipeline Chain
locking fulfillment, Using Locking in Fulfillment
Log Promotion Information action, Scenario Actions
data for Commerce reports, Logging Data for Commerce Reporting


managing cost centers using the ACC, Purchasing and Fulfillment Services
managing price lists in the ACC, Pricing Services
media items, properties, Media Item Properties
media properties, Specifying Template Pages for Categories and Products
media-external properties, Using Media-External Properties
media-internal properties, Using Media-Internal Properties
merchandising services, overview, Configuring Merchandising Services
MissingInventoryItemException, MissingInventoryItemException
Modification, Order Fulfillment Classes
ModifyOrder, Order Fulfillment Classes
ModifyOrderNotification, Order Fulfillment Classes
moveToConfirmation pipeline chain, moveToConfirmation Pipeline Chain
moveToPurchaseInfo pipeline chain, moveToPurchaseInfo Pipeline Chain
MS SQL full text search, Using ATG Commerce with an MSSQL Database


NoInventoryManager, NoInventoryManager
NoTaxCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes


object states (see order object states)
ObjectStates class, ATG Commerce States
Oracle databases
configuring a catalog for full text search, Configuring a Catalog for Oracle Full Text Searching
configuring repository components, Configuring a Catalog for Oracle Full Text Searching
configuring storage parameters, Configuring Storage Parameters
setting up ConText indexes, Configuring a Catalog for Oracle Full Text Searching
Order Abandoned event, Scenario Events
order approval process
ApprovalFormHandler, ApprovalFormHandler
ApprovalRequiredDroplet, ApprovalRequiredDroplet Servlet Bean
ApprovedDroplet, ApprovedDroplet Servlet Bean
customizing or extending, Understanding the Order Approval Process, checkRequiresApproval
detailed process description, Understanding the Order Approval Process
form handlers, Servlet Beans and Form Handlers for Approving Orders
JMS messages, ApprovalMessage, JMS Messages in the Order Approval Process
JMS messages, ApprovalRequiredMessage, JMS Messages in the Order Approval Process
Order object properties, Understanding the Order Approval Process
overview, Understanding the Order Approval Process
pipelines, approveOrder, approveOrder
pipelines, checkApprovalComplete, checkApprovalComplete
pipelines, checkApprovalCompleteError, checkApprovalCompleteError
pipelines, checkRequiresApproval, checkRequiresApproval
pipelines, configuration file, Pipeline Chains in the Order Approval Process
pipelines, list, Pipeline Chains in the Order Approval Process
pipelines, orderApproved, orderApproved
pipelines, orderRejected, orderRejected
process diagram, Understanding the Order Approval Process
servlet beans, Servlet Beans and Form Handlers for Approving Orders
order calculator classes, Pricing Calculator Classes
order classes, Base Commerce Classes and Interfaces
order data logging, Order Submit Data Logging
order fulfillment framewok (see fulfillment)
order object states
CommerceItem states, ATG Commerce States
descriptions, ATG Commerce States
display names, ATG Commerce States
integer values, ATG Commerce States
internationalizing, ATG Commerce States
lists, ATG Commerce States
Order states, ATG Commerce States
ShippingGroup states, ATG Commerce States
ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship states, ATG Commerce States
order pricing model examples, Examples of PMDL Rules
order repository, Order Repository
extending the definition file, Adding a Subclass with Primitive Data Type Properties, Adding a Subclass with Object Data Type Properties
modifying the database schema, Adding a Subclass with Primitive Data Type Properties, Adding a Subclass with Object Data Type Properties
order repository, using, Order Repository
order restrictions
classes, Understanding the Order Restriction Classes
classes, ExpressionParser, Understanding the Order Restriction Classes
classes, ProcPropertyRestrictions, Understanding the Order Restriction Classes
classes, Rule, Understanding the Order Restriction Classes
classes, RuleEvaluator, Understanding the Order Restriction Classes
implementing, Implementing Order Restrictions
overview, Setting Restrictions on Orders
OrderAbandoned messages, Abandoned Order Messages
orderApproved pipeline, orderApproved
OrderDiscountCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes, Default Order Discount Calculator
OrderFulfiller, Order Fulfillment Classes
OrderFulfiller interface, Using the OrderFulfiller Interface
OrderFulfillerModificationHandler, Order Fulfillment Classes
OrderFulfillmentTools, Order Fulfillment Classes
OrderManager, modifying the configuration file, Adding a Subclass with Object Data Type Properties
OrderModified, Order Fulfillment Events
OrderPriceInfo, Price Holding Classes
OrderPricingCalculator interface, Pricing Interfaces
OrderPricingEngine, The Base Pricing Engine, Default Order Pricing Engine
OrderPricingEngine interface, Pricing Interfaces
OrderPricingEngineImpl, Pricing Engine Classes
orderRejected pipeline, orderRejected
adding an item via a URL, Adding an Item to an Order via a URL
approvals (see order approval process)
canceling, Canceling Orders
checking out, Checking Out Orders, Checking Out an Order
creating, Creating an Order
creating multiple, Creating Multiple Orders
extending validation pipelines, Extending Order Validation to Support New Payment Methods
handling returned items, Handling Returned Items
loading, Loading Orders
loading into the Data Warehouse , Data Loader Components
managing deleted products, Refreshing Orders
managing deleted SKUs, Refreshing Orders
merging, Merging Orders
modifying by catalogRefId, Modifying the Current Order
modifying by ShippingGroupCommerceItemId, Modifying the Current Order
modifying, overview, Modifying Orders
preparing complex orders for checkout, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
preparing simple orders for checkout, Preparing a Simple Order for Checkout
preventing payment if unfulfilled, Checking Out an Order
processing, Checking Out an Order
processing payment of, Processing Payment of Orders
refreshing, Refreshing Orders
repricing, Repricing Orders
saving, Saving Orders
scheduling recurring (see recurring orders, scheduling)
setting restrictions (see order restrictions)
submitting for checkout, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
troubleshooting problems with, Troubleshooting Order Problems
updating to the repository, Updating an Order with the OrderManager
OrderSubtotalCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes
OrderTools, OrderTools
modifying the configuration file, Adding a Subclass with Primitive Data Type Properties, Adding a Subclass with Object Data Type Properties
subclassing, Adding a Subclass with Object Data Type Properties


parentCategory property
using in custom catalogs, Using the parentCategory Property
payment groups
adding validation for new, Extending Order Validation to Support New Payment Methods
assigning commerce item costs to, Assigning Costs to Payment Groups
assigning entire order cost to, Assigning an Order’s Total Cost to Payment Groups
assigning order’s total cost to, Assigning Costs to Payment Groups
assigning partial order cost to, Assigning an Order’s Component Costs to Payment Groups
assigning shipping costs to, Assigning Costs to Payment Groups
assigning tax costs to, Assigning Costs to Payment Groups
creating, Creating Commerce Items, Shipping Groups, and Payment Groups
creating multiple, Creating Commerce Items, Shipping Groups, and Payment Groups
payment process
default pipelines, Overview of the Payment Process
extending for a custom payment method, Extending the Payment Process to Support a New Payment Method
extending payment operations, Extending the Payment Operations of a Payment Method
overview, Overview of the Payment Process
payment processor, integrating with PaymentManager, Extending the Payment Process to Support a New Payment Method
PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship, Relationship Types
PaymentGroupDroplet, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
PaymentGroupFormHandler, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
PaymentGroupInitializer, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
PaymentGroupMapContainer, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
PaymentGroupModified, Order Fulfillment Events
PaymentGroupOrderRelationship, Relationship Types
PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship, Relationship Types
PaymentGroupUpdate, Order Fulfillment Classes
PaymentManager, Overview of the Payment Process
PaymentStatus, Overview of the Payment Process, Extending the Payment Process to Support a New Payment Method
PaymentStatusImpl, Extending the Payment Process to Support a New Payment Method
performance issues related to promotion delivery, Performance Issues Related to Promotion Delivery
performHardgoodIdTargetModification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
performHardgoodItemModification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
performHardgoodRelationshipModification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
performHardgoodShippingGroupModification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
performIdTargetModification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
performOrderModification pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
pipeline chains
data loading, Pipeline Drivers and Processors
extending, Extending Order Validation to Support New Payment Methods, Adding a Subclass with Object Data Type Properties
order approval process, Pipeline Chains in the Order Approval Process
order processing, Pipelines
PipelineManager, Commerce Processor Chains
commerce chains, Commerce Processor Chains
data loading, Pipeline Drivers and Processors
fulfillment, Fulfillment Pipelines
PMDL rules
creating with the discount rule editor (developers), Using the Discount Rule Editor to Create PMDL Rules
examples (developers), Examples of PMDL Rules
replacing the way a PMDL rule is evaluated, Replacing the Way a PMDL Rule Is Evaluated
using (developers), Using PMDL Rules
PostCalculators, generating prices, How Pricing Services Generate Prices
precalculators, How Pricing Services Generate Prices, Pricing Engine Classes
preventing inventory deadlocks, Preventing Inventory Deadlocks
price lists
bulk and tiered pricing, Description of Volume Pricing
database copy, Transferring Product Catalog and Price List Data Using Copy and Switch
database switch, Transferring Product Catalog and Price List Data Using Copy and Switch
managing price lists in the ACC, Pricing Services
price list calculator classes, Pricing Calculator Classes
using in combination with SKU-based pricing, Overview of Setting Up Price Lists
using price lists, Using Price Lists
PriceInfo, generating prices, How Pricing Services Generate Prices
PriceItem servlet bean, How Pricing Services Generate Prices
PriceRangeShippingCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes
pricing calculators, creating, Extending and Creating Pricing Calculators
pricing engine, How Pricing Services Generate Prices
pricing items, How Pricing Services Generate Prices
pricing services, Using and Extending Pricing Services
creating promotions, Creating Promotions
deciding between dynamic and static pricing, Deciding Between Dynamic and Static Product Pricing
default pricing calculators, Default Pricing Calculators
default pricing engines, Default Pricing Engines
extending and creating pricing engines, Extending and Creating Pricing Engines
extending the base pricing engine, The Base Pricing Engine
how pricing services generate prices, How Pricing Services Generate Prices
ItemPricingCalculator interface, Pricing Interfaces
ItemPricingEngine interface, Pricing Interfaces
OrderPricingCalculator interface, Pricing Interfaces
OrderPricingEngine interface, Pricing Interfaces
overview, Overview of Pricing Services
precalculators, Pricing Engine Classes
Price Holding Classes, Price Holding Classes
price lists, Using Price Lists
pricing calculator classes, Pricing Calculator Classes
pricing calculators, Extending and Creating Pricing Calculators
pricing engine classes, Pricing Engine Classes
pricing servlet beans, The Pricing Servlet Beans
PricingConstants interface, Pricing Interfaces
PricingEngine, The Base Pricing Engine
PricingEngineService, Pricing Engine Classes
public pricing interfaces and classes, Public Pricing Interfaces and Classes
ShippingPricingCalculator interface, Pricing Interfaces
ShippingPricingEngine interface, Pricing Interfaces
TaxPricingCalculator interface, Pricing Interfaces
TaxPricingEngine interface, Pricing Interfaces
PricingAdjustment class, Other Classes
pricingCalculatorService, How Pricing Services Generate Prices
PricingCommerceItem class, Other Classes
PricingConstants interface, Pricing Interfaces
PricingModelHolder class, Other Classes
PricingModelProperties class, Other Classes
PricingTools, How Pricing Services Generate Prices
PricingTools class, PricingTools Class
processElectronicShippingGroup pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
processElectronicShippingGroups pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
processHardgoodShippingGroup pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
processHardgoodShippingGroups pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
processor chains (see pipeline chains)
processOrder pipeline, Checking Out an Order
processOrder pipeline chain, processOrder Pipeline Chain
ProcPropertyRestrictions, Understanding the Order Restriction Classes
ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage, Purchase Process Extensions to Support Gift Lists
ProcUpdateGiftRepository, Purchase Process Extensions to Support Gift Lists
product catalog
database copy, Transferring Product Catalog and Price List Data Using Copy and Switch
database switch, Transferring Product Catalog and Price List Data Using Copy and Switch
products, deleting, Refreshing Orders
SKUs, deleting, Refreshing Orders
product catalog data logging, Product Catalog Data Logging
product comparison
ComparisonList, Understanding the Product Comparison System
Entry, Understanding the Product Comparison System
extending the system, Extending the Product Comparison System
InventoryData, Understanding the Product Comparison System
localization, Understanding the Product Comparison System
overview, Setting Up Product Comparison Lists
ProductComparisonList, Understanding the Product Comparison System
ProductList, Understanding the Product Comparison System
ProductListContains, Understanding the Product Comparison System
ProductListHandler, Understanding the Product Comparison System
TableInfo, Using TableInfo to Display a Product Comparison List
ProductCatalogCopierForm, Configuring a Database Copy
ProductCatalogDataSourceA, Configuring a Database Switch
ProductCatalogDataSourceB, Configuring a Database Switch
ProductCatalogFakeXADataSourceA, Configuring a Database Switch
ProductCatalogFakeXADataSourceB, Configuring a Database Switch
ProductCatalogMsSqlDBCopier, Configuring a Database Copy
ProductCatalogOracleDBCopier, Configuring a Database Copy
ProductCatalogSolidDBCopier, Configuring a Database Copy
ProductCatalogSwitcher, Configuring a Database Switch
ProductCatalogSwitchingDataSource, Configuring a Database Switch
ProductComparisonList, Understanding the Product Comparison System
localization, Understanding the Product Comparison System
productInfo, properties, productInfo Properties
ProductList, Understanding the Product Comparison System
ProductListContains, Understanding the Product Comparison System
ProductListHandler, Understanding the Product Comparison System
localization, Understanding the Product Comparison System
deleting, Refreshing Orders
extending, Extending the Category and Product Item Types
properties in custom catalogs, Product Properties
properties in standard catalogs, Product Properties
profile extensions for commerce, ATG Commerce Profile Extensions
CommerceProfileFormHandler, Profile Form Handler Extensions
CommerceProfileTools, Profile Tools and Property Manager Extension
CommercePropertyManager, Profile Tools and Property Manager Extension
Profile repository, Profile Repository Extensions
Profile repository, address books, Address Books
Profile repository, credit cards, Credit Card Collection
Profile repository, gift and wish lists, Gift Lists and Wish List
Profile repository, other, Other Features
Profile repository, promotions, Promotions
creating (developers), Creating Promotions
how pricing services generate prices, How Pricing Services Generate Prices
performance issues related to promotion delivery, Performance Issues Related to Promotion Delivery
PMDL Rules, examples, Examples of PMDL Rules
PMDL rules, using, Using PMDL Rules
PromotionStatus Repository Items, PromotionStatus Repository Items
types of promotions, Creating Promotions
PropertyRangeShippingCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes
purchase process
described, Configuring Purchase Process Services
extending, Extending the Purchase Process
gift list extensions, Purchase Process Extensions to Support Gift Lists
manipulating extended objects, Manipulating Extended Objects
purchase process services, integrating with, Purchase Process Integration Points
PurchaseProcessFormHandler, Managing Transactions in the ATG Commerce Form Handlers


accessing FilteredCommerceItems, Accessing FilteredCommerceItems
evaluating, Qualifier Class, Other Classes
extending the Qualifier class, Extending the Qualifier Class
Qualifier Class, Qualifier Class
Qualifier properties, Qualifier Class
QualifierService, Default Qualifier Service
replacing the way a PMDL rule is evaluated, Replacing the Way a PMDL Rule Is Evaluated
replacing the way the qualifier determines the result set, Replacing the Way the Qualifier Determines the Result Set
quantity pricing model examples, Examples of PMDL Rules


Reanimate Abandoned Order action, Scenario Actions
recalcPaymentGroupAmounts pipeline chain, recalcPaymentGroupAmounts Pipeline Chain
recorder, shopping process, Shopping Process Recorder
recurring orders
creating, Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Scheduled Orders
deleting, Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Scheduled Orders
modifying, Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Scheduled Orders
overview, Scheduling Recurring Orders
scheduledOrder repository item, Understanding the scheduledOrder Repository Item
ScheduledOrderHandler, Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Scheduled Orders
ScheduledOrderService, Submitting Scheduled Orders
scheduling, Submitting Scheduled Orders
refreshOrder pipeline, Refreshing Orders
refreshOrder pipeline chain, refreshOrder Pipeline Chain
reinitializeTime property, Other Classes
relatedCategories, deriving, Defining Relationships between Categories and Products
relatedProducts, deriving, Defining Relationships between Categories and Products
objects, Using Relationship Objects
priority, Relationship Priority
types, Relationship Types
removeHardgoodShippingGroup pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
removeOrder pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
removeShipItemRelsFromShipGroup pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
replacing a pricing engine, Replacing a Pricing Engine
replacing the way a PMDL rule is evaluated, Replacing the Way a PMDL Rule Is Evaluated
replacing the way the qualifier determines the result set, Replacing the Way the Qualifier Determines the Result Set
data loading, Loading Data for Commerce Reporting
data loading environment, Setting Up the Data Loading Environment
data logging, Logging Data for Commerce Reporting
database tables, Setting Up Commerce Reporting Environments
JMS message types, JMS Message Information for Data Logging
loading initial data, Initial Data Logging for Catalogs, Users, and Segments
logging configuration, Data Logging Configuration
logging overview, Logging Data for Commerce Reporting
merchandising environment, Setting up the Asset Management Environment
parent catalog configuration, Configuring a Parent Catalog
production environment, Setting Up the Production Environment
setting up, Setting Up Commerce Reporting Environments
reportingCatalogId, Configuring a Parent Catalog
Claimable, The Claimable Repository
gift lists, Gift List Repository
RepositoryInventoryManager, RepositoryInventoryManager
repriceOrder pipeline chain, repriceOrder Pipeline Chain
requisitions, Using Requisitions and Contracts
retrieveWaitingShipMap pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
returned items, processing, Handling Returned Items
root categories
defining, Defining a Root Category
defining in custom catalogs, Defining Root Categories
Rule, Understanding the Order Restriction Classes
RuleEvaluator, Understanding the Order Restriction Classes


sale prices, using price lists, Implementing Sale Prices using Price Lists
SaveOrderFormHandler, Saving Orders
scenario recorders, ATG Commerce Scenario Recorders
dcs, dcs
dcs-analytics, dcs-analytics
shoppingprocess, shoppingprocess
TransientOrderRecorder, TransientOrderRecorder
using scenarios in the fulfillment process, Using Scenarios in the Fulfillment Process
scheduled orders (see recurring orders)
ScheduledOrderHandler, Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Scheduled Orders
ScheduledOrderService, Submitting Scheduled Orders
search components
custom catalogs, Preconfigured Custom Catalog Search Components
search criteria, specifying, Configuring Custom Catalog Search Types and Specifying Search Criteria
search results
displaying in custom catalogs, Processing and Displaying Custom Catalog Search Results
processing in custom catalogs, Processing and Displaying Custom Catalog Search Results
search types
combining in custom catalogs, Combining Custom Catalog Search Types
configuring in custom catalogs, Configuring Custom Catalog Search Types and Specifying Search Criteria
using with internationalized custom catalogs, Using Search Form Handler with Internationalized Catalogs
segment data logging, Segment Data Logging
sendOrderToFulfiller pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
sendScenarioEvent pipeline chain, sendScenarioEvent Pipeline Chain
servlet beans
ApprovalRequiredDroplet, ApprovalRequiredDroplet Servlet Bean
ApprovedDroplet, ApprovedDroplet Servlet Bean
GiftitemDroplet, Gift List Servlet Beans
GiftitemLookupDroplet, Gift List Servlet Beans
GiftlistDroplet, Gift List Servlet Beans
GiftlistLookupDroplet, Gift List Servlet Beans
session backup, ATG Commerce and Session Backup
Set Order’s Last Updated Date action, Scenario Actions
shipPendingShippingGroups pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
shipping calculator classes, Pricing Calculator Classes
shipping groups
adding handling instructions to (see handling instructions, adding to a shipping group)
adding validation for new, Extending Order Validation to Support New Payment Methods
assigning commerce items to, Assigning Items to Shipping Groups
creating, Creating Commerce Items, Shipping Groups, and Payment Groups
creating multiple, Creating Commerce Items, Shipping Groups, and Payment Groups
shipping pricing model examples, Examples of PMDL Rules
ShippingCalculatorImpl, Pricing Calculator Classes
ShippingDiscountCalculator, Pricing Calculator Classes, Default Shipping Discount Calculator
ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, Relationship Types
ShippingGroupDroplet, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
ShippingGroupFormHandler, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
shippingGroupHasShipped pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
ShippingGroupInitializer, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
ShippingGroupMapContainer, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
ShippingGroupModified, Order Fulfillment Events
ShippingGroupUpdate, Order Fulfillment Classes
ShippingPriceInfo, Price Holding Classes
ShippingPricingCalculator interface, Pricing Interfaces
ShippingPricingEngine, The Base Pricing Engine, Default Shipping Pricing Engine
ShippingPricingEngine interface, Pricing Interfaces
ShippingPricingEngineImpl, Pricing Engine Classes
shipShippingGroup pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
shopping process stages, Shopping Process Stages
shopping process tracking, Tracking the Shopping Process
shoppingprocess scenario recorder, shoppingprocess
subclassing, Adding a Subclass with Object Data Type Properties
using, Using the SimpleOrderManager
SingletonSchedulableService, Submitting Scheduled Orders
site visit data logging, Site Visit Data Logging
SKU bundles, Creating SKU Bundles
building a store without bundles, Handling Bundled SKUs in the Inventory
SKU fulfiller, Using the SKU Fulfiller Property
SKUs, SKU Items and SKU Links
associating products with, Associating Products with SKUs
configurable, Configurable SKUs
deleting, Refreshing Orders
extending, Extending the SKU Item Type
media properties, Using SKU Media Properties
price properties, Using SKU Price Properties
properties in custom catalogs, SKU Properties
properties in standard catalogs, SKU Properties
SKU link properties, SKU Link Properties
using SKU-based pricing with price lists, Overview of Setting Up Price Lists
splitShippingGroupForAvailability pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
splitShippingGroupsFulfillment pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
states (see order object states)
static pricing, Deciding Between Dynamic and Static Product Pricing
StoreCreditInitializer, Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout
adding with object data type properties, Adding a Subclass with Object Data Type Properties
adding, with primitive data type properties, Adding a Subclass with Primitive Data Type Properties
manipulating extended objects, Manipulating Extended Objects
of AuxiliaryData, Adding a Subclass with Primitive Data Type Properties
SubmitOrder, Order Fulfillment Classes
SubmitOrder event, AbandonedOrderEventListener
SwitchingDataSource, Configuring a Database Switch
SybaseDBCopier, Configuring a Database Copy


TableInfo, Using TableInfo to Display a Product Comparison List
tax calculator classes, Pricing Calculator Classes
TaxPriceInfo, Price Holding Classes
TaxPricingCalculator interface, Pricing Interfaces
TaxPricingEngine, The Base Pricing Engine, Default Tax Pricing Engine
TaxPricingEngine interface, Pricing Interfaces
TaxPricingEngineImpl, Pricing Engine Classes
template orders, Scheduling Recurring Orders
templates, specifying, Specifying Template Pages for Categories and Products
tiered pricing, Description of Volume Pricing
time zone
configuring for Data Warehouse, Data Loader Components
TransactionLockFactory, Managing Transactions in the ATG Commerce Form Handlers
transactions in form handlers, Managing Transactions in the ATG Commerce Form Handlers
TransientOrderEvent, AbandonedOrderEventListener
TransientOrderRecorder scenario, TransientOrderRecorder
troubleshooting order problems, Troubleshooting Order Problems


updateHardgoodShippingGroup pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
UpdateInventory, Order Fulfillment Classes
updateOrder pipeline chain, updateOrder Pipeline Chain
updateRelationship pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
updateShippingGroup pipeline, Descriptions and Diagrams of Fulfillment Pipelines
user data logging, User Data Logging
using a new pricing calculator, Adding a New Pricing Calculator
using PMDL rules, Using PMDL Rules
using the discount rule editor to create PMDL rules, Using the Discount Rule Editor to Create PMDL Rules


validateForCheckout pipeline, Checking Out an Order
validateForCheckout pipeline chain, validateForCheckout Pipeline Chain
validateNoApproval pipeline chain, validateNoApproval Pipeline Chain
validatePaymentGroupsPostApproval pipeline chain, validatePaymentGroupsPostApproval Pipeline Chain
validatePostApproval pipeline chain, validatePostApproval Pipeline Chain
validateShippingInfo pipeline chain, validateShippingInfo Pipeline Chain
validation, extending, Extending Order Validation to Support New Payment Methods
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