You can use the repository editor to administer the inventory system. Because the RepositoryInventoryManager is implemented as a front-end to a repository, you can use the repository editor to edit the RepositoryInventoryManager backend. The disadvantage to using the repository editor is that the InventoryManager does not know when the Repository has changed. Therefore, it cannot perform actions like sending notifications about a pending order upon receipt of additional inventory.

ATG Commerce includes a very simple user interface for administration of the Inventory Manager. You can access the interface through the Dynamo Administration pages, as long as the Dynamo Administration UI is included in your application. Access the Inventory Manager UI using the URL appropriate for your application server. For example, the default URL on JBoss is:


See the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide to find the default URL.

This page allows an administrator to view the results of the inventory query operations, to manipulate the various properties of each item, and to notify the system of inventory updates. Out-of-the-box, the interface allows the administrator to set, increase, or decrease the stockLevel, backorderLevel, and preorderLevel of any item in the inventory. This page also allows the administrator to set the stockThreshold, backorderThreshold, preorderThreshold, availabilityStatus, and availabilityDate for each item. is configured through The properties files of the servlet beans described below configure the updated inventory.

The following Dynamo Server Pages manage the inventory:

Dynamo Server Page



This page allows you to administer the InventoryManager. Provides access to the functionality mentioned above.


Displays inventory information. You can modify this page to display more or different information for each item in the inventory. It displays the repository ID of the catalog item, the display name, the name of the fulfiller, the stockLevel, the stockThreshold, the backorderLevel the backorderThreshold, the preorderLevel, the preorderThreshold, the availabilityStatus, and any bundled items.

Both of these pages use the InventoryFormHandler to display and manipulate inventory information. This form handler has two handle methods:

Servlet Bean



Accepts four properties of the InventoryFormHandler:

SKU - the ID of the SKU to change
value - the value to change the property by
changedProperty - the name of the property to change
setType - the direction to change it in

For example, if SKU=“sku-0”, value=“5”, changedProperty=“backorderLevel”, and setType=“increase” then the servlet bean will call:

InventoryManager.increaseBackorderLevel("sku-0", 5)


Uses the IDs stored in property InventoryFormhandler.updatedItemIdList to call InventoryManager.inventoryWasUpdated.

You can also use the InventoryFormHandler to display inventory information. It uses the properties lowerBound, upperBound, batchNumber, batchSize, and propertyName to determine which inventory items to display. The items that should be displayed are populated in the InventoryFormHandler.catalogRefIds. For example, if lowerBound is ‘Q’, upperBound is ‘R’, batchSize is 10, batchNumber is 0, and propertyName is “displayName” all the catalogRefIds for the first 10 items in the product catalog with a display name greater than Q and less than R (sorted by displayName) will be in the array InventoryFormHandler.catalogRefIds.

The SKULookup servlet bean is an instance of the ItemLookupRepository that returns information for a given SKU in the repository.

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