Each search request component has properties that store the values that are used to construct the queries sent to ATG Search. Typically, these properties are set in JSPs (or have defaults set in properties files that can then be overridden in JSPs), as their values may vary from query to query. Most of the properties of the request components correspond to attributes of the query XML understood by the search engine. Each request type uses a different set of these properties, depending on the XML attributes the individual query type supports. For example, the maxDocs property of the BrowseRequest component is used to set the value of the maxDocs attribute of the <browse> query type. There is, however, a great deal of overlap in these sets of properties; for example, each request type has a debug Boolean property that controls whether debugging is enabled in the search engine for the query.

The query attributes are described in detail in the ATG Search Query Reference Guide. You can also find information about these attributes in the Javadoc for the request classes, in the ATG API Reference. This section describes how to set some of the more complex query attributes.

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