When a query is issued by one of the search form handlers and a response is received, a JMS event (message) is fired. These events are used to create logs for reporting purposes. You can also add configuration to use them for other purposes, such as triggering scenarios.

The SearchContext component has two properties that control the firing of Search messages:




A Boolean which specifies whether firing of Search events is enabled. If false, no Search events are fired; if true, Search events are enabled and are managed by the component specified in the searchMessageService property.


A component of class atg.search.events.SearchMessageTools, which manages the firing of the search events. By default, the SearchMessageService property is set to /atg/search/events/SearchMessageService.

The SearchMessageService component is responsible for constructing and sending Search messages. It has a number of key properties that configure the firing of JMS messages:




An array of atg.servlet.BrowserType components for which search events are not fired.


The browserTyper component used to determine the browser type the request is coming from.


A component of class atg.search.events.MessageFilter that is configured with a list of IP addresses and a list of login names for which search events are not fired. By default, the messageFilter property is set to /atg/search/events/MessageFilter.


The Patch Bay message source, of class atg.search.messages.SearchMessageSource, that fires JMS messages when results are received from ATG Search. The SearchMessageService component uses the data in the Response object to construct a message object, which is then sent off by the SearchMessageSource component.

Each query type (except <typeahead>) has a corresponding search message class. The message classes all implement the atg.search.events.SearchMessage interface, which has several properties that are common to all query types. Each subclass has additional properties that are specific to the corresponding query type.

For information about the properties of the search message classes, see the ATG API Reference.

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