The primary-item-descriptor-link tag determines which method is used to link items in contributing item descriptors to items in the primary item descriptor. It has no attributes.

primary-item-descriptor-link child tags

The primary-item-descriptor-link tag can have one link-via-id, or one or more link-via-property as child tags.

If the primary-item-descriptor-link tag encloses a link-via-id tag, the repository ID of the item is used for linking. If the primary-item-descriptor-link tag encloses a link-via-property tag, a unique property of the item, specified in the link-via-property tag, is used for linking.

Used in:


In this example, the contributing item descriptor’s items are linked to the primary item descriptor’s items by the common repository ID of the items:


In this example, a primary item is linked to an item in this contributing item descriptor if the value of the primary item’s firstName property matches the value of the contributing item’s userFirstName property AND the value of the primary item’s lastName property matches the value of the contributing item’s userLastName property. This is useful in the case where no one property in the primary item descriptor or the contributing item descriptor is uniquely valued. The relationships are AND’d together.

  <link-via-property primary="firstName" contributing="userFirstName"/>
  <link-via-property primary="lastName" contributing="userLastName"/>

See Link Methods for more information.

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