The following applications run on the agent facing cluster:

You use the ATG Business Control Center (BCC) to manage agent server internal and external users, organizations, roles, internal and external user segments, deployments (such as Knowledge customer deployments to ATG Self Service (SS), and assets.

The ATG Service Center runs on the agent facing cluster and is available to agents (a type of internal user) who have the appropriate roles (with permission to access the Service Center). You can also use the ATG Business Control Center to provide internal user access to Service administration, ATG Customer Intelligence (ACI), and ATG Search administration (with the appropriate configuration).

An agent facing cluster requires an internal scenario editor server. It also can run external scenarios as an individual scenario server pointing at the external scenario editor server (that typically runs on the customer facing cluster).

The Knowledge Data Warehouse loader must run on this cluster.

For details about setting up and running applications, refer to the documentation for each application. For a list of applications and their associated documentation, see About the Applications.