OrderHasLastMarker uses the marker manager to determine whether the last marker added to a particular order has the parameters you specify. For example, you can find out if the last marker includes specific values for its key, value, data or other properties. If the last marker has the indicated parameters, the true open parameter is rendered and marker is accessible through the marker output parameter.

Class Name




Input Parameters

key (required)
The value in the marker’s key property. The last marker must have the value in its key property that you specify here.

Set this parameter to ANY_VALUE to indicate that the marker’s key value is irrelevant for your purposes. For example:

<dsp:param name="key" bean="OrderHasLastMarkerDroplet.ANY_VALUE"/>

The order whose last marker you want to access. If omitted, the active order is used.

The value in the marker’s value property. The last marker must have the value in its value property that you specify here. You can set this parameter to NULL or omit it in order to return the marker only if its value property is null.

Set this parameter to ANY_VALUE in order to indicate that the marker’s value is irrelevant for your purposes. For example:

<dsp:param name="value" bean="OrderHasLastMarkerDroplet.ANY_VALUE"/>

The value in the marker’s data property. The last marker must have the value in its data property that you specify here. You can set this parameter to NULL or omit it in order to return the marker only if its data property is null.

Set this parameter to ANY_VALUE to indicate that the marker’s data value is irrelevant for your purposes. For example:

<dsp:param name="data" bean="OrderHasLastMarkerDroplet.ANY_VALUE"/>

A map that specifies any additional marker properties (set to the map’s key) and property values (set to the map’s value) that must exist on the last order marker in order for to retrieve it.

The property on the item to check for markers. If omitted, the servlet bean uses the default value specified in its defaultMarkerPropertyName property.

The type of RepositoryItem with markers to work with. If omitted, the servlet bean uses the item’s defaultMarkedItemType property.

Output Parameters

Contains the marker located by the servlet bean.

Contains any error messages generated during the servlet bean’s execution.

Open Parameters

Rendered when an error occurs during servlet bean execution.

Rendered when the last marker added to the order has the specified property values.

Rendered when the last marker added to the order does not have the specified property values.