Site category configurations are based on site properties. Site Administration provides default site properties for all sites. Additional site properties are added when you install other applications or modules. For example, if you have Commerce installed, additional properties are installed for Commerce when running CIM. Refer to your ATG application documentation for detailed information on the site properties installed and used by your applications.

Site Property Categories

Site properties are grouped into logical categories on the Site Definition screen. The following site properties are relevant only if the property is included in the site category:

Site Administration provides three default categories: Basic, Site Life Cycle, and History.

Default Site Configuration Properties

The following site configuration properties, which appear on the Operations tab, are defined in the file for each application.

The following properties are installed with the ATG platform:



Site Info Category

This property category displays site properties, such as Site Name, Site Description, etc.

Life Cycle Category

This property category displays properties that are involved in the site life cycle, such as the site URLs and opening and closing dates properties.

History Category

This property category displays changes that were made to the site, and includes creation and modification properties

Alternative URL(s)

More than one URL may map to the same Site Base URL. The Site Base URL itself may never be exposed to the public. The value is set to null by default.

Category Name

Name of the Site Category template used.

Closing Date

The system references this property to determine whether to display the site. The system will accept a null value, in which case, the system will refer to the Enabled Status property. By default, site is considered Closed as of 12:00 a.m.

Context Root

If the Site Base or Alternative URL is a virtual context root (or a context root that does not map to a physical Web application) this property stores the value for the actual context root that maps to a physical Web application.

Created By

This property is automatically populated with the name of the internal user who created the site.

Created Date

This system-generated property stores the date when the site was created.

Enabled Status

A site is Enabled or Disabled. The system references this property to determine whether to display the site. This property is set to Disabled by default.


Location of the media asset in the file system to be used as the favorite inline site icon. Favicons are 16x16, 32x32 or 64x64 pixel square icons associated with a particular website.

Last Modified By

This system-generated property identifies the internal user who last modified the site.

Last Modified Date

This system-generated property stores the date when the site was last amended whenever an amendment is saved to an existing site.

Opening Date

The system references this property to determine whether to display the site to the end user but also accepts a null value. By default, the site is considered Open on this date at 12:00 a.m.

Post-Closing URL

The system may reference this property to determine the alternative public URL after Closing Date.

Pre-Opening URL

The system references this property to display an alternative public URL prior to Opening date.

Site Base URL

The URL that will be used to resolve a browser request with a Web application. This may or may not be the public URL for the site.

Site Category

Identifies the site category on which the site is based.

Site Description

Required for reporting.

Site Down URL

A URL where the incoming request is redirected when the Enabled Status has been set to Disabled.

Site Icon

Location of the media asset in the file system to be used as the site icon.

Site ID

System-generated unique ID that can be set to a user-defined ID.

Site Name

This is the name assigned to the site, not the URL or homepage name.

Site Priority

This property determines which site or site-related item (such as catalog or price list) to retrieve in the event of a conflict. The value is set to null by default.

Note: Only positive integer values can be assigned to this property.

Site Types

The type of site as defined by the site types registry in /atg/multisite/

Commerce Site Configuration Properties

The following categories and properties are installed with Oracle ATG Web Commerce:



Commerce Category

When Oracle ATG Web Commerce is installed and configured to run in multisite mode, an additional property category is available. It displays all of the Commerce properties.

Default Catalog

Identifies the default catalog to use.

Default List Price List

The default list price list for items that are not on sale.

Default Sale Price List

The default sale price list to use for items that are identified as being on sale.

Maximum Coupons per Profile

Identifies the maximum number of coupons that can be claimed by a shopper.

For detailed information on configuring Commerce categories and properties, refer to the ATG Commerce Programming Guide.

Search Site Configuration Properties

The following categories and properties are installed when you install Search:



Content ID

Specifies the Search Content Set ID.

Content Label

The name of the Search Content Set.

Search Administration Category

When Search is installed, the Search Administration property category is available. It displays the site properties.

Search Content Category

When Search is installed, the Search Content property category is available. It displays the Content properties.


The name of the site that is associated with this search content set.

For detailed information on configuring Search categories and properties, refer to the ATG Search Administration Guide.

Commerce Service Center Site Configuration Properties

The following categories and properties are installed when using Oracle ATG Web Commerce Service Center:



Commerce Service Center Category

When Commerce Service Center is installed, the Commerce Service Center property category is available. It displays the CSC Display Priority property.

CSC Display Priority

Determines the order in which sites are displayed in the site selector drop-down menu.

For detailed information on configuring Commerce Service Center properties and categories, refer to the ATG Commerce Service Center Installation and Programming Guide.

Commerce Reference Store Site Configuration Properties

The following categories and properties are installed when using Oracle ATG Web Commerce Reference Store:



Appearance Category

Displays the Path to CSS File and Large Site Icon properties.

Back in Stock From Address

Identifies the address to send a Back In Stock message.

Billable Country Codes

Lists the billable country codes.

Commerce Category

When ATG Web Commerce Reference Store is installed, the Commerce property category is appended to display the Country Codes and New Product Threshold Days properties.

Default Country

Identifies the default country code for the site.

Default Language

Identifies the default language for the site.

Default Page Size

Identifies the default page size to use for the site presentation.

Email a Friend Enabled

Enables the Email a Friend feature.

Email Category

Displays the email properties.


Identifies any other languages that are available on the site.

Large Site Icon

Identifies the large site icon to use for the site.

Localization Category

Displays default country and languages properties.

New Password From Address

Identifies the address to send a New Password message.

New Product Threshold Days

Identifies how long a product is identified as new.

Non-billable Country Codes

Identifies the non-billable country codes.

Non-shippable Country Codes

Identifies the non-shippable country codes.

Order Confirmation From Address

Identifies the address to send order confirmation messages.

Path to CSS File

Identifies the CSS file to use for the site.

Presentation Category

Displays the Resource Bundle and Default page size properties.

Promotion From Address

Identifies the address to send promotional messages.

Register User From Address

Identifies the address to use as obtained from the user profile.

Resource Bundle

Identifies the resource bundle to use for the site presentation.

Shippable Country Codes

Lists the shippable country codes.

Updated Password From Address

Identifies the address to send a Your Password has been Updated message.

For detailed information on Commerce Reference Store categories and properties, refer to the ATG Commerce Reference Store Overview.

Property Editors

Configurable properties are edited using a property editor, which is determined using the value type set. Editor properties are defined in the viewmapping.xml file, and are provided for the following value types:

Note: Ensure that any copies you make of the view mapping file include the property editors. For additional information on editors, refer to ATG Merchandising Guide for Business Users.