Since guests have limited access to Quincy Funds, they need to register as investors if they want to use additional features. On the guest home page, click the Sign-up Now! link, which takes you to a registration form. When asked, enter a user name and password.

After you log in, supply personal contact and profile information. Select Jack Smith as your broker. When you save your entries, the site stores your profile properties in the database. Later, you will see how you can change these profile properties and how these properties affect the content you see. After submitting this form, you’re returned to the home page as a registered investor. The title of the page showing in your browser should be “Quincy Funds - investor home.”

Now that you are an investor, your home page shows a (non-functional) portfolio and your investment goals. Your home page also displays feature articles and news links, as well as a modified navigation bar:

To change your profile properties:

Changing your investment goals can also affect the feature articles displayed on your home page so that they fit your new investment style. This is an example of tracking. See Tracking Visitor Interests for more examples.