When a modifiable order is loaded into the current global context, or selected by an agent, it is priced by Commerce Service Center using the CSREnvironmentMonitoring component. The entire order is priced using PricingConstants.OP_REPRICE_ORDER_TOTAL as the pricing operation.

Only modifiable orders are priced when selected for the global context, however, it is possible to configure which orders can be modified by Commerce Service Center based on the state of the order. CSRAgentTools contains API and configurable properties for determining which orders are considered modifiable by state.

Determining if Orders are Modifiable

The CSRAgentTools.isOrderModifiable(Order pOrder) method determines if an order is modifiable by comparing the order’s current state to the configured values and can be extended if necessary.

An order is not modifiable when:

The following example displays the configurable properties in /atg/commerce/custsvc/util/

#both nonModifiableOrderStates and nonModifiablePaymentGroupStates are
#used to determine a non-modifiable order.

#states that indicate an order cannot be modified

Determining if Orders are Submitted

The CSRAgentTools.isOrderSubmitted method determines if an order is in a submitted state. Submitted order states are configured using the submittedOrderStates property of CSRAgentTools:


Commerce Service Center uses this API to: