Before an item or an order can be returned, all items within the order must have been shipped. Additionally, at least one item in the order must be designated as returnable before the order can be returned. All items within a return are checked to ascertain if they are returnable. The order is also verified to ensure that all items have been fulfilled before the return process can continue.

If all items within the order have been returned, the Return link is removed from the UI, and no returns may be processed against the order.

For orders, the following code determines if the Return or Exchange Items link is displayed on the order view page.

public boolean isReturnable(Order pOrder)

The following code determines if the Return link is displayed in the Purchase Item History panel. It is also called for each item to determine if an order is returnable. An item is only returnable if its quantity is greater than 0. Whenever an item is returned, the quantity of the item in the order is decremented.

public boolean isItemReturnable(CommerceItem pCommmerceItem)
public boolean isItemReturnable(RepositoryItem pCommmerceItem)

Note: The link will only be displayed if both the item and order are returnable.