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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Performance Analyzer MPI Tutorial     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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1.  Performance Analyzer MPI Tutorial

About MPI and Performance Analyzer

Setting Up for the Tutorial

Obtaining MPI Software

MPI Software for Oracle Solaris 10 and Linux

MPI Software for Oracle Solaris 11

Prepare the Sample Source Code

Sample Code for ClusterTools and Open MPI

Sample Code for Oracle Message Passing Toolkit in Oracle Solaris 11

Compile and Run the Sample Program

Collecting Data on the ring_c Example

Opening the Experiment

Navigating the MPI Timeline

Viewing Message Details

Viewing Function Details and Application Source Code

Filtering Data in the MPI Tabs

Using the Filter Stack

Using the MPI Chart Tab

Using the MPI Chart Controls

Make a Chart to Show Where Messages are Being Sent

Make a Chart to Show Which Ranks Waited Longest to Receive a Message

Look for Slow Message Effects on Time Spent in MPI Functions


A.  MPI Chart Control Settings

B.  Sample Code for the Tutorial

About MPI and Performance Analyzer

MPI is the Message Passing Interface, a standardized API used for parallel and distributed computing. This document assumes that you are experienced in developing applications that use MPI and run in a distributed system such as a cluster. The document does not explain how to set up a distributed computing environment or how to use MPI.

You can use the Performance Analyzer to examine MPI applications to answer the following questions:

While the preceding list is too broad to address in a single document, this tutorial guides you through some new features of the Performance Analyzer including the following:

The MPI Timeline tab presents the data from a run of the test program as a timeline. Initially, your view of the timeline encompasses the run from beginning to end with all MPI functions and MPI messages represented graphically in a condensed form. You'll learn how to expand this presentation and move down from a complete view to a tightly focused view that can be as granular as a single function. The MPI Timeline tab offers many different ways to zoom, pan, and examine the data, together with MPI Chart tab. The MPI Chart tab enables you to plot statistical data about the functions and messages in graphical charts, to help you see what is happening in the run.

See the manual Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Performance Analyzer for detailed information about the Performance Analyzer.