3 Net Change for Tools Library, Release 9.1 Update 3

This chapter provides an overview of the updates made to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools documentation library in support of the Tools 9.1 Update 3 release. It also identifies revisions made to the documentation library since the 9.1 Update 3 GA.

This chapter contains the following topics:

3.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 9.1 Update 3 Documentation Overview

This table contains links to the documentation updates in support of the Tools 9.1 Update 3 release.


For a list of updates to the EnterpriseOne Installation and Upgrade guides, see Net Change for Installation and Upgrade Documentation Library, Release 9.1 Update 3.
Documentation Update Description Guide(s)
Drop List for User Defined Codes (UDC) Users can select from a list of UDCs in a drop-down menu. The field must be set up with a drop-down menu with UDC values. See the following topic in the Foundation Guide:

See the following topic in the System Administration Guide:

Upload Attachments Directly from Applications This feature allows you to manage media objects directly from applications. See the following topic in the Foundation Guide:
  • "Attach Media Objects Directly from Applications"

See the following chapter in the Form Design Aid Guide:

One View Reporting Watchlists One View Watchlists enable users to define information to which they would like to be alerted. See the following topic in the One View Administration Guide:

See the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications One View Watchlists Implementation Guide in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Documentation Library.

Composite Application Framework Oracle's Composite Application Framework for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is a user interface framework that enables users to work with content from multiple sources within a single browser window. The Composite Application Framework enables authorized users to embed external website page content and Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) objects directly onto EnterpriseOne application forms. The Composite Application Framework replaces the Related Information Application Framework. See the new Composite Application Framework Guide.

See the following chapter in the System Administration Guide:

Display One View Reports in EnterpriseOne Pages This enhancement enables users to launch One View Reports directly from EnterpriseOne Pages. See the following topic in the System Administration Guide:
One View Reports as Tasks Administrators can create task IDs for One View Reports, which enables users to access the reports from the Navigator menu or EnterpriseOne Pages. See the following topic in the System Administration Guide:
Query Information EnterpriseOne assigns a query ID to each query that is created. You need this ID if you want to launch an application using a query from an EnterpriseOne Page, or to create a One View Reporting (OVR) task. See the following topic in the System Administration Guide:
Shortcut Launcher Shortcut Launcher is a URL link used to launch an interactive task. An interactive task is one that launches an interactive application, like Address Book. You can send the link to other users, paste it on an HTML page, use it in EnterpriseOne Pages, and so forth. See the following topic in the System Administration Guide:
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne for iPad Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne for iPad is an application you use to maximize the functionality of EnterpriseOne on the iPad. It is a native application you download from the Apple App Store, free of charge for EnterpriseOne users. See the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne for iPad Quick Start Guide:
Carousel Hide and Show This enhancement enables users to hide and show tabs and sections in the Carousel. See the following topic in the Foundation Guide:
Collapsable Group Boxes This enhancement enables developers to make a group box collapsable so that users can hide the content of the subform or group box, displaying only its header. See the following sections in the Form Design Aid Guide:
Change Confirmation Warnings Change Confirmation creates the opportunity to verify a find, ok, and cancel execution after a modification has been made on a form or editable grid. See the following chapter in the System Administration Guide:
Direct Postscript Printer Support Added support for all Postscript 3 printers. See the following topics in the Report Printing Administration Technologies Guide:
Multiple Distribution Type with Embedded BI Publisher Embedded BI Publisher report definition output can be directed to a specific printer based on the data in the report. The report definition Bursting and Delivery form has been modified to include the data-driven printing option in addition to the static printer delivery option. See the following topics in the BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Guide:
HP-UX 11.31 Certification Updates were made in support of HP-UX 11.31 Certification. In the EnterpriseOne Tools Documentation Library, search on HP Itanium to find a list of the impacted guides and sections.
One-Way Hash Encryption This enhancement improves the security of passwords stored in the database by replacing existing password encryption with one-way hash encryption. See the following topics in the Security Administration Guide:
INI Simplification Updated content to support INI file simplification. See the following chapter in the Server Manager Guide:
Search and Filter Capabilities in Event Rule Design You can use the filter capability to search for variables to use in common Event Rule functions like assignments, system functions, report interconnects, form interconnects, and business function mappings. See the following topic in the Event Rules Guide:

3.2 Documentation for Software Updates

This section outlines documentation updates made to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools guides due to software updates since the Tools 9.1 Update 3 GA.

3.2.1 Business Services Server Reference Guide

The following table describes updates to the Business Services Server Reference Guide:

Date Chapter / Appendix Name Change Description
4/23/13 Configuring Business Services Server Security For EnterpriseOne Tools Release, updated the following section to include configuring Oracle WebLogic 3.10.5 and 3.10.6 for using anonymous login:

Also, the following section was added to the chapter:

3.2.2 Foundation Guide

The following table describes updates to the Foundation Guide:

Date Chapter / Appendix Name Change Description
4/23/13 Using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accessibility with the Screen Reader Software For EnterpriseOne Tools Release, added details regarding the accessibility of Watchlist Management window and Watchlists drop-down menu to the following section:

3.2.3 One View Administration Guide

The following table describes updates to the One View Administration Guide:

Date Chapter / Appendix Name Change Description
7/02/13 Installing and Configuring One View Reporting The "Prerequisites" and "Installing BI Publisher" sections were updated for BI Publisher

The "Migrating Users to a New Version of Oracle BI Publisher" section was added.

Within sections "Verifying the One View Reporting BI Publisher Softcoding Template" and "Creating a Softcoding Record," a new property for bip version was added to the soft coding record.

These changes are associated with Bug Numbers 16700258 & 14553219 and EnterpriseOne Tools 9.1 Update 3.3.

3.2.4 BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Guide

The following table describes updates to the BI Publisher for JD Edwards EntepriseOne Guide:

Date Chapter / Appendix Name Change Description
7/02/13 Creating Oracle BI Publisher Reports with JD Edwards Data Access Driver The prerequisites and installation instructions for Oracle BI Publisher were updated to the release.

3.3 Documentation Corrections

This section describes revisions to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools guides due to Tools 9.1 Update 3 documentation corrections.

This section describes documentation changes to the following guides:

3.3.1 System Administration Guide

The following table describes corrections to the System Administration Guide.

Date Chapter / Appendix Name Change Description
5/23/13 Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools System Administration Updated the "Creating Tasks in Web Client" section to make clarifications about task information, correct the name of the application, and provide additional direction in step 1.
12/11/13 Setting Up the Composite Application Framework Added links to tutorials that demonstrate how to set up Composite Application Framework.

3.3.2 Composite Application Framework Guide

The following table describes updates to the Composite Application Framework Guide.

Date Chapter / Appendix Name Change Description
12/11/13 Troubleshooting Tips Added links to tutorials that demonstrate how to set up Composite Application Framework.

Also added troubleshooting tips for disabling iFrame busting.

3.3.3 EnterpriseOne Web Client for iPad Quick Start Guide

The following table describes updates to the Web Client for iPad Quick Start Guide:

Date Chapter / Appendix Name Change Description
8/22/13 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Features Not Supported on the iPad Updated section to note that some One View Reporting output is not supported on the iPad, and listed the output that is supported.
10/15/13 Various sections Updated guide to note that the Navigator, bread crumbs feature, and task folders in the Carousel are not supported on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne for iPad application.