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Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1 Hardware Administration Manual     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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Document Information


1.  Introduction to Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware

Installing Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware

Installing Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware

Maintaining Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware

Powering Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware On and Off

Dynamic Reconfiguration Operations For Oracle Solaris Cluster Nodes

DR Operations in a Cluster With DR-Enabled Servers

Local and Multihost Disks in an Oracle Solaris Cluster Environment

Removable Media in an Oracle Solaris Cluster Environment

SAN Solutions in an Oracle Solaris Cluster Environment

Hardware Restrictions

2.  Installing and Configuring the Terminal Concentrator

3.  Installing Cluster Interconnect Hardware and Configuring VLANs

4.  Maintaining Cluster Interconnect Hardware

5.  Installing and Maintaining Public Network Hardware

6.  Maintaining Platform Hardware

7.  Campus Clustering With Oracle Solaris Cluster Software

8.  Verifying Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware Redundancy


Installing Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware

The following procedure lists the tasks for installing a cluster and the sources for instructions.

Table 1-1 Task Map: Installing Cluster Hardware

For Instructions
Plan for cluster hardware capacity, space, and power requirements.
The site planning documentation that shipped with your nodes and other hardware
Install the nodes.
The documentation that shipped with your nodes
Install the administrative console.
The documentation that shipped with your administrative console
Install a console access device.

Use the procedure that is indicated for your type of console access device. Your server might use a System Service Processor (SSP) as a console access device, rather than a terminal concentrator.

Installing the Terminal Concentrator


The documentation that shipped with your hardware

Install the cluster interconnect hardware.
Install the public network hardware.
Install and configure the shared disk storage arrays.
Refer to the Oracle Solaris Cluster manual that pertains to your storage device as well as to the device's own documentation.
Install the Oracle Solaris Operating System and Oracle Solaris Clustersoftware.
Oracle Solaris Cluster software installation documentation
Configure the cluster interconnects.
Oracle Solaris Cluster software installation documentation

Installing Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware

  1. Plan for cluster hardware capacity, space, and power requirements.

    For more information, see the site planning documentation that shipped with your servers and other hardware. See Hardware Restrictions for critical information about hardware restrictions with Oracle Solaris Cluster.

  2. Install the nodes.

    For server installation instructions, see the documentation that shipped with your servers.

  3. Install the administrative console.

    For more information, see the documentation that shipped with your administrative console.

  4. Install a console access device.

    Use the procedure that is indicated for your type of console access device. For example, your server might use a System Service Processor (SSP) as a console access device, rather than a terminal concentrator.

    For installation instructions, see Installing the Terminal Concentrator or the documentation that shipped with your server.

  5. Install the cluster interconnect and public network hardware.

    For installation instructions, see Chapter 3, Installing Cluster Interconnect Hardware and Configuring VLANs.

  6. Install and configure the storage arrays.

    Perform the service procedures that are indicated for your type of storage hardware.

  7. Install the Oracle Solaris Operating System and Oracle Solaris Cluster software.

    For more information, see the Oracle Solaris Cluster Software Installation Guide.

  8. Plan, install, and configure resource groups and data services.

    For more information, see the Oracle Solaris Cluster data services collection.