The /atg/campaign/list/email/EmailListRepositoryGroupMonitor component runs on the ATG Outreach Production/Staging server. This component is notified when an opt-in or opt-out segment (EmailListRepositoryGroup) is deleted. It then scans the database for members of the segment and removes the obsolete segment reference from each member’s emailOptIns or emailOptOuts profile property.

Note that deleting references to obsolete opt-out segments can have drawbacks. Assume a customer opts out of a category of mailings called “cruise offers.” The associated opt-out segment is deleted some time later, as is the record of the opt-out in the customer’s profile. If a mailing called “cruise offers” is ever created again, the customer’s opt-out preference will have been lost and the customer will start receiving the mailings.

Opt-in and opt-out segments are intended to be identical across all nodes in a cluster. For this reason, enable the EmailListRepositoryGroupMonitor on only one node in a cluster. (You could have several components of this type monitoring different repositories and item-types, but for each repository/item-type combination, only one node per cluster should handle updates, creations, and deletions for those EmailListRepositoryGroups.)

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