The /Campaigns/project/Campaigns workflow is the default workflow for creating and deploying campaigns. Two versions of this workflow are available: one for environments that deploy to both staging and production targets, and one for environments that deploy only to a production target. The version that is used is determined by the option you specify in the startup command for the ATG Outreach management server.

Staging and Production Workflow

The version of the workflow that deploys to both a staging and a production server includes the following tasks, as shown below with their display names in the Business Control Center:

Author Task

The Author task is active while a campaign is in development, and it has two possible outcomes, Review (which displays as Ready for Review in the Business Control Center) and Delete (which displays as Delete Project).

When a user selects the Delete task outcome, the workflow deletes the campaign project. When a user selects the Ready For Review task outcome, the workflow does the following:

Note: Campaign tasks can be assigned to specific users through the Business Control Center. For a task to be “assignable,” it must be configured as such in the task detail editor. To the see the configuration details for a workflow task, double-click on the task name in the ACC workflow editor.

Content Review Task

The Content Review task is the second stage in the Campaigns workflow:

This workflow task includes three outcome elements, Approve, Reject, and Delete , which appear as Approve Content, Reject, and Delete in the Business Control Center.

If the user selects the Delete task action, the workflow deletes the campaign project. If the user selects the Reject action, the workflow reopens the project and then reactivates the Author task so the campaign can be changed.

If the user selects the Approve task action, the workflow generates the scenario that will carry out the campaign and advances to the next task, where the project can be approved for deployment.

Staging Approval Task

(Display name: Approve for Staging Deployment.)

This task has three possible outcomes:

If the deployment elements in this part of the workflow are displayed in red, you need to configure them so they include the deployment target you defined for your ATG Outreach staging server in ATG Content Administration. See Adding Deployment Targets to Workflows for more information.

Wait for Deployment To Complete

(Display name: Wait for Staging Deployment Completion.) No Business Control Center user actions are required for this task.

The system waits for one of two events to occur: if it receives a deployment event message indicating deployment has occurred successfully, it moves to the next stage. If it receives a message indicating deployment has failed, for example because the target server became unavailable during deployment, it unlocks the campaign’s assets and reverts the project to the Content Approval task. Unlocking the assets is necessary so the project can be returned to a pre-deployment state.

Production Approval Task

(Display name: Approve for Production Deployment.) This stage has similar possible outcomes to the Staging Approval Task:

If the deployment elements in this part of the workflow are displayed in red, you need to configure them so they include the deployment targets you defined for ATG Outreach in ATG Content Administration. See Adding Deployment Targets to Workflows for more information.

The Production Approval task includes two additional branches that contain “Runtime campaign status has changed...” elements. These are event elements that are used to track the status of the campaign on the staging server.

Wait for Revert Deployment to Complete

(Display name: Wait for Revert to Complete.) This stage in the Campaigns workflow is invoked if the user selects the Reject outcome in the Production Approval stage. The workflow engine attempts to remove the deployed assets from the production server. If it receives a deployment event message indicating removal of the assets has failed, it reverts to the Production Approval task, requiring the user to attempt to reject the deployment again. If it receives a message indicating the removal has occurred successfully, it unlocks the campaign’s assets and reverts the project to the Author task so the campaign can be edited again.

Wait for Deployment to Complete

(Display name: Wait for Production Deployment Completion.) This stage does not require any user action in the Business Control Center. The system does the following:

If the deployment cannot be completed (for example because the target server is not running), the system reverts the workflow to the Production Approval stage.

Production-Only Workflow

The version of the workflow that deploys only to a production server includes four tasks, as shown below with their display names in the Business Control Center:

The workflow operates the same way as the Staging and Production workflow described in the previous section, except it does not contain elements that manage interactions with the staging target.

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