The atg/campaign/list/imports/ProfileImportRules component on the Import Server contains properties you can use to configure various import features according to your business requirements, including the behavior of the import in respect to duplication of existing profiles.

The following table describes properties of the ProfileImportRules component that you can configure.





Specifies the profile property to use as the value of the login property (imported lists generally do not include a login name). The login property is required by the profile repository. The default is to use the email property, which means that the CSV file must include e-mail addresses that can be mapped by the user to the email property.

To change, specify any profile property after the characters prop:.



Similar to the defaultLogin property. Creates a hashed password property value from another property.



Similar to the defaultLogin property. For the specified properties, maps other profile properties to use as the default values.

(not set)


Specifies the response policy to use if an error is encountered during the import. 0 indicates ERROR_SKIP_ENTRY, 1 indicates ERROR_SKIP_REMAINING, 2 indicates ERROR_DELETE_ALL.



Use to control duplication of records. Specifies the properties to use to match file entries with existing profiles. If an existing profile repository item matches a record in the CSV file, a new profile is not created. Instead, the profile is marked as belonging to the import that contained the record.

Note: Make sure any property you use here is properly indexed in the database, since there is the potential for many queries to be executed against the corresponding columns.



In cases where a matching profile is found in the repository, specifies that existing property values should be overwritten with the values from the CSV file.



In cases where a matching profile is found in the repository, specifies a list of properties that should be overwritten with values from the CSV file.

(not set)


Specifies the properties that are required in order for a record in the CSV list to be valid. If any of these properties are unset in the record, the record is skipped and an error is logged.


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