Oracle® Solaris 11 Security Guidelines

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Updated: August 2014

How to Verify That ASLR Is Enabled

By default, executable instructions that are tagged are written to unconnected address spaces to reduce the ability of intruders to inject instructions on the executable stack.

Before You Begin

You must assume the root role. For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  1. Verify that ASLR is enabled.
    # sxadm info
    EXTENSION        STATUS                   CONFIGURATION            
    aslr             enabled (all)            enabled (all)

    The value all is stronger than the default, and could result in errors in applications that rely on a consecutive stack in memory. For example, databases might rely on a consecutive stack in memory.

  2. If ASLR is disabled, enable the default value and verify that it is in effect.
    # sxadm delcust aslr
    # sxadm info
    EXTENSION        STATUS                   CONFIGURATION            
    aslr             enabled (tagged-files)   system default (default)

See also

For debugging purposes, you can turn off ASLR by calling the sxadm command on a particular binary. For examples, see the sxadm(1M) man page.