Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Desktop User's Guide

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Updated: July 2014

Sound Preference Tool

The Sound preference tool enables you to control devices and volume for sound input and output. You can also specify which sounds to play when particular events occur.

Choose System → Preferences → Sound to display the Sound preference tool.

You can customize settings in the following functional areas:

  • Playback

  • Recording

  • Sound Theme

Most computers have only one audio device that controls both sound recording and playback. If your computer has more than one audio device, you can switch between them using the Device drop-down list at the top of the window.

Playback Preferences

Use the Playback tab to set your preferences for sound output. The following table lists the recording preferences that you can modify.

Table 10-13  Playback Preferences
Dialog Element
Controls the overall output volume.
Link sliders button
Sets all sliders to the same value, and moves them together when any one slider is moved.
Mute button
Temporarily suppresses all sounds without disturbing the current volume level.

Note - You can also control the output volume with the speaker icon, which is shown in the notification area of the panel.

Depending on your computer's sound card and the devices that are attached to it, you might also see other sliders, check boxes, or lists on the Playback tab that enable you to control sound output. You can choose which controls appear on the tab by clicking the Preferences button.

Recording Preferences

Use the Recording tab to set your preferences for sound input. The following table lists the recording preferences that you can modify.

Table 10-14  Recording Preferences
Dialog Element
Controls the sound input level.
Controls the amount of amplification applied to the recording input.
Link sliders button
Sets all sliders to the same value, and moves them together when any one slider is moved.
Mute button
Temporarily suppresses all input without disturbing the current input level.

Depending on your computer's sound card and the devices that are attached to it, you might see other sliders, check boxes, or lists on the Recording tab that enable you to control sound input. You can choose which controls appear on the tab by clicking the Preferences button.

Sound Theme Preferences

A sound theme is collection of sound effects that are associated to various events, such as opening a dialog, clicking a button, or selecting an item in a menu. One of the most prominent event sounds is the system alert sound that is often played to indicate a keyboard input error. Use the Sound Theme tab of the Sound Preference tool to choose a sound theme and modify the bell sound.

The following table lists the sound effects preferences that you can modify.

Table 10-15  Sound Effects Preferences
Dialog Element
Sound Theme
Determines the sound theme.
Choose No sounds to turn off all event sounds.
Choose an alert sound list
Determines the sound for the System Bell.
Selecting a list element plays the sound.
Enable window and button sounds
Deselect this option if you do not want to hear sounds for window-related events (such as a dialog or a menu appearing) and button clicks.

Application Sound Preferences

Use the Applications tab to control the volume of sound played by individual applications. Each application that is currently playing sound is identified by its name and icon.