Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Desktop User's Guide

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Updated: July 2014

Moving a Panel Object

You can move panel objects within a panel, and from one panel to another panel. You can also move objects between panels and drawers.

Movement of a panel object affects the position of other objects on the panel. You can specify a movement mode to control how objects move on a panel. To specify the movement mode, press one of the following keys as you move the panel object.

Movement Mode
No key
Switched movement
The object swaps places with other panel objects. Switched movement is the default movement mode.
Free movement
The object jumps over other panel objects into the next vacant space on the panel.
Push movement
The object pushes other panel objects further along the panel.

How to Move a Panel Object

  1. Right-click the object, and then choose Move.
  2. Point to the new location for the object, then click any mouse button to anchor the object to the new location.

    This location can be on any panel that is currently on the Oracle Solaris Desktop.

    Note - Alternatively, you can middle-click and hold the object and drag the object to a new location. When you release the middle mouse button, the object anchors at the new location.