Administering Resource Management in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

Available Resource Controls

A list of the standard resource controls that are available in this release is shown in the following table.

The table describes the resource that is constrained by each control. The table also identifies the default units that are used by the project database for that resource. The default units are of two types:

  • Quantities represent a limited amount.

  • Indexes represent a maximum valid identifier.

Thus, project.cpu-shares specifies the number of shares to which the project is entitled. process.max-file-descriptor specifies the highest file number that can be assigned to a process by the open(2) system call.

Table 6-1  Standard Project, Task, and Process Resource Controls
Control Name
Default Unit
Absolute limit on the amount of CPU resources that can be consumed by a project. A value of 100 means 100% of one CPU as the project.cpu-cap setting. A value of 125 is 125%, because 100% corresponds to one full CPU on the system when using CPU caps.
Quantity (number of CPUs)
Number of CPU shares granted to this project for use with the fair share scheduler (see FSS(7)).
Quantity (shares)
Total amount of kernel memory that can be used by libpkcs11 for hardware crypto acceleration. Allocations for kernel buffers and session-related structures are charged against this resource control.
Size (bytes)
Total amount of physical locked memory allowed.
If priv_proc_lock_memory is assigned to a user, consider setting this resource control as well to prevent that user from locking all memory.
Note that this resource control replaced project.max-device-locked-memory, which has been removed.
Size (bytes)
Maximum number of message queue IDs allowed for this project.
Quantity (message queue IDs)
Maximum allowable number of event ports.
Quantity (number of event ports)
Maximum number of process table slots simultaneously available to this project.
Note that because both normal processes and zombie processes take up process table slots, the max-processes control thus protects against zombies exhausting the process table. Because zombie processes do not have any LWPs by definition, the max-lwps control cannot protect against this possibility.
Quantity (process table slots)
Maximum number of semaphore IDs allowed for this project.
Quantity (semaphore IDs)
Maximum number of shared memory IDs allowed for this project.
Quantity (shared memory IDs)
Total amount of System V shared memory allowed for this project.
Size (bytes)
Maximum number of LWPs simultaneously available to this project.
Quantity (LWPs)
Maximum number of tasks allowable in this project.
Quantity (number of tasks)
Maximum number of contracts allowed in this project.
Quantity (contracts)
Maximum CPU time that is available to this task's processes.
Time (seconds)
Maximum number of LWPs simultaneously available to this task's processes.
Quantity (LWPs)
Maximum number of process table slots simultaneously available to this task's processes.
Quantity (process table slots)
Maximum CPU time that is available to this process.
Time (seconds)
Maximum file descriptor index available to this process.
Index (maximum file descriptor)
Maximum file offset available for writing by this process.
Size (bytes)
Maximum size of a core file created by this process.
Size (bytes)
Maximum heap memory available to this process.
Size (bytes)
Maximum stack memory segment available to this process.
Size (bytes)
Maximum amount of address space, as summed over segment sizes, that is available to this process.
Size (bytes)
Maximum allowable number of events per event port.
Quantity (number of events)
Maximum number of semaphores allowed per semaphore set.
Quantity (semaphores per set)
Maximum number of semaphore operations allowed per semop call (value copied from the resource control at semget() time).
Quantity (number of operations)
Maximum number of bytes of messages on a message queue (value copied from the resource control at msgget() time).
Size (bytes)
Maximum number of messages on a message queue (value copied from the resource control at msgget() time).
Quantity (number of messages)

You can display the default values for resource controls on a system that does not have any resource controls set or changed. Such a system contains no non-default entries in /etc/system or the project database. To display values, use the prctl command.