Working with Earned Value Sheets

This section discusses working with the earned value sheets you have created.

View additional sheets and worksheets: When you create an earned value sheet, you can choose to display the data in additional sheet views, or to view worksheets that show the calculations for BCWS, BCWP and custom entry curves added to the sheet. Manual cost distribution can be done on custom curve worksheets, depending on the curve setup.

Display earned value data graphically: The information captured on the earned value sheet can be displayed on graphs.

Change display options: You can change the display to show information by cost data, by a chosen unit of measure (hours, linear feet, etc.), or for a particular period of time.

Add sheet columns: In addition to default columns, you can add your own formula columns to do earned value sheet calculations.

Save snapshots of data: This allows you to save snapshots of data at periodic interviews on the some sheet views.

Export earned value data: Some sheet views allow you to export the data on them to a CSV file.

Details about these procedures are found in the following sections.


Open additional sheet views

View and work with worksheets

Change the sheet display options

Add a column to the earned value sheet

Example earned value formulas

Filter Earned Value sheets by WBS code

Filter Earned Value sheets by progress

Save a snapshot of the earned value sheet

Export earned value data

Refresh earned value sheets

Display earned value data as a graph




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