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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide
Oracle Technology Network
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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Chapter 1 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Overview

Chapter 2 Status

Chapter 3 Initial Configuration

Chapter 4 Network Configuration

Chapter 5 Storage Configuration

Chapter 6 Storage Area Network Configuration

Chapter 7 User Configuration

Chapter 8 Setting ZFSSA Preferences

Chapter 9 Alert Configuration

Chapter 10 Cluster Configuration

Cluster Features and Benefits

Cluster Disadvantages

Cluster Terminology

Understanding Clustering

Cluster Interconnect I/O

Understanding Cluster Resource Management

Cluster Takeover and Failback

Configuration Changes in a Clustered Environment

Clustering Considerations for Storage

Clustering Considerations for Networking

Private Local IP Interfaces

Clustering Considerations for Infiniband

Clustering Redundant Path Scenarios

Preventing 'Split-Brain' Conditions

Estimating and Reducing Takeover Impact

Cluster Configuration Using the BUI

Configuring Clustering

Unconfiguring Clustering

Configuring Clustering Using the CLI

Shutting Down a Clustered Configuration

Shutdown the Stand-by Head

Unconfiguring Clustering

Cluster Node Cabling

ZS3-2 Cluster Cabling

ZS3-4 and 7x20 Cluster Cabling

Storage Shelf Cabling

Cluster Configuration BUI Page

Chapter 11 ZFSSA Services

Chapter 12 Shares, Projects, and Schema

Chapter 13 Replication

Chapter 14 Shadow Migration

Chapter 15 CLI Scripting

Chapter 16 Maintenance Workflows

Chapter 17 Integration


Cluster Features and Benefits

It is important to understand the scope of the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance clustering implementation. The term 'cluster' is used in the industry to refer to many different technologies with a variety of purposes. We use it here to mean a metasystem comprised of two appliance heads and shared storage, used to provide improved availability in the case in which one of the heads succumbs to certain hardware or software failures. A cluster contains exactly two appliances or storage controllers, referred to for brevity throughout this document as heads. Each head may be assigned a collection of storage, networking, and other resources from the set available to the cluster, which allows the construction of either of two major topologies. Many people use the terms active-active to describe a cluster in which there are two (or more) storage pools, one of which is assigned to each head along with network resources used by clients to reach the data stored in that pool, and active-passive to refer to which a single storage pool is assigned to the head designated as active along with its associated network interfaces. Both topologies are supported by the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance. The distinction between these is artificial; there is no software or hardware difference between them and one can switch at will simply by adding or destroying a storage pool. In both cases, if a head fails, the other (its peer) will take control of all known resources and provide the services associated with those resources.

As an alternative to incurring hours or days of downtime while the head is repaired, clustering allows a peer appliance to provide service while repair or replacement is performed. In addition, clusters support rolling upgrade of software, which can reduce the business disruption associated with migrating to newer software. Some clustering technologies have certain additional capabilities beyond availability enhancement; the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance clustering subsystem was not designed to provide these. In particular, it does not provide for load balancing among multiple heads, improve availability in the face of storage failure, offer clients a unified filesystem namespace across multiple appliances, or divide service responsibility across a wide geographic area for disaster recovery purposes. These functions are likewise outside the scope of this document; however, the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance and the data protocols it offers support numerous other features and strategies that can improve availability:

Additional information about other availability features can be found in the appropriate sections of this document.