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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide
Oracle Technology Network
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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Chapter 1 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Overview

Chapter 2 Status

Chapter 3 Initial Configuration

Chapter 4 Network Configuration

Chapter 5 Storage Configuration

Chapter 6 Storage Area Network Configuration

Chapter 7 User Configuration

Chapter 8 Setting ZFSSA Preferences

Chapter 9 Alert Configuration

Chapter 10 Cluster Configuration

Chapter 11 ZFSSA Services

Chapter 12 Shares, Projects, and Schema

Chapter 13 Replication

Chapter 14 Shadow Migration

Chapter 15 CLI Scripting

Chapter 16 Maintenance Workflows

Chapter 17 Integration

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Backup

Manual Configuration of a Sun ZFS Storage Appliance

Configuring Networks, Pools, and Shares

Network Configuration

Basic Network Configuration

Pool Configuration

Share Configuration

Configuring Oracle RMAN and the Oracle Database Instance

Next Steps

Configuring Oracle Exadata for a Sun ZFS Storage Appliance

Configure Exadata Configuring Oracle Exadata for a Sun ZFS Storage Appliance

General Implementation Steps

Detailed Implementation Steps

Setting Up the Directory Structure to Mount the Shares on the Host

Updating the /etc/fstab File

Creating an init.d Service

Updating oranfstab to Access ZFS Storage Appliance Exports

Mounting the Shares on the Host

Setting the Ownership of the Mounted Shares

Oracle SPARC SuperCluster Backup

Configuring the ZFS Storage Appliance for Backup

Configuring the ZFS Storage Appliance InfiniBand Datalinks

Configuring the Oracle SPARC SuperCluster InfiniBand Switches to Add the ZFS Storage Appliance

Configuring ZFS Storage Appliance Networking for Single IP Connection

Configuring ZFS Storage Appliance Networking for an Active-Active Configuration

Configuring the ZFS Storage Appliance Storage Pool

Configuring the ZFS Storage Appliance Shares

Configuring the ZFS Storage Appliance DTrace Analytics

Configuring the Client NFS Mount

Tuning the Solaris 11 Network and Kernel

Configuring Oracle Direct NFS (dNFS)

Tuning the Oracle Database Instance for Oracle RMAN Backup and Restore

Creating Dedicated Services for Oracle RMAN Operations

Configuring Oracle RMAN

Next Steps

Configuring Oracle SPARC SuperCluster for ZFS Storage Appliance Backup

Configure SSC Configuring Oracle SPARC SuperCluster for ZFS Storage Appliance Backup

General Implementation Steps

Detailed Implementation Steps

Setting Up the Directory Structure to Mount the Shares on the Host

Updating the /etc/vfstab File

Enabling the NFS Client Service

Updating oranfstab to Access ZFS Storage Appliance Exports

Mounting the Shares on the Host

Setting the Ownership of the Mounted Shares

Oracle Intelligent Storage Protocol

Set the Optimal file record size

Use either ZFS Latency or Throughput write mode for each request

Sun ZFS Storage Appliance Network File System Plug In for Oracle Solaris Cluster

Sun ZFS Storage Appliance Plug-in for Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition

Sun ZFS Storage Management Plug-In for Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Controller

Oracle Grid Controller Sun ZFS Storage Management Plug-In for Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Controller

Configure for Oracle Enterprise Manager Monitoring

Unconfigure Oracle Enterprise Manager Monitoring

Oracle Virtual Machine Storage Connect Plug-in for the Sun ZFS Storage Appliance

Sun ZFS Storage Appliance Provider For Volume Shadow Copy Service Software

FC support with Symantec's 'DMP' / Storage Foundation

FC support for Symantec's Storage Foundation 5.1RP2 and greater for the following OS versions

Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Storage Replication Adapter for VMware Site Recovery Manager


Detailed Implementation Steps

Topics in this section:

Setting Up the Directory Structure to Mount the Shares on the Host

Set up mount points for the shares on the host as shown:

mkdir -p /zfssa/dbname/backup1
mkdir -p /zfssa/dbname/backup2
mkdir -p /zfssa/dbname/backup3
mkdir -p /zfssa/dbname/backup4

Updating the /etc/fstab File

To update the /etc/fstab file, use one of the following options.

Note: The UNIX new-line escape character (\) indicates a single line of code has been wrapped to a second line in the listing below. When entering a wrapped line into fstab, remove the \ character and combine the two line segments, separated by a space, into a single line.

For a one-pool configuration: /zfssa/dbname/backup1 nfs \<br/>   rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,tcp,nfsvers= \<br/>   3,timeo=600 0 0 /zfssa/dbname/backup2 nfs \<br/>   rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,tcp,nfsvers= \<br/>   3,timeo=600 0 0 /zfssa/dbname/backup3 nfs \<br/>   rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,tcp,nfsvers= \<br/>   3,timeo=600 0 0 /zfssa/dbname/backup4 nfs \<br/>   rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,tcp,nfsvers= \<br/>   3,timeo=600 0 0

For a two-pool configuration: /zfssa/dbname/backup1 nfs \<br/>   rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,tcp,nfsvers= \<br/>   3,timeo=600 0 0 /zfssa/dbname/backup2 nfs \<br/>   rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,tcp,nfsvers= \<br/>   3,timeo=600 0 0 /zfssa/dbname/backup3 nfs \<br/>   rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,tcp,nfsvers= \<br/>   3,timeo=600 0 0 /zfssa/dbname/backup4 nfs \<br/>   rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,tcp,nfsvers= \<br/>   3,timeo=600 0 0

Creating an init.d Service

Create an init.d service using the appropriate following option.

# !/bin/sh
# zfssa_dbname: Mount ZFSSA project dbname for database dbname
# chkconfig: 345 61 19
# description: mounts ZFS Storage Appliance shares
  mount /zfssa/dbname/backup1
  mount /zfssa/dbname/backup2
  mount /zfssa/dbname/backup3
  mount /zfssa/dbname/backup4
  echo "Starting $prog: "
  umount /zfssa/dbname/backup1
  umount /zfssa/dbname/backup2
  umount /zfssa/dbname/backup3
  umount /zfssa/dbname/backup4
  echo "Stopping $prog: "
case "$1" in
      echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
     exit 1

(Optional) Enable the init.d service for start-on-boot by entering:

# chkconfig zfssa_dbname on

(Optional) Start and stop the service manually using the service commands:

# service zfssa_dbname start<br/># service zfssa_dbname stop

Updating oranfstab to Access ZFS Storage Appliance Exports

To update the oranfstab file to access ZFS Storage Appliance exports, use the appropriate following option.

Note: If you used the Oracle Exadata Backup Configuration Utility, you may optionally perform this procedure.

For a one-pool configuration:

export: /export/dbname/backup1 mount: /zfssa/dbname/backup1
export: /export/dbname/backup2 mount: /zfssa/dbname/backup2
export: /export/dbname/backup3 mount: /zfssa/dbname/backup3
export: /export/dbname/backup4 mount: /zfssa/dbname/backup4

For a two-pool configuration:

export: /export/dbname/backup1 mount: /zfssa/dbname-2pool/backup1
export: /export/dbname/backup3 mount: /zfssa/dbname-2pool/backup3
export: /export/dbname/backup2 mount: /zfssa/dbname-2pool/backup2
export: /export/dbname/backup4 mount: /zfssa/dbname-2pool/backup4

Mounting the Shares on the Host

To mount the shares on the host, enter one of the following two options:

# service mount_dbname start


# dcli -l root -g /home/oracle/dbs_group service mount_dbname start

Setting the Ownership of the Mounted Shares

Change the permission settings of the mounted shares to match the permission settings of ORACLE_HOME. In this example, the user and group ownerships are set to oracle:dba.

Note: If you used the Oracle Exadata Backup Configuration Utility, you may optionally perform step 2; step 1 has already been performed for you.

  1. Enter one of the following two options:<br /># chown oracle:dba /zfssa/dbname/*<br />or<br/># dcli -l root -g /home/oracle/dbs_group chown oracle:dba/zfssa/dbname/*

  2. Restart the Oracle Database instance to pick up the changes that were made to the oranfstab file using one of the following options: