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Managing SAN Devices and I/O Multipathing in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: November 2020

Displaying Multipathing Information

You can determine and configure Oracle Solaris OS multipathing support by using the mpathadm command, which enables multipathing administration through the ANSI standard Multipath Management API. The terms used in this chapter to denote a path, initiator port, target port, and logical unit are consistent with the T10 specification.

Displaying Logical Unit Information

You can display the list of logical units (LUs) by using the mpathadm list lu command. The displayed list of LUs contain names that can also be used to display the properties of a particular LU.

Note -  If you use the format command when the multipathing features are enabled, you can see only one device identifier instance for each LU. When the multipathing feature is not enabled, you can see one identifier for each path.

You can display detailed information of LUs with multiple paths such as path and target port group information.

Note -  The name property in the information represents the identifier for this LU, which is derived from the hardware, and used by the system. If the name is derived from SCSI Inquiry Vital Product Data (VPD) page 83h, the name type property represents an associated identifier type defined by the SCSI standards.

To list all the LUs with multiple paths, use the mpathadm list lu command.

For example:

# mpathadm list lu
                Total Path Count: 1
                Operational Path Count: 1
                Total Path Count: 1
                Operational Path Count: 1
                Total Path Count: 1
                Operational Path Count: 1
                Total Path Count: 1
                Operational Path Count: 1
                Total Path Count: 1
                Operational Path Count: 1
                Total Path Count: 3
                Operational Path Count: 3
                Total Path Count: 1
                Operational Path Count: 1

To display detailed information about all LUs, use the mpathadm show lu command. To display information about a specific LU, use the mpathadm show lu LU-name command.

For example:

# mpathadm show lu  /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F0DDA8BB1A000057208C880001d0s2
Logical Unit:  /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F0DDA8BB1A000057208C880001d0s2
        mpath-support:  libmpscsi_vhci.so
        Vendor:  SUN     
        Product:  ZFS Storage 7420
        Revision:  1.0 
        Name Type:  unknown type
        Name:  600144f0dda8bb1a000057208c880001
        Asymmetric:  yes
        Current Load Balance:  shortest-path
        Logical Unit Group ID:  NA
        Auto Failback:  on
        Auto Probing:  NA

                Initiator Port Name:  iqn.1986-03.com.sun:01:21866c42ab36.5710b544,4000002a00ff
                Target Port Name:  4000002a0000,iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:56bf24c4-e3e3-4ff0-e7b0-a6e6880e461d
                Override Path:  NA
                Path State:  OK
                Disabled:  no

        Target Port Groups:  
                ID:  0
                Explicit Failover:  no
                Access State:  active optimized
                Target Ports:
                        Name:  4000002a0000,iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:56bf24c4-e3e3-4ff0-e7b0-a6e6880e461d
                        Relative ID:  3

You can specify the –e or --path-missing option with the mpathadm show lu command to display the logical units with missing paths.

To display information about a specific LU, use the mpathadm list lu –n port-name command.

For example:

# mpathadm list lu -n 600a0b800026d63a0000a4994e2342d4
mpath-support:  libmpscsi_vhci.so
                Total Path Count: 4
                Operational Path Count: 4

To display the detailed configuration information for all LUs, use the mpathadm show lu command. For more information, see the mpathadm(8) man page.

Displaying All LUs Associated With a Specific Target Port

To display logical units associated with a specific target, use the mpathadm list lu –t target-port-name command.

For example:

# mpathadm list lu -t 20030003ba27d212
mpath-support:  libmpscsi_vhci.so
                Total Path Count: 4
                Operational Path Count: 4
mpath-support:  libmpscsi_vhci.so
                Total Path Count: 4
                Operational Path Count: 4
mpath-support:  libmpscsi_vhci.so
                Total Path Count: 4
                Operational Path Count: 4
mpath-support:  libmpscsi_vhci.so
                Total Path Count: 4
                Operational Path Count: 4

Displaying Properties of a Specific Initiator Port

To list all the initiator ports in the system, use the mpathadm list initiator-port command.

For example:

# mpathadm list initiator-port
Initiator Port:  iqn.1986-03.com.sun:01:ffffffffffff.4e94f9bd,4000002a00ff
Initiator Port:  210100e08ba41feb
Initiator Port:  210000e08b841feb

To display the properties of a specific initiator port, use the mpathadm show initiator-port initiator-port-name command.

For example:

# mpathadm show initiator-port 2000000173018713
Initiator Port:  210100e08ba41feb
        Transport Type:  Fibre Channel
        OS Device File:  /devices/pci@1,0/pci1022,7450@1/pci1077,141@2,1/fp@0,0

If you do not specify the initiator port with the mpathadm show initiator-port command, all the discovered initiator ports and their properties are displayed.

Displaying the List of Supported Devices

Oracle Solaris supports all T10 ALUA compliant devices by default and do not require any configuration. Also, Oracle Solaris supports a few third-party T10 ALUA noncomplaint devices. You can use the mpathadm command to display the list of T10 ALUA noncompliant devices, that are supported by the Oracle Solaris OS.

To identify the multipathing support on your system, use the mpathadm list mpath-support command.

For example:

# mpathadm list mpath-support
mpath-support: libmpscsi_vhci.so

To display the multipathing support properties for a specified multipathing support name, use the mpathadm show mpath-support multipathing-support-name command.

For example:

# mpathadm show mpath-support libmpscsi_vhci.so
        Vendor:  Sun Microsystems
        Driver Name:  scsi_vhci
        Default Load Balance:  round-robin
        Supported Load Balance Types:
        Allows To Activate Target Port Group Access:  yes
        Allows Path Override:  no
        Supported Auto Failback Config:  1
        Auto Failback:  on
        Failback Polling Rate (current/max):  0/0
        Supported Auto Probing Config:  0
        Auto Probing:  NA
        Probing Polling Rate (current/max):  NA/NA
        Supported Devices:
                Vendor:  SUN
                Product:  T300
                Supported Load Balance Types:

                Vendor:  SUN
                Product:  T4
                Supported Load Balance Types:

                Vendor:  LSI
                Product:  INF-01-00
                Supported Load Balance Types:

                Vendor:  NETAPP
                Product:  INF-01-00
                Supported Load Balance Types:

This example does not show the entire output that is displayed when you run the mpathadm show mpath-support libmpscsi_vhci.so command. For documentation purposes, it shows only the initial part of the output that is displayed. For symmetric third-party devices not listed in the library, see Configuring Third-Party Storage Devices.

I/O Latency Distribution

Starting with Oracle Solaris 11.4, you can see the SCSI I/O response time (also known as I/O latency) distribution information for better observability. I/O response time distribution can be used to identify the SCSI response time. The distribution can be displayed by using the iostat command. The new –L option is added in conjunction with the –x or –Y options to show the histogram.

Example 1  Using iostat to Generate Per-LUN Latency Distribution Statistics

The following command generates the per-LUN latency distribution statistics for all devices.

% iostat -Lx
                    extended device statistics
device    r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b
sd0       0.2    0.0    0.1    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0
latency          range         count      density distribution
                <256us             0        0.00%        0.00%
             256-512us             1        3.85%        3.85%
            512-1024us            24       92.31%       96.15%
                 1-2ms             0        0.00%       96.15%
                 2-4ms             1        3.85%      100.00%
                  >4ms             0        0.00%      100.00%
                 total            26
sd1       0.2    0.0    0.1    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0
latency          range         count      density distribution
                <512us             0        0.00%        0.00%
            512-1024us            26       96.30%       96.30%
                 1-2ms             0        0.00%       96.30%
                 2-4ms             1        3.70%      100.00%
                  >4ms             0        0.00%      100.00%
                 total            27
sd2       0.1    0.0    0.0    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0
latency          range         count      density distribution
                <256us             0        0.00%        0.00%
             256-512us             2        9.09%        9.09%
            512-1024us            20       90.91%      100.00%
               >1024us             0        0.00%      100.00%
                 total            22

The following command generates the per-LUN latency distribution statistics for a specific device.

% iostat -Lx c0t5000CCA05635B924d0
                    extended device statistics
device    r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b
sd3       0.1    0.0    0.1    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0
latency          range         count      density distribution
                 <64us             0        0.00%        0.00%
              64-128us             1        4.00%        4.00%
             128-256us            22       88.00%       92.00%
             256-512us             2        8.00%      100.00%
                >512us             0        0.00%      100.00%
                 total            25

You can use the device name to generate the per-LUN latency distribution statistics for a specific device.

% iostat -Lx sd3
                    extended device statistics
device    r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b
sd3       0.1    0.0    0.1    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0
latency          range         count      density distribution
                 <64us             0        0.00%        0.00%
              64-128us             2        8.00%        8.00%
             128-256us            21       84.00%       92.00%
             256-512us             2        8.00%      100.00%
                >512us             0        0.00%      100.00%
                 total            25

The following command generates the per-path latency distribution statistics for a specific device.

% iostat -LY sd0
                         extended device statistics
device             r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b
sd0                0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0
latency          range         count      density distribution
                 <64us             0        0.00%        0.00%
              64-128us             1        4.00%        4.00%
             128-256us            22       88.00%       92.00%
             256-512us             2        8.00%      100.00%
                >512us             0        0.00%      100.00%
                 total            25
sd0.t0             0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.2   0   0
sd0.t0.mpt_sas4    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.2   0   0
latency          range         count      density distribution
                 <64us             0        0.00%        0.00%
              64-128us            20       74.07%       74.07%
             128-256us             6       22.22%       96.30%
             256-512us             1        3.70%      100.00%
                >512us             0        0.00%      100.00%
                 total            27

The following command generates the per-path latency distribution statistics for a specific path.

% iostat -LY sd0.t0.mpt_sas4
                         extended device statistics
device             r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b
sd0.t0             0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.2   0   0
sd0.t0.mpt_sas4    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.2   0   0
latency          range         count      density distribution
                 <64us             0        0.00%        0.00%
              64-128us            20       74.07%       74.07%
             128-256us             6       22.22%       96.30%
             256-512us             1        3.70%      100.00%
                >512us             0        0.00%      100.00%
                 total            27

The following command generates path latency for a particular time interval.

% iostat -LY sd42.t89.lsc1 5 3
                        extended device statistics
device           r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b
sd42.t89         1.3    0.0    0.8    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0
sd42.t89.lsc1    1.3    0.0    0.8    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0
latency          range         count      density distribution
                 <16us             0        0.00%        0.00%
               16-32us        952535       97.68%       97.68%
               32-64us         19332        1.98%       99.66%
              64-128us           392        0.04%       99.70%
             128-256us          2601        0.27%       99.97%
             256-512us           315        0.03%      100.00%
            512-1024us             3        0.00%      100.00%
                 1-2ms             0        0.00%      100.00%
                 2-4ms             3        0.00%      100.00%
                 4-8ms             9        0.00%      100.00%
                  >8ms             0        0.00%      100.00%
                 total        975190
                        extended device statistics
device           r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b
sd42.t89      15583.6    0.0 7791.8    0.0  0.0  0.4    0.0    0.0   0   0
sd42.t89.lsc1 15583.6    0.0 7791.8    0.0  0.0  0.4    0.0    0.0   0  44
latency          range         count      density distribution
                 <16us             0        0.00%        0.00%
               16-32us         45981       98.49%       98.49%
               32-64us           674        1.44%       99.93%
              64-128us            13        0.03%       99.96%
             128-256us            12        0.03%       99.99%
             256-512us             7        0.01%      100.00%
                >512us             0        0.00%      100.00%
                 total         46687
                        extended device statistics
device           r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b
sd42.t89      16998.9    0.0 8499.4    0.0  0.0  0.5    0.0    0.0   0   0
sd42.t89.lsc1 16998.9    0.0 8499.4    0.0  0.0  0.5    0.0    0.0   0  47
latency          range         count      density distribution
                 <16us             0        0.00%        0.00%
               16-32us         50705       99.43%       99.43%
               32-64us           256        0.50%       99.93%
              64-128us             9        0.02%       99.95%
             128-256us            18        0.04%       99.99%
             256-512us             7        0.01%      100.00%
                >512us             0        0.00%      100.00%
                 total         50995

This command provides path latency of sd42.t89.lsc1 three times every five seconds.

For more information, see the sd(4D) and iostat(8) man pages.